Access for All. You heard us right! Guests who visit the Museum on the first Sunday of each month will have the opportunity to experience exhibitions including He Said/She Said: Contemporary Women Artists Interject and The Impressionist Revolution from Monet to Matisse, typically a $30 value, at NO COST, in addition to dynamic on-site programs and over 5,000 years of stunning permanent collection works! Generous support is provided by Art Bridges Foundations Access for All program.
No ticket reservations are required for DMA FREE First Sundays: Access for All.
DMA FREE First Sundays also includes Open Studio from noon to 4:00 p.m. and a docent-led Collections Highlights Tour from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Approximately 3.2 million caregivers are spouses in America today. Spouses spend more hours each week, doing more intense tasks with less outside help than any other family caregiver. Join our virtual caregiver support group for those who are caring for a senior. This group offers opportunities to share experiences of the caregiving journey, learn about resources available, as well as give and receive support. REGISTER HEREClick here for information on Beth Jackson, the facilitator of this support group.
Join our virtual caregiver support group for adult children and loved ones who are caring for parents or family members. This group offers opportunities to share experiences of the caregiving journey, learn self-care and coping skills, and give and receive support. REGISTER HEREClick here for information on Beth Jackson, the facilitator of this support group.
Cuidar de un ser querido mayor puede ser desafiante e incluso abrumador a veces. No lo hagas solo. Esta sesin lo ayudar a identificar algunos componentes claves al cuidar a una persona mayor como la evaluacin de la seguridad en el hogar, la organizacin de documentos importantes, la identificacin de recursos comunitarios y la movilizacin de su red de atencin. REGISTER HERE
Up & out is a welcoming and supportive group for LGBT caregivers who are currently caring for someone who is 50 or older. This is a safe space to receive support, make new connections, talk about your frustrations as a caregiver, as well as gain new skills to help manage and reduce your stress.REGISTER HERE