Idaho - Boise and the Treasure Valley

Ada, Canyon, Elmore, Gem, Owyhee, Payette, Twin Falls, Valley & Washington


Heather Rivera

Publisher's Note

Hello, I am Cody Freston, Publisher. Thank you for supporting the Seniors Blue Book of Idaho. We are your local Senior Resource Specialists. Whether it it is Assisted Living, Home Health or anything in between, we are happy to help you find what you need. Enjoy our new local homepage! Look for current Articles, Specials, Education, and view the current edition of the book and so much more. To our local healthcare professionals see how we can help you with networking, education, events, and see how you can showcase your services for seniors in the upcoming edition of the Seniors Blue Book of Idaho. Contact us today! Thank you and enjoy! 

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Local Aging Options

Assisting Hands Home Care-Fruitland

Non-Medical 215 N Whitley Dr. Suite 3, Fruitland, Idaho, 83619

Quality Home Care You Can Trust, AssistingHands provides professional in-home health care services allowing our clientsto remain safely and comfortably in their own homes. Their Mission Statement:To offer our clients personalized non-medical support services in their homes,assisting the elderly, disabled and others needing assistance to maintainquality of life. Our services support the individuals choices and preferencesin order to maintain their dignity and independence. We assist clients in a spiritof concern for their welfare, gaining satisfaction and a sense or pride for thevalue that we add to their lives.

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Saint Alphonsus Medical Center

Hospitals 1055 N Curtis Rd, Boise, Idaho, 83706

Saint Alphonsus Health System is a four-hospital regional, faith-based Catholic ministry with over 4,300 associates and nearly 1000 medical staff which serve 700,000 people in Idaho and Oregon. Saint Alphonsus Health System is anchored by the only Level II Trauma Center in the region, Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center, providing the highest quality, most experienced care to critically ill and injured patients.With a promise to keep care close to home for patients, Saint Alphonsus Health System is comprised of a Regional Medical Center in Boise, ID and Medical Centers is Nampa, ID, Ontario, OR and Baker City, OR. Additionally, Saint Alphonsus operates stand alone emergency departments in Eagle, ID and Nampa, ID

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The Pointe at Meridian

Independent Living 3123 South Titanium Avenue, Meridian, Idaho, 83642

The Pointe at Meridian is a retirement community where every element of true living comes together in one harmonious place. Life within our independent living community can truly be carefree. Our main building also features a private movie theater, spa, salon, fitness center, activity rooms and much more. The Pointe will provide a formal fine dining experience for those looking to explore new cuisines, or old favorites. However, if you have plans and are on the go, we also offer quick snacks so you can grab something on your way out to wherever life takes you that day.Assisted Living:Whether you or your loved one need minimal assistance, or a more thorough and comprehensive care plan.Services Include:Weekly Housekeeping available3 Meals Daily providedTransportation to Local Medical Appointments & Scheduled Shopping Outings All Utilities   Cable TV & Internet A Vibrant Activity Calendar 7 days per weekOur medical assessments are done prior to admittance into our community and routinely thereafter to ensure we are providing the top notch care you expect. All care plans are determined with input by you or your representative, our staff, and your primary care physician; in concert, we believe we will be able to provide the care necessary to achieve optimal success while maintaining dignity and respect.Memory Care Community for Our Residents That Need Extra Care Due to Dementia.All of our residents in this portion of the community will be provided customized service plans provided by our trained care staff, available 24 hours a day with licensed nurse oversight. The service provided will be available in a tranquil and compassionate environment, catered towards those with higher needs related to memory loss. We also provide assistance with short-term respite stay accommodations.

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The Pointe at Meridian-Assisted Living

Assisted Living 3123 South Titanium Avenue, Meridian, Idaho, 83642

Whether you or your loved one need minimal assistance, or a more thorough and comprehensive care plan.The Pointe will provide a formal fine dining experience for those looking to explore new cuisines, or old favorites. However, if you have plans and are on the go, we also offer quick snacks so you can grab something on your way out to wherever life takes you that day.Our medical assessments are done prior to admittance into our community and routinely thereafter to ensure we are providing the top notch care you expect. All care plans are determined with input by you or your representative, our staff, and your primary care physician; in concert, we believe we will be able to provide the care necessary to achieve optimal success while maintaining dignity and respect.The Pointe at Meridian is a retirement community where every element of true living comes together in one harmonious placeLife within our independent living community can truly be carefree.Our main building also features a private movie theater, spa, salon, fitness center, activity rooms and much more.The Pointe will provide a formal fine dining experience for those looking to explore new cuisines, or old favorites. However, if you have plans and are on the go, we also offer quick snacks so you can grab something on your way out to wherever life takes you that day.Assisted Living:Whether you or your loved one need minimal assistance, or a more thorough and comprehensive care plan.Services Include:Weekly Housekeeping Weekly Personal Laundry and Bed Linens 3 Meals Daily Plus Snacks Transportation to Local Medical Appointments & Scheduled Shopping Outings All Utilities  Cable TV & Internet A Vibrant Activity Calendar Our medical assessments are done prior to admittance into our community and routinely thereafter to ensure we are providing the top notch care you expect. All care plans are determined with input by you or your representative, our staff, and your primary care physician; in concert, we believe we will be able to provide the care necessary to achieve optimal success while maintaining dignity and respect.Memory Care Community for Our Residents That Need Extra Care Due to Dementia.All of our residents in this portion of the community will be provided customized service plans provided by our trained care staff, available 24 hours a day with licensed nurse oversight.The service provided will be available in a tranquil and compassionate environment, catere

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Articles Written By Local Businesses

You Always Have a Choice

The Medicare Hospice Benefit is a federally mandated benefit. Because of that, all Hospices are required to follow the same core guidelines when providing Hospice care. Those performing the care and their philosophy of caring for their patients are what separate one Hospice from another. Make sure you connect with their team of clinicians. You always have a choice when deciding which Hospice to care for you and your loved one. Choosing the right hospice is very important. One that can be confusing; here are some tips to help make the process easier. When choosing the right hospice; I recommend a few things to consider when making your decision. One of the most important factors is the level of involvement from the Hospices Medical Director. Every Hospice is required to have a Medical Director, but the regulations aren't very detailed in how involved they have to be. Here are some examples of questions you can ask. Who is your Medical Director? How often will I be able to see them? Do I have to go to their office or will they make house calls? Hospices use their Medical Director differently; I recommended choosing a Hospice that has the Medical Director very closely involved with the patients and one that will visit them in their home. Secondly, I would ask the Hospice to describe their Bereavement Program. This is a program that Medicare requires each hospice to provide to families and caregivers for up to a year following the death of your loved one. Often times, I tell families, the medical management of the patient themselves is the easy part its everything else that goes along with a dying loved one that complicates matters. I recommend choosing a Hospice that has a variety of offerings in their bereavement program and one that is specialized in Grief Recovery. Peace of mind goes a long way when you are grieving. Knowing that the Bereavement Program will create an individualized plan for you is valuable. Knowing you are not alone is very important. There are many factors when deciding which Hospice to choose to care for you and your loved one. You may also ask your friends, family, neighbors and church members what experiences they have had and what they've learned was important. Hopefully these tips will help make your decision easier when the time comes. Kristi Hartway, Director of Operations Harrisons Hope Hospice

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Abuse and Neglect

Abuse of a senior or vulnerable adult happens much more often than most of us have any idea. Approximately 9.5% of the US population over the age of 65 experiences some type of abuse, neglect and/or exploitation. We like to think that it wont happen in our families. Unfortunately, it can and very well may. Females are abused more frequently than males, and the older the individual is, the more likely they are to be abused. The vast majority of abusers are family members (approximately 90%); most abusers are adult children, spouses, or partners. Family members who abuse drugs or alcohol, who have a mental/emotional illness, and those who feel burdened by their caregiving responsibilities abuse at higher rates than those who do not. Abuse comes in many forms, neglect being the most frequent, followed by physical abuse, financial exploitation, and emotional abuse. Neglect is the refusal to provide an elderly person with life necessities such as food, water, clothing, shelter, personal hygiene, medicine, comfort, and personal safety. Physical abuse is a physical force that causes or is likely to cause injury, pain or impairment to an elder. Financial abuse or exploitation is the illegal or improper use of an elders funds, property or assets. The elder is often reluctant to acknowledge or report abuse themselves because of fear of retaliation, fear of abandonment, lack of physical and/or cognitive ability to report, or because they don't want to get the abuser, often a family member, in trouble. We must be willing to stand up to protect our elders. If you have concerns, or suspect abuse, do your part - talk to someone, call Adult Protective Services (APS). APS provides services in each state to insure the safety and well-being of elders and adults with disabilities who are in danger of being mistreated or neglected, are unable to take care of themselves or protect themselves from harm, and have no one to assist them. A staff member will make contact with the elder to assess their current risk factors. With the help of the elder, the APS worker will develop a plan to assist them. Those who have the capability to understand their circumstances have the right to refuse services, regardless of the level of risk. If you suspect abuse, call 208-334-3833.

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Private Duty Home Care Buyer’s Guide

We understand that budget is a primary consideration when you are making arrangements for home care and it is our expectation that you will shop around to find the best provider at a manageable cost. As you do, please consider the following points in order to ensure that you and your loved ones are protected and receive the best care possible.Do your homework.Before you make your first phone call, thoroughly consider what your care needs are. Make sure that you paint an accurate picture of the patients needs so that the right caregiver match can be made. *Do you a need a companion, or someone who can provide hands-on care? *Do you need assistance with cooking and light housework? *Do you need skilled medical assistance for things like blood pressure, blood sugar testing? Medication administration, wound care, tube maintenance? *Do you need a caregiver who can drive you to social events or appointments? *Is a memory loss diagnoses a factor or is the patient becoming confused? *Do you need a caregiver trained in a specialization such as hospice care or mobility needs? *Do you need a caregiver that speaks a particular language or is versed in sign language?Interview the agency.-In order to protect yourself and your loved ones from potential liability, be sure to consider the following when selecting a home care agency: *What levels of care are available? Are you licensed for medical care or only companion care? *Are your caregivers supervised by an RN? *Are all caregivers employees that are licensed, bonded, and insured? What happens if a Worker is injured in my home? *If there is a personality conflict or other problems, can a change be made? *What are your rates? Is there a minimum number of hours that I have to commit to each day/week/month? *What happens if my caregiver calls out sick or has an emergency? Will you send another caregiver of equal skill and experience? *Can I interview the caregiver before I commit to using your agency? Do you check references and can I get details of the caregivers experience and background? Can I get someone that has worked on similar cases? *What happens in case of an emergency? Can your caregiver provide hands-on help or do they need to wait for emergency services?Helpful Hints.*Before a new caregiver starts, write out a basic daily and weekly schedule. Include a list of likes and dislikes for food and activities. *Remember that you are the customer, do not hesitate to express your needs and give feedback, especially if you are dissatisfied or concerned. Caroline Moore, owner BrightStar of Boise.

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Grow Your World and Green Your Community by Joining a GARDEN CLUB

As nearly 200,000 men and women of all ages and backgrounds across the nation can attest, the rewards of belonging to a Garden Club go far beyond the pure pleasure of growing things. Joining a local Garden Club is a great way to green your thumb, but a membership also provides an opportunity to expand your interests and build lifelong friendships while bettering your community and the environment. A Garden Club will give you access to people who are experienced in gardening in your locality and you will find their assistance in valuable. Our National Garden Clubs Conservation pledge is: I pledge to protect and conserve our natural resources of planet earth and to promote education so that we may become caretakers (stewards) of our air, water, forest, land and wild life. Garden Clubs of Idaho, Inc. is a 501 3 nonprofit educational organization and a member of National Garden Clubs, Inc.. Garden Clubs of Idaho, Inc. is state wide organization associated with the Pacific Region of National Garden Clubs, Inc. and National Garden Clubs, Inc.. Garden Clubs of Idaho, Inc. has fifteen Garden Clubs and almost 500 members. Seven of the Garden Clubs are located in the Treasure Valley. Activities of our clubs include civic beautification funded through grants, charitable donations, and fundraising. Clubs annually sponsor horticulture education and seminars and regularly organize presentations about landscaping, cultivating and growing a wide variety of plants and vegetation. In addition we award annual scholarships to students for the study of horticulture. Flower Show Judges Schools and Landscape Design Schools are offered to our members. Clubs also compete for State, Regional and National awards on a regular basis. Garden Clubs of Idaho, Inc. encourages anyone interested in becoming a member of a Garden Club to contact any of the Garden Cubs listed below or the State Membership Chairman, Janet Petersen at Go on; why not give it a try. Oct. 2013 Southwest District Garden Clubs of Idaho Garden Clubs of Idaho, Inc. State President: Karen Mallon 208-853-6108 Ada Gardeners President: Beth Suhr 208-375-9310 Golden Garden Club President: Karen Mallon 208-853-6108 Long Valley Gardeners President: Jan Morrison 208-382-5613 Merry Tillers Garden Club President: Maggie Williamson 208-871-2718 Nampa Garden Club President: Cynthia Borron 208-899-6521 Owyhee Gardeners President: Judy MacKenzie 208-896-4441 Payette Valley Gardeners President: Maxine Walker 208-642-6686

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