Who Can You Trust These Days?

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Feb 08, 2018

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How many mailers and advertisements for hearing aids do you receive in one week? I just asked a patient this question. Her response? Every week? How about every DAY? And I dont trust any of them!
Expect to see many more hearing aid mailers, infomercials and magazine ads in the upcoming years as our population ages. How does a person know what to believe? How can a consumer wade through the hype? How does one end up with well-fitted hearing aids that will help, not hinder, this process that leads to better communication and improved quality of life?
The consumer who needs hearing aids is left in a difficult predicament. Prices are all over the place and there are several different types of credentials that a hearing healthcare provider may possess. To further complicate the matter, a bill has recently passed that will one day make basic hearing aids available over-the-counter.

Before spending a significant sum of money, whether its thousands for high-tech, Bluetooth-enabled, nearly-invisible devices, or hundreds for questionable devices ordered from the back of a magazine, its important to be able to trust your source.

Audiologists train for several years to do what some new to the scene marketers attempt to do with little-to-no training. Mail order hearing aids, internet hearing aids and soon, drugstore hearing aids are merely profit-grabbing schemes to get money away from professionals and into other pockets. Baby boomers are getting older and many have available funds for hearing aids. Dont think for one minute that this fact has been lost on those who seek to make easy money.

There is very little that is simple OR easy about fitting hearing aids. Find someone you can trust, who is knowledgeable, compassionate and most of all, honest.

The road to better hearing isnt always straightforward, but you can swing the odds in your favor. Work with someone who didnt simply appear on the scene because they think theres money to be made on the baby boomers. Work with a real person who has real training.

Work with someone who can look you in the eye.

Editors Note: This article was written by Laurie Bornstein, MS, CCC/A with Executive Hearing.

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For women, eldercare should not mean sacrificing your career

For women, eldercare should not mean sacrificing your careerMany women, especially those in mid-career, find themselves facing the difficult decision of whether to leave the workforce to care for aging parents. The demands of eldercare can pile up with little warning or predictability and quickly become overwhelming. The "easiest" solution for many women in this position may seem like stepping away from their professional lives altogether.However, leaving the workforce can have long-term, unseen consequencesfinancially, emotionally, and professionally. Before women make this decision, we want to bring to light to some of the costs of stepping away, as well as share options that are available to help women care for aging parents or loved ones without sacrificing their career.The elephant in the room - what about men?It's a systemic problem that the large majority of caregiving responsibilities fall on women. We believe fully this should not be the case - and will continue to advocate for a future where men and women are expected to share, and do share, these responsibilities more equally. That said, this article is going to focus on the impact of eldercare on women, and options available, because the data shows the women are the ones who are much more likely to pay the price of eldercare.Female caregivers are more likely than males to ask for a less demanding job, take unpaid leave, or give up work entirely to support caregivingWomen lose an estimated $325K over their lifetime due to caregivingThe Unseen Costs of Leaving the WorkforceWomen who exit the workforce early face immediate income loss, diminished retirement savings, and a reduction in Social Security benefits. AARP reports that caregivers can expect to spend an average of $7K annually on out-of-pocket expenses.Additionally, exiting the workforce comes with professional setbacks that may be hard to recover from. Studies show that women who take time off for caregiving often find it difficult to re-enter their fields, and when they do, they may face lower wages, fewer opportunities for advancement, or the need to start in less demanding roles.The Unseen Costs of "Daughterhood"A less recognized aspect of womens caregiving burden is eldercare (i.e. daughterhood), which is frequently overshadowed by the attention given to childcare (i.e. motherhood). While businesses have made strides in supporting working mothers, they have largely ignored the unique challenges posed by eldercare. The emotional and physical toll of eldercare, which often includes managing chronic illnesses, dementia, and end-of-life care, cannot be underestimated.According to the Federal Reserve, four times as many people have left the workforce due to adult caregiving compared to childcare, yet corporate policies and benefits packages rarely address these realities.Why You Shouldn't Quit: There Are OptionsBalancing work, children, aging parents, mental and physical health, a "clean" home, and the semblance of a social life - it's simply not sustainable. It would make Superwoman run for the exit. It's no wonder that women leave their jobs in order to quickly take something off their plate. But before putting in your notice, let's talk about resources and options that may be available.Workplace Benefits: Find out what your company offers. Some offer paid caregiver leave, flexible work schedules, Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) that provide counseling and eldercare resources.Even if your employer is moving away from remote work post-pandemic, you can advocate for more flexibility, such as flexible hours or a partial work-from-home arrangement.According to experts, a flexible workplace arrangement is often the most important factor for caregivers trying to juggle their professional and personal lives.External Support Systems: there are local and national organizations that can provide assistance. Naborforce is one of these organizations - our founder Paige Wilson lived all of the stark truths discussed in this article, and that is why she decided to do something about it! And if Naborforce isn't in your area or isn't an option for you - there are other resources to check out: care.com, Bright Horizons, home care agencies, caregiving forums, etc.Note: Naborforce partners with employers to provide discounted hourly rates. If your employer doesn't have Naborforce as an option, reach out to us and we will see if there is an opportunity to collaborate!Talk to your people: Many organizations are beginning to create employee resource groups for caregivers, offering a safe space to share experiences and tips for managing eldercare. These groups can be a lifeline for employees who feel isolated in their caregiving roles.Making Eldercare an Employee BenefitEmployers play a crucial role in supporting women who are caregivers. Unfortunately, 79% of caregivers do not have access to benefits that support them in this role.Supporting working women is not just about helping parents; its about addressing the needs of adult daughters (and sons) who are balancing caregiving with their professional lives. As 10,000 people turn 65 every day in the U.S., this challenge is only going to grow. Employers must adapt to this reality if they want to retain top female talent.The Bottom Line: You Have OptionsWhile caregiving can feel like an all-consuming role, women should not have to choose between their careers and their families. By tapping into workplace benefits, seeking flexible arrangements, and exploring external resources, women can navigate the challenges of eldercare without sacrificing their professional futures.A Helping Hand for Older Adults - Naborforce 844-696-2267 Were Naborforce. We match older adults who need a little help and kindness with Nabors eager to provide it, strengthening the communities we serve.Everyone can use a little help. Help around the house. Help running errands. Help preparing a meal. Help by just being a friend! Our goal is to promote joyous and independent aging and living while providing peace of mind to families.

The Emotional Impact of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is often thought of as a natural part of getting older that only affects a persons ability to hear sound. What many people dont realize is the significant emotional toll it can take on a person as well. From embarrassment to anger and even feeling like a burden, the potential emotional impact of hearing loss can be profound.  In this article, we address the unseen side of hearing loss, exploring the emotional struggles it can bring, and provide tips and strategies to help manage these situations. Embarrassment or Loss of Self-Esteem Untreated hearing loss can chip away at your confidence in surprising ways. Struggling to follow conversations, missing important information, or asking people to repeat themselves can feel humiliating. It can lead to a feeling of being on the outside looking in, which erodes confidence in social and professional settings. It is also common for hearing loss to be associated with aging, which can be a source of embarrassment for many people. This can lead to a reluctance to acknowledge or address the issue, further impacting a persons sense of adequacy and personal relationships due to poor communication. These factors quickly lead to a significant decline in self-esteem, isolation, and depression. Stress or AnxietyHearing loss isnt just about missing sounds; it can be a daily battle to keep up. This ongoing effort can turn into a significant source of stress or anxiety about missing important information or being left out of conversations.  Additionally, hearing loss often progresses slowly, and the uncertainty about how much worse it will get can further contribute to these feelings of anxiety. According to a recent study, the chance of having anxiety is 32% greater for those with mild hearing loss and 59% greater for moderate or higher levels of hearing loss.  This constant state of tension can take a toll on your overall well-being. It can make it difficult to concentrate, relax, or even sleep, further impacting your emotional state. Tips and Management Strategies:Practice relaxation techniques: Deep breathing exercises or meditation can help manage stress and anxiety in everyday situations. Staying active and getting regular physical activity can also help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Take control of your hearing health: Ongoing hearing care like having regular checkups and using your hearing aids every day puts you in control of your health. By taking these steps, you can manage your hearing loss effectively, reducing the anxiety of unexpected struggles and empowering you to stay engaged in daily life.Use wireless hearing aid accessories: Various wireless hearing aid accessories are available to help you hear more clearly in specific situations. Explore options like wireless remote/partner microphones and remote controls to give your hearing aid a boost in difficult environments.Frustration or Anger Straining to understand, only catching fragments of conversations, and missing important information can be a daily reality for people with hearing loss. Conversations that were once effortless may now require intense concentration. This mental strain can lead to feelings of aggravation, especially in situations where clear communication is important. This frustration may be felt by the person with hearing loss and the communication partner. Daily hearing frustrations can take a toll, leading to feelings of annoyance or anger with others or even with oneself. Its important to remember that anger is a natural response to loss. However, letting it fester can damage relationships and hinder your well-being. Tips and Management Strategies:Find healthy outlets for anger: Exercise, journaling, or creative pursuits can be a healthy way to release pent-up emotions.Seek professional support: If anger is overwhelming and impacting your daily life, consider talking to a medical professional who can help you find healthy coping mechanisms. Disconnection and Loneliness Hearing loss can be a thief, stealing not just sounds but also your sense of connection to the world around you. Conversations become an effort, filled with misunderstandings, embarrassment, and defeat. The joy of chatting with colleagues, the energy of lively debates, the comfort of catching up with a friend all these can fade when hearing loss makes communication unpredictable.  Communication difficulty may lead to hesitation to engage in social situations, or stopping altogether. It can also lead to avoiding things like small talk or phone calls. All of which fosters a deep sense of disconnection from the world around you. We are social creatures who crave meaningful connections, and this feeling of disconnection can be particularly painful.Tips and Management Strategies:Join a support group: Remember, youre not alone. Connecting with others who understand your challenges can be incredibly helpful. Sharing your experiences and learning from others can offer solace and support.Wear your hearing aids regularly: Daily hearing aid use can significantly improve day-to-day communication, strengthen connections, and combat feelings of isolation. Remember, theres a whole world out there waiting to be heard and experienced. Dont let hearing loss keep you from being a part of it. Feeling Like a Burden For some people, hearing loss can introduce a heavy weight into daily interactions. The need to constantly ask people to repeat themselves can be a source of self-consciousness and frustration for both the person with hearing loss and the communication partner. Worrying about annoying others or seeming incapable can lead to a feeling of being a burden on the conversation.  Hearing loss can also chip away at your sense of self-reliance. You might need help in situations you used to handle effortlessly, like ordering a meal at your favorite restaurant. Over time, this dependence can reinforce the feeling of being a burden, creating a negative cycle. Tips and Management Strategies:Seek support: Talk to a therapist or counselor specializing in hearing loss. They can help you manage the emotional impact and develop coping mechanisms and communication strategies for you and your communication partners.Embrace self-advocacy: Dont be afraid to politely ask people to speak clearly, face you directly, or rephrase something if you miss it. Most people are happy to accommodate you once they understand the situation.Dont forget youre amazing: Acknowledge your challenges but also recognize and celebrate your strengths. Youre not being a burden; youre taking control of your health and managing your hearing loss.  Hearing loss is an incredibly common condition that can affect nearly every aspect of our lives but it doesnt have to define you. The hearing care specialists at Audibel are here to provide the personalized care you deserve. We want to empower you to take charge of your hearing health and reclaim your emotional well-being. To take the next step towards rediscovering the joy of hearing, schedule an appointment at your nearest Audibel clinic today.

Does Hearing Loss Affect You Physically?

Hearing loss is often thought of as an inconvenience, making it difficult to follow conversations or hear the television. But did you know that hearing loss can also have a significant impact on your physical well-being? From balance problems to cognitive decline, this article explores the ways hearing loss can affect your physical health. The Link Between Hearing Loss and Physical HealthHearing loss affects around 48 million people in the United States alone. These statistics are made even more alarming by new research that shows a direct connection between hearing loss and poorer physical health, especially in older adults. Below, we look at how untreated hearing loss can impact physical health and daily quality of life.Issues with Balance, Dizziness, and VertigoOur inner ear is not only responsible for hearing but is also an important component of balance. We rely on sounds in our environment, like traffic noise or footsteps, to help us stay oriented and aware of our surroundings. Without these auditory cues, the brains ability to process spatial information is diminished, leading to instability and issues maintaining equilibrium.Additionally, the inner ear houses the auditory system, responsible for hearing, and the vestibular system, which helps us maintain balance. Damage to the inner ear can affect both these systems, resulting in hearing loss and balance issues like dizziness, vertigo, and even nausea and vomiting. These symptoms can make it incredibly challenging to go about daily life, as physical activity can worsen the effects. Increased Risk of FallsSimilarly, hearing loss is also associated with an increased risk of falls, especially among older adults. In fact, research shows that even mild degrees of hearing loss can triple the risk of falls. As we covered above, damage to the inner ear can significantly impact special awareness and balance, both of which elevate the risk of falling. However, the impact doesnt stop there. Hearing loss also puts extra strain on the brain. As the brain expends more energy trying to process sound, it diverts cognitive resources away from other functions like maintaining balance. This can significantly contribute to instability and a higher risk of falls. TinnitusA common condition associated with hearing loss is tinnitus, which is a ringing, buzzing, or humming in one or both ears. Some people also experience an uncomfortable feeling of fullness or pressure in the ears.The persistent ringing or buzzing sounds can also be distracting and frustrating to experience regularly. For many people tinnitus can make it challenging to fall asleep, stay focused, or fully engage in conversations, greatly impacting quality of life. Brain AtrophyA growing body of research has found a direct link between hearing loss and brain atrophy (shrinkage), particularly in the temporal lobe4. The temporal lobe is responsible for many cognitive functions including memory and critical thinking.  Just like any muscle in the body needs exercise, our brains need stimulation to function correctly. When hearing loss goes untreated, the brain is deprived of the sound stimulation it needs to stay healthy. Over time, this lack of auditory stimulation can lead to brain tissue shrinkage.  As we discussed earlier, hearing loss also forces the brain to work harder to process sounds. This constant effort can take a toll on cognitive resources. Studies suggest this cognitive strain also contributes to accelerated brain tissue shrinkage. Increased Risk of DementiaAs mentioned above, hearing loss can lead to brain tissue atrophy (shrinkage) in the temporal lobe. This shrinkage is one of the leading explanations linking hearing loss and dementia4.  Research shows that even mild degrees of hearing loss doubles the risk of dementia, moderate hearing loss triples the risk, and severe hearing loss increases the likelihood of dementia by five times. In addition to memory loss, late-stage dementia can also have a significant impact on physical health:Mobility problemsLoss of the ability to speak Bladder incontinenceBowel incontinenceWeight lossTrouble swallowingAnd more Decreased Physical ActivityA 2021 study found a link between hearing loss and a more sedentary lifestyle due to a couple of factors7. First, difficulty in hearing what is going on around you can make it challenging to exercise effectively or engage in certain physical activities. Additionally, hearing loss often causes mental fatigue, communication issues, and social withdrawal, all of which can also discourage regular physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle can set off a domino effect of negative physical health concerns8. From maintaining blood sugar and cholesterol levels to supporting healthy blood pressure and circulation, exercise is essential for our overall well-being. Decreased physical activity also increases the risk of developing chronic health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and more.Safeguard Your Health Schedule a Hearing Exam at an Audibel Clinic Near You Hearing loss affects so much more than your auditory senses; it can impact your physical health, too. From balance issues to an increased risk of falls and even heart disease, the physical effects of hearing loss are incredibly far-reaching. By investing in your hearing health, youre investing in your overall well-being. Find an Audibel clinic near you today to take the first step toward safeguarding your health and quality of life for years to come.