Will My Insurance Cover That?” Or “Is It Covered?

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Aug 04, 2019

Thats the question that is looming in every patients mind before a medical procedure, after a newly diagnosed illness, a hospitalization or worse yet a long rehabilitation stay. Lets be honest. Healthcare expenses can add up in a hurry making it critically important that people understand (to the best of their ability) what benefits their health insurance plans provide. Unfortunately, that is easier said than done, right?

Group plans are ever-evolving with deductibles creeping higher and the introduction of Health Savings Accounts and Health Reimbursement Accounts to help members fund increased out of pockets costs. Marketplace and short term medical plans change each year making it challenging for members to keep things straight. Medicare is riddled with complexities and often referred to as Alphabet Soup; (Ive made a fun jingle about it!) including BIG differences between Medicare supplements and Advantage plans.

So then, what is the answer? Members have many resources when it comes to exploring their plan benefits. Plan materials and policies are sent out to members either by mail or electronically that contain volumes of information. Insurance carriers provide customer service phone numbers that can help address questions during regular business hours. In most cases, members can register for online accounts to view current benefits, claims history, print new ID cards, premium information and much more. Providers can submit pre-authorization requests to help members plan for future services. Did I mention agents? Reputable agents will help their clients navigate their benefit questions. Local senior service programs such as ENOA and Aging Partners can help provide information and direction. Medicare specifically publishes a new handbook each year titled Medicare & You and makes it available by print or online at www.medicare.gov. In addition, Medicare recently developed an app for smart phones that helps determine if an upcoming service is covered.

Ask questions, advocate for yourself and family members and be sure to understand your plan benefits BEFORE you enroll. And remember, whats good for your neighbor, friend, or relative, may not be whats best for you.

This article was submitted by Stephanie Swerczek. Stephanie is the owner of Simplified Financial Solutions and may be reach at 402-670-0357 or by email at stephanie.swerczek@gmail.com

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Paperwork...Paperwork...What Should I Keep?

PaperworkPaperworkWhat Should I keep? Sorting through the paperwork of a deceased loved one is a daunting task. It is important to know what to keep and what to discard. Here are some helpful tips.  Deeds, Titles and Vehicle RegistrationsDeeds and titles to property may not be obvious on the face of the document so it is important to read everything carefully. Keep anything that has a legal description (Lots and Blocks or Metes and Bounds), a vehicle identification number (VIN), contains the word title, deed of trust or warranty deed.  ReceiptsSome property does not have a title such as a tractor, farm equipment or certain recreational equipment. In such cases, keep the purchase receipts for this type of property. It will be useful if there is a question about ownership, the value of the property or the date it was purchased.  Bank RecordsSave all bank records and statements. These will be valuable if a dispute arises about ownership of an account, payments or distributions made from the account and to whom. Shred unused checks.  Retirement AccountsSave all statements and records pertaining to the decedents individual retirement accounts (IRAs), 401(k) plans or pension plans.  Life Insurance PoliciesSave all life insurance policies.  Social Security Paperwork and Earning StatementsSave information about the decedents Social Security account or earning statements.  Cancel the Decedents Credit Card Accounts Nowadays, identity theft is a huge issue. Contact Experian, Equifax and TransUnion to report the death of your loved one. Request the credit report be flagged as Deceased. Being proactive prevents a lot of hassle later on.  Cancel all credit cards in the deceased persons name. Also, there may be questions about the credit card purchase of certain items or property. Save credit card statements until probate of the decedents estate is complete.  Documents that contain the decedents Social Security NumberIf you find any documents with the decedents Social Security Number and you make a determination that the documents are not going to be saved, make sure it all gets shredded.  Tax RecordsKeep the decedents tax records. There may be a question about real property valuation, exemption or other issues that can be resolved by information in a tax return.   Loan PaperworkKeep all loan paperwork including loans on property or a loan the decedent made to a relative, friend, individual or organization. This may show that there is outstanding debt or money owed to the decedents estate.  Business AgreementsSometimes people have business agreements that have been documented in writing. Such agreements may contain a succession plan, what should happen with business equipment or property, or what should happen upon the death of a business partner.  Military RecordsSave all military records just in case there are benefits owed to a survivor such as a spouse, dependent child or disabled child. Some benefits are dependent upon verification of military service during war time which occurred prior to the advent of computer records. This includes photographs taken during wartime.  Birth and Marriage CertificatesSave all birth and marriage certificates. Again, for certain benefits for survivors, such certificates may be needed.  Timeframe for Keeping PaperworkIt is advisable to keep these potentially important documents until the estate of the decedent is settled, at a minimum. Otherwise keep them at least seven years and longer if possible, especially if real estate is involved.  Contact Your AttorneyYour attorney will ask you pertinent questions and give you advice about what records to keep.  You should also review your own estate plan documents to make sure they are up to date and reflect your current wishes.  This article was written by Donna A. Schuyler, Attorney, who practices in the areas of estate planning, elder law, guardianship, and probate. Donna Schuyler Law, PLLC; elderlawboise.com. Phone 208-344-1947

Alzheimers And Dementia: Tips For Better Communication

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Here are some proven strategies to enhance communication:Patience and Empathy: Practicing patience and showing empathy are foundational to effective communication. Taking the time to understand their emotions and being present with them can create a sense of security.Simple Language: Using clear and concise language reduces confusion. Break down complex ideas into smaller, understandable pieces to facilitate smoother conversations.Non-Verbal Cues: Engaging in non-verbal communication through touch, eye contact, and gestures can convey emotions and provide a bridge when words fall short.Offering Choices: Providing choices empowers individuals and fosters engagement. It also simplifies decision-making and encourages their participation in conversations.Visual Aids: Visual aids such as pictures, diagrams, or objects can help convey messages and ideas, transcending language barriers and making communication more accessible.Validation: Acknowledging their feelings and experiences validates their reality. By responding empathetically, you build trust and strengthen the connection.Dealing with Challenging BehaviorsCaring for seniors with Alzheimers and dementia requires understanding and addressing challenging behaviors:Responding with Understanding: Challenging behaviors often stem from frustration or confusion. 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Minimize safety hazards, use visual cues, and engage them in purposeful activities to curb this behavior.Empowering Communication with Tools and ResourcesEnhancing communication also involves utilizing various tools and resources:Assistive Technologies: Speech-generating devices, augmentative and alternative communication apps, and text-to-speech software offer alternative means of expression, empowering seniors to communicate effectively.Support Groups: Connecting with others facing similar challenges in support groups provides a sense of community, validation, and shared experiences.Professional Guidance: Speech-language pathologists and healthcare professionals offer expertise in developing personalized communication strategies tailored to the individuals needs.Recommended Reading: Exploring literature on effective communication techniques, active listening, and understanding cognitive disorders equips caregivers with valuable insights and strategies.In the midst of the challenges posed by Alzheimers and dementia, effective communication becomes a beacon of hope. 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How To Find a Trusted Home Buying Company

Being up front with you, for the first 10 years (of the now more than 25) of being "in business" as a home buyer, I really didn't know why a home seller would sell to my company.  Although I looked at houses, made offers, and bought houses, I also had the question in the back of my mind... "why doesn't this person just list their house with an agent?"Then the real estate market, along with the rest of the economy "corrected" in 2008.  In the several years after that, I had more seniors and their families calling me that wanted to sell a house.  Because they typically had no or very little debt, they actually could sell their house if they wanted to.The way the market was back then, I would talk to numerous sellers who had listed their house with an agent (some more than once), and when the house didn't sell, would call me.  We are in a much different market now, but the reasons that a seller would sell to a home buyer haven't changed all that much.Sellers would typically tell me that they had spoken to one or more real estate agents, were told they needed to do this, fix that, etc, to list their house, but they didn't want to do those things.  They just wanted to sell their house.For years, one of the first things I ask a seller is, "why wouldn't you just list your house with an agent?"  And, they typically always have or had a reason or reasons why they didn't.A common item that I heard and continue to hear from sellers is, "I'm sure I could get more for my house if I listed it, but I like and value the benefits your company offers, so I would prefer to just sell the house to you."These were the hundreds of sellers that "taught me" why they would choose to sell their house to me.Not needing to get "top dollar" or finding value in home buyer company non-financial benefits are something that seems impossible to grasp for most real estate agents.Are Home Buying Companies A Scam?In my view, some certainly are.  As I've discussed in other articles and videos, beware of "wholesalers."  Wholesalers are individuals or companies that state that they buy houses, advertise that they buy houses, but actually have no intent or financial ability to do so.  Once they get a contract to purchase a house, they look for a "real" buyer to sell the contract to and close on the transaction.Because they have no financial risk, they can often overpromise what they can pay for the house.  And, if they cannot find an end buyer, it leaves the seller in a very precarious position, or the wholesaler tries to reduce the purchase price.Another problem is when a home buyer doesn't actually look at your house before making an offer.  When they make an offer without looking at a house, and the seller signs an agreement with them, and they do finally inspect the property, the price will likely be reduced based on some unknown item the buyer states that they weren't aware of.A real home buyer should be able to "close" and purchase a property as soon as a title company can check title and prepare closing paperwork.  With Home Downsizing Solutions, in less than 7 days, or when the seller wants.  We've even purchased a house within 24 hours of having an agreement signed!Characteristics Of A Good Home Buying CompanyI will provide several characteristics of what I think you should look for in a good home buying company, as these are items that I have done to ensure we are "one of the good guys."Have a Real Estate License.  I think its beneficial for a member of a home buying company to have a real estate license.  In an effort to serve sellers I work with as well as possible, I have a real estate license as well as an SRES (Senior Real Estate Specialist) designation.This allows me to provide information on the positives and negatives of listing a house as well as selling to a home buying company.  Have The Financial Ability To Actually Buy Houses.  As mentioned above, there are companies that state that they buy houses, but actually don't or can't.  In my company's case, we actually buy houses.  I encourage sellers to call the title/closing company that the home buyer says will close the transaction to confirm that they can actually buy the house, and not just act as a middleman to sell the contract to the end buyer.I also encourage sellers that I work with to call the title/closing company to ensure the purchase agreement contains the specific information that the seller is agreeing to or understands about the agreement, so that there are no misunderstandings before closing.No Pressure Sales Tactics.  I would warn sellers to beware of companies that pressure a seller to sign immediately, or before they were comfortable with signing a purchase agreement.For a similar reason, I would also beware of agents that just want to disparage home buying companies and not acknowledge at least some of the benefits sellers find of value and choose to work with them.Transparency.  I think a legitimate home buying company should share market information with a seller so they can be as educated as possible.  In my case, we typically always show sellers comparable information for their area.  I want them to see the gross selling price that houses have sold for and the condition of those houses.  I also want to provide a realistic explanation of all the transaction costs to sell a house.Realize that when an agent says they can sell a house for $200,000, for example, that is a "gross" number and not the "net" amount that a seller will put in their pocket.  The total amount of transaction costs and what a seller will "net" from the sale of a house will vary and is dependent upon a number of factors.  In average markets, transaction costs will typically amount to 10% to 15% of the gross selling price.Credible and Trustworthy.  Home Downsizing Solutions and their predecessor entity have had an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau for more than 25 years.  They also have numerous testimonials and 5 start Google reviews from those 25+ years.As mentioned above, I have a real estate license with an SRES designation.I've written books, articles, and provide other information to educate homeowners about selling a house and downsizing or moving to senior living.Home Downsizing Solutions is also an Industry Partner with the NASMM (National Association of Senior Move Managers).Why Would Someone Want To Sell A House To A Home Buying Company?What I tell every homeowner I meet with is, that if the benefits that Home Downsizing Solutions offers are of enough value, we can be a great solution.  Otherwise, one of the Total Solutions Agents we work with could be a better option to list and sell their house in a traditional manner.What Are Home Buying Company Benefits?No Need To Do Repairs or Updates to A House.  If your house is in great condition, this item is most likely not very important.  But to a person who has owned a house for 20, 30, or more years and has deferred maintenance or updates to be competitive with potential buyers, this may be a very valuable benefit.Contacting multiple contractors, getting bids, ensuring the work is done well, and living in a construction zone is not something that every homeowner wants to deal with.  I've also had numerous sellers say, "If I do all that work and put a bunch of money into my house, I just as well stay."No Need To Get Rid Of The Stuff.  With Home Downsizing Solutions, I always tell sellers to take what you want, sell what you want, and leave the rest...  we'll take care of it.  Unlike a traditional sale, where you want the house to show as well as possible, we don't care what the house looks like or the amount of stuff.  We purchase hoarder houses, so whatever stuff a seller has is not an issue.  This eliminates the need of getting a dumpster and the time and effort to go through stuff that a seller just doesn't care about.No Showings.  A lot of sellers we've worked with just don't want to get and keep their house in a show ready condition.  They don't want strangers in their house.  They don't want to have to leave their house every time an agent wants to show the house.  Maybe someone in the household has health issues that does not allow them to leave the house, or at least not without a great deal of effort and planning.No Whole House Inspections or Appraisal Surprises.  Most traditional buyers will, understandably, always want a whole house inspection.  And since most buyers need to get a loan from a traditional lender, they will need an appraisal.  In almost all but the very "hot" markets, these items notoriously will turn up "deficiencies" that give the buyer opportunities to renegotiate the purchase price.  In my company's case, we buy the house completely "as is."  Unless a structural issue has been discussed with a seller during the initial walkthrough or signing a purchase agreement, the price doesn't change.Move When You Want.  With Home Downsizing Solutions, we can close and buy a house, but let the seller remain in the house for up to 90 days or more.We have worked with many situations where the seller had a "catch 22" where they could either move into a new living arrangement right away but didn't want to leave a vacant house, or they wanted to sell but their new home or apartment wasn't ready for them to move into.  By buying their house and letting them transition to their new home or apartment on their schedule, we eliminated those issues.By being able to buy a house before having to move, sellers are also able to eliminate the need of a bridge loan, if they needed funds from the sale of their house to move into a new living arrangement.We have also worked with situations where we purchased a house, and let the seller keep possession until they were able to have a local resource have an estate sale so they could monetize whatever "stuff" they could.  Then we took care of any of the stuff that didn't sell, so the seller or estate sale company didn't have the time or expense to dispose of the items.Sell Your House And Stay As Long As You Want.  If you love your home but don't want to worry about maintenance or repairs, we now provide an option for that.  We can buy a house and allow the seller to rent the property as long as they want.  We can even come in, make updates or repairs to "age in place," and create the home environment you want.Provide Concierge Services.  A good home buying company, like Home Downsizing Solutions, will learn and understand the logistical needs of the seller.  We have provided or introduced sellers to services such as senior placement agents, senior move managers, moving companies, or other resources that made the transition to a new home less stressful.What Do Home Buying Companies Actually Pay For HousesOne of the first questions I typically am asked is, "what do you pay for houses," or "what percentage of market value do you pay for houses?"  It is common for real estate investing "gurus" to teach their new students to make offers of 70% to 75% of market value, minus repairs.  However, for a good home buying company, this is not all that accurate, and is a very simplistic way to look at this.  It would be comparable to say, "all real estate agents charge 7% to sell a house."With Home Downsizing Solutions, it depends... it depends on what time of year (holding costs are higher in the winter).  It depends on the comparables we can find to determine values or potential values of an area or subdivision.  It depends if there are just cosmetic and "stuff" issues to deal with or if there are structural or potential structural issues.  Another way to state the above is, it depends on risk.  If we perceive more risk to buying a house, our offer is going to be lower than if we perceive less risk.When a real estate agent lists a house, they have no financial risk.  When a wholesaler makes an offer on a house, they have no financial risk.  When my company buys a house, we have a lot of financial risk.  If our calculations are wrong, or there are issues with a house that we were not able to determine before purchasing a house, we can't go back to a seller and renegotiate.  We have all the risk.I know that when we speak to a seller, we have to be competitive with our offers, because they have multiple other options to choose from.  If we were not competitive or provide value to potential sellers, we would not be in business after 25+ years.Home Downsizing Solutions home buyers provides multiple types of offers for sellers.  One example of an offer, other than an all-cash offer, is if a seller doesn't need all of the funds from the sale of a house immediately, we can pay a much higher than retail price by making payments to the seller and turning the equity in the house into an income stream.  Another way to look at this type of option is, the easier it is to buy a house, the more we can pay.Is A Cash Home Buying Company A Good Option To Sell A House?Everyone's situation is unique, and one size does not fit all.  If you're considering selling your house, we can provide a free consultation to discuss the positives and negatives of the multiple options you have to get your house sold.  We want to provide the information you need to make an informed decision of the best path forward for your real estate needs.For additional information, just go to www.HomeDownsiziing.com or call us at (855)-433-5854.