Your Role in Your Own Health Care

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Dec 11, 2014


Idaho - Boise and the Treasure Valley

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How many times have you been to the doctor this past year? Did you see your primary care physician for your regular check-up? Perhaps your cardiologist? Your dentist? For most people, health care is extremely fragmented. This means that the information discussed or obtained from each of these visits is not shared with any other provider. This can result in duplicate tests being performed and perhaps delayed diagnosis or treatment. Even for the very healthy, the burden of keeping different doctors apprised of what you're experiencing is typically on you. Electronic medical record systems in Saint Alphonsus hospitals and clinics are helping to make a difference in sharing important medical data between Saint Alphonsus providers, and making great strides in resolving the fragmentation of your care. We are working diligently to extend this same benefit and communicate to independent medical providers in your life who should know what's happening with you. However, for now, you or someone you trust should be the center point of your care. Here's what you can do. 1.When you get a test result or have a procedure, get the summary in writing, and send copies to all your other healthcare providers with a simple note: Wanted to keep you up- to-date on my health status. Please put this in my chart. Be sure to bring up the data or problem at your next visit. 2.Keep a list of all your medications in your wallet or purse and update it any time a healthcare provider adds or deletes a drug or changes a dosage. 3.Dont leave your dentist or your eye doctor out of the loop. It will help them diagnose and treat any issues they may identify with you. 4.If you have a test or procedure and you do not hear the results soon afterwards, do not assume the results were normal. Call the healthcare provider who ordered the test and ask them to send you a written copy of the test summary. 5.If you are hospitalized, it's okay to ask all your caregivers questions about what is happening. Be sure you understand what tests you're getting and why. If you are being discharged from the hospital ask for the results of any tests or procedures you had in the hospital. Editor's Note: This article was submitted by Saint Alphonsus. To find a Saint Alphonsus primary care or specialty physician, call (208) 367-DOCS (3627).

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Managing Chronic Pain in Seniors

October marks National Physical Therapy Month, a time when we celebrate the dedicated professionals who play a pivotal role in enhancing the lives of seniors through rehabilitation and therapy services. Our community understands the importance of promoting the well-being of our residents, especially when it comes to managing chronic pain. In this blog post, we delve into the significance of non-pharmacological approaches for pain relief and improved functioning in seniors, highlighting the essential role of therapy and rehabilitation in this journey. Understanding Chronic Pain in Seniors:Chronic pain is a common and often debilitating condition among older adults. It can stem from various sources, including arthritis, neuropathy, post-surgical discomfort, and musculoskeletal conditions. The impact of chronic pain extends beyond physical discomfort, affecting one's overall quality of life, mood, and daily functioning. The Risks of Pharmacological Approaches:While medications can be effective for pain management, especially in the short term, there are concerns when they become the primary solution. Seniors are often at a higher risk of medication-related side effects, including dizziness, falls, addiction, and drug interactions. This is where non-pharmacological approaches come into play. Non-Pharmacological Approaches for Pain Relief:Physical therapy and rehabilitation are cornerstones of non-pharmacological pain management strategies. Here's how they can make a significant difference in the lives of seniors: Targeted Exercise Programs: Physical therapists design customized exercise regimens that focus on strengthening muscles, improving flexibility, and enhancing overall mobility. These exercises help alleviate pain by stabilizing joints and reducing strain on affected areas.Manual Therapy: Techniques such as joint mobilization and soft tissue manipulation can alleviate pain and improve joint mobility. Skilled therapists use their expertise to enhance the body's natural healing mechanisms.Pain Education: Understanding the nature of pain is a crucial aspect of pain management. Therapists educate seniors about their conditions, empowering them to take an active role in their recovery.Functional Training: Seniors are guided in regaining functional independence. This can involve relearning everyday tasks and activities, ensuring they can maintain their quality of life despite pain.Modalities and Assistive Devices: Therapists may incorporate modalities like heat, cold, ultrasound, or electrical stimulation to manage pain. Assistive devices like splints or canes can also offer support. The Holistic Approach at Our Community: We're committed to a holistic approach to senior wellness. We collaborate closely with our partner, Synchrony Rehab, to ensure that seniors receive the highest quality therapy and rehabilitation services. By addressing pain management from a comprehensive perspective, we empower our residents to enjoy a better quality of life, improved functioning, and reduced reliance on medications. This National Physical Therapy Month, we recognize the importance of non-pharmacological approaches for managing chronic pain in seniors. Through physical therapy and rehabilitation, we can provide our residents with the tools they need to enhance their well-being, minimize pain, and regain their independence. Our partnership with Synchrony Rehab reflects our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional care that goes beyond the surface, ultimately improving the lives of those we serve.

The 12 Most Common Health Problems for Senior Adults

Americans today live longer than any other period in history. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), you can live nearly 20 years past age 65. But this longevity doesnt mean youll live to a ripe old age without any health concerns. Rather, living longer means recognizing symptoms and managing chronic health conditions to stay healthy as possible during your remaining years.Traditional advice stands when it comes to staying healthy as you age. It requires making healthy choices like not smoking (or stopping), maintaining a healthy weight, staying physically active, and eating a healthy diet.And if you want to be vigilant and proactive, consider 12 of the most common senior health problems. Keeping these conditions and their most prominent symptoms in mind can help you catch diseases and issues before they progress.1. ArthritisIts the condition youre most likely to face at age 65 and older. It affects almost 50 percent of people in this age bracket. If not managed or treated, it can lower your quality of life and limit your activity. But be careful about limiting your movements too much. Its best to work with your doctor to create a plan for physical activity. If done right, staying physically active can help your joints and also keep the rest of your body in good health. The most common symptoms of arthritis are joint swelling, stiffness, and pain.2. Heart DiseaseWhile arthritis is the most common condition among seniors, heart disease is the deadliest. Its considered the leading killer of adults aged 65 and older. Its found in 37 percent of men and 26 percent of women this age.Why such an epidemic? The risk factors for heart disease are very common and include high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The typical American lifestyle that includes a poor diet and little exercise makes these risk factors so prevalent. Its a perfect storm that makes heart disease almost inevitable for some people unless they make serious changes.You probably wont know that you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heart disease without screenings. So be sure to get regular check ups with your primary care physician.3. CancerHeart disease is the number one killer of those 65 and older, but the second leading cause of death among seniors is cancer. And even more people continue to live and battle cancer. Early detection is the best way to prevent a long fight with cancer or eventual death. This means screenings are key. If you catch cancer early through mammograms, skin checks, and colonoscopies, you can experience successful treatment.Its not always possible to prevent cancer, but once diagnosed you can work with your healthcare team to ensure you maintain a good quality of life as you seek treatments. Cancer symptoms vary greatly and often come too late, which means that screenings are a top priority.4. Respiratory DiseaseThis is the third most common cause of death if youre 65 or older. Chronic lower respiratory disease include COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), asthma, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. If you have a respiratory disease, youre more susceptible to pneumonia and other lung infections. Smoking commonly causes COPD and emphysema but is not the only cause of lower respiratory conditions.Even with these diseases, you can improve your quality of life and preserve your health by getting lung function tests, taking medications, and using oxygen according to your doctors prescription.5. Alzheimers DiseaseAlzheimers disease eventually leads to death as the condition progresses and ranks as the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S. Its tough to diagnose, which means that many are unaware they are living with the disease. And since Alzheimers disease impairs cognitive function, it affects many aspects of your health, even putting your safety at risk and preventing self-care.A few of the early signs of Alzheimers disease include memory loss that disrupt your daily life, difficulty problem solving and following instructions at a basic level, and difficulty completing familiar tasks.6. OsteoporosisWhile osteoporosis wont kill you, it is a very common health problem for seniors. Not only can it cause falls and lead to fractures, but it also reduces your mobility and even makes you disabled. Eventually, your vertebrae can collapse and cause serious problems. Its a disorder that essentially means you're prone to bone loss, and therefore, low bone mass. Fragile bones means more breaks and possible mobility issues.As you deal with fractures, spinal problems, and even limited mobility, your quality of life can suffer. Sometimes other health conditions develop. Early signs of osteoporosis include bone fractures, lost height, curved upper back, and sudden back pain. But osteoporosis is considered a silent disease and often has no noticeable symptoms until the condition advances or bones break. Thats why its important to have routine bone density scans after age 50.7. DiabetesAlthough common, diabetes is still a significant health risk. Not only can uncontrolled diabetes lead to eventual death, you can also lose limbs, fingers, and toes. According to the CDC, about 25 percent of people 65 and older have diabetes. Although the consequences of diabetes can be dire, you can prevent the worst-case scenarios. Simple blood tests can detect elevated blood sugar and diagnose the condition. If you have routine preventative checkups, youre probably already getting regular diabetes screenings.Its best to catch diabetes early before it does irreparable damage to organs. As you get the diagnosis, you can take steps to reduce the severity of the conditions and prevent further damage. Some common symptoms of diabetes include frequent urination, unusual thirst, fatigue, cuts or bruises that are slow to heal. 8. Influenza and PneumoniaSince the COVID pandemic, it seems that everyone is more susceptible to the flu and pneumonia. Even though theyre not chronic conditions, they are the eighth leading cause of death in people aged 65 and older. This is because seniors are more susceptible to catching the flu and developing pneumonia infections. Your immune system isnt as well equipped to fight off these types of invaders. This is why medical experts recommend that you get a flu shot and pneumonia vaccine if you're 65 and older. Of course, this is with doctors approval, because vaccinations may aggravate some medical conditions.9. FallingWhen youre a senior, especially one who lives alone, falling can be very dangerous. The older you are when you fall, the more likely you are to need an emergency room. Every year, millions of seniors are treated in emergency rooms across the country due to falls. And often, one fall leads to another within one year. Falling can create new health problems or aggravate existing ones. You may even suffer from broken bones, which will make self-care much more difficult. Most falls occur at home, and so prevention is possible to some degree. You cant keep a leg or ankle from giving out as you climb the stairs, but you can clear your hope of trip hazards and slippery areas.10. ObesityObesity leads to a host of health problems that can become more serious as you age. Its a leading risk factor for heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. And all of these conditions can decrease your quality of life as a senior adult. The more excess weight you carry, the greater your risk for developing these conditions. Over 40 percent of women and 36 percent of men between 65 and 74 years old are obese. According to the CDC, obesity is defined as having a body mass index greater than or equal to 30.Obesity also increases the risk and severity of urinary incontinence. 11. Urinary IncontinenceWhile incontinence can develop at any age, depending on conditions and circumstances, age is a major risk factor. Between 25 and 33 percent of U.S. adults experience involuntary loss of urine known as incontinence. For some seniors, leaks may be only occasional or when youre active. This is known as stress incontinence. You might also dribble or leak urine regularly and require incontinence products to protect against these leaks.This health condition affects your daily life but is manageable. If youre leaking urine, consult with your doctor to determine a specific cause and proper treatment.12. DepressionWhen you think of depression, you might think of younger people like teens or young adults. And its not uncommon for new mothers to experience postpartum depression. But its also a common senior health problem. According to the American Psychological Association, 15-20 percent of Americans over 65 have experienced notable periods of depression. And its not just about your mental condition or mood. Depression can also reduce your immunity and keep you from effectively fighting infections.For seniors, increased social interaction, companionship, and more physical activity often help alleviate depressive symptoms. Symptoms of depression in older adults include sad mood, feelings of hopelessness or helplessness, irritability, fatigue, and loss of interest in activities that were once pleasurable. Stay Aware of Common SymptomsYou can drive yourself crazy if you think about everything that could go wrong with your health. But its wise to be aware that it commonly affects seniors and take precautions. Understanding the common symptoms and how to recognize them can help you keep you prepared. Generally, if you take good care of yourself, remain active, eat right, and avoid bad habits like smoking, youll be on the right track for better health as you age. Be sure to get regular screenings for some of these conditions too.TYE Medical offers premium incontinence products in a variety of sizes and absorbency levels. Shop our online store for discreet and free shipping on all orders.