Explore the universe with a fun and exciting discussion series brought to you by the passionate astronomers of Standley Lake Stargazing. This astronomy talk series usually meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. Upcoming themes are:
The 3rd Friday of each month at 3pm at The Argyle. If you have questions, contact Jeromy O'Neil at 303-455-9513 or email joneil@theargyle.org
Join us for Brewing Connections! Enjoy free coffee, treats, and great conversations with other seniors in the community. Each session will feature guest speakers covering topics such as healthy living, senior resources, and staying active.We encourage anyone interested to RSVP by calling 303-919-2839 or emailing marissa@shsdenverwest.com.
Join us for Brewing Connections! Enjoy free coffee, treats, and great conversations with other seniors in the community. Each session will feature guest speakers covering topics such as healthy living, senior resources, and staying active.We encourage anyone interested to RSVP by calling 303-919-2839 or emailing marissa@shsdenverwest.com.
Join us as we honor incredible heroes from our communities who have made a difference in the lives of others and who exemplify the values of the Red Cross. For questions, please contact Nicole Kleiner at nicole.kleiner@redcross.org or (303) 884-8449.PURSCHASE TICKETS HERE