For centuries, we've known that the health of the brain and the body are connected. But now, science is able to provide insights into how to make lifestyle choices that may help you keep your brain and body healthy as you care for a loved one with dementia. Join us to learn about research in the areas of diet and nutrition, exercise, cognitive activity and social engagement, and use hands-on tips and tools to help you incorporate these recommendations into a plan for women on the dementia caregiving journey.Suggested entrance thru south side of the community IL entrance.Additional parking around the community with additional access throughAssisted Living entrance on the north side of the community.
Bring your families and join MidAmericaRehabilitation Hospital, Brain Injury Association of Greater Kansas City and the Overland Park Police Department for a family fun day focused on bicycle and seat belt safety in support of Brain Injury Awareness Month. Fun activities for the kids including yard games, bounce houses and face painting Food and treats for purchase Seat belt and bicycle safety education Giveaways and education provided by Fire and Police Departments
Join us for a Mardi Gras Celebration! This year we will be celebrating Fat Tuesday with music and Nola-themed food and drinks. While you are here, take a tour of our beautiful senior living community and meet our outstanding team members! This is one event you do not want to miss.