Massachusetts - Greater Boston

Middlesex, Norfolk & Suffolk


Susan Arayas

Publisher's Note

Welcome to Seniors Blue Book's home page for the Boston area.  Here you will find the latest news and information on our community.  Please check back often and let us know what you think. This site complements our local Seniors Blue Book and Professional Discharge Planner Resource Notebook.  If you would like a book please click on a button below.  If you are a professional  interested in being showcased in our next issue or receiving our Discharge Planner Resource Notebook please contact us. We are here to help our seniors, their family members and the professionals that serve them. Email or call us at 978-443-8318  and let us know how we can help you. Enjoy the site and we look forward to hearing from you. Susan Arayas - Publisher

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Jul 19, 2025 10:00 AM - 02:00 AM

6TH Annual Veteran's Music Festival

Veteran's Music Festival, VA Benefits & Career Expo


Apr 04, 2025 11:00 PM - 02:00 PM

Veteran's Voice Network Parkinson's Awareness Symposium

 Recent advancements such as gene therapy, new drug trials, FDA approvals of innovative treatment devices, and stem cell therapy offer a glimpse of hope in the battle against PD.This symposium has been created to spread awareness and present the progress made in the Parkinsons field and to open communication bet ween the VA and the various agencies involved.Each group will have a 4-minute presentation to describe who they are, what they do, any accomplishments reached, as well as any data collected from within the veteran's community.A community Q&A will follow. 


Apr 02, 2025 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM

THE BOSTON MARATHON A Fun & Lively Discussion

Join best-selling author Paul Clerici at Sunrise of Norwood as he discusses the iconic BostonMarathon, taking you through the colorful 26.2-mile journey mile by mile, townby town, story by story, all supplemented with a multimedia presentation ofimages from his books, which include some from rare collections and some neverseen before! The discussion is free, but registration is required bycalling Lisa Belle at (781) 762-1333.


Mar 28, 2025 03:00 PM - 04:30 PM

Loretta Laroche Groton Center Speaker Series

Loretta LaRoche is an international Stress management expert.  Please join us.

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Local Aging Options

Oakley Home Access

Walk-In Tubs 16 Production Way, Walpole, Massachusetts, 02032

Oakley Home Access is an expert team of Home Safety Professionals with goals to help individuals achieve Fall Prevention, Accessibility, & Aging-In-Place. We offer free home safety assessments provided by an Occupational Therapist or CAPS (Certified Aging in Place Specialist) professional who recommends appropriate equipment: Grab bars, Stairlifts, Ramps & more. Our Technicians perform the modifications to safely maximize mobility

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Hebrew SeniorLife's Great Days for Seniors at Wallingford Road

Adult Day Services 30 Wallingford Road, Brighton, Massachusetts, 02135

With more than 20 years of experience caring for seniors in an adult day health program, Hebrew SeniorLifes Great Days for Seniors offers a community-based setting with:Social and stimulating daily programsOn-site nursing carePersonal careSocial workNutritious mealsRehabilitationTransportation optionsNurses, social workers, and therapeutic professionals staff our programs. All staff members have completed the Alzheimers Association Habilitation Training Certification program and care for people with memory loss. Physical, occupational, and speech therapists provide treatment as needed when prescribed by a physician. Program assistants provide personal care and help with daily routines. Working as a team, our staff ensures all participants needs are met and that family caregivers benefit from additional respite, support, and education. 

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Law Offices of Timothy R. Loff

Medicaid Attorney 1087 Beacon St Ste 201, Newton, Massachusetts, 02459

We provide families with legal information in plain, understandable terms. Contact us for a free consultation.We specialize in Elder Law, Estate and Healthcare Planning, Guardianship and Conservatorships, Long Term Care Planning, Medicaid Applications and Appeals, Probating Estates, Certain types of Real Estate Transactions, and Trust Administration.

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Arbors at Taunton

Memory Care 763 County St, Taunton, Massachusetts, 02780

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Articles Written By Local Businesses

Cheat Sheet: Paying for Assisted Living

Change is hard. Making a move in uncertain times can be scary; navigating all your options can be downright confusing.Assisted living communities are supportive environments meant to help prolong the independence of you or your loved one. This housing option is often overlooked because many dont realize it is a viable option until there is an emergency. There is often resistance because there are many misconceptions surrounding this senior living option, including affordability, access and services provided.Once you start to look around, comparing the various communities is no simple task; from giant continuums of care to very small specialty units, and your job as the consumer is to find which place suits your needs as close as possible for as long as possible. One very important factor for most people when researching communities, besides the quality of care and location, is cost. Do I rent or join a community with a buy-in? Is an all-inclusive program better, or does the a la cart pricing structure work better for me? Looking at your finances is the first step to determine which option is right for you.If you have a long-term care insurance policy, for instance, you want to go to a licensed assisted living facility for your services so you can utilize those funds for your care. If you are a wartime veteran or spouse, you would want to make sure that the community you choose supports the Aid & Attendance benefit.One thing that can very easily get overlooked in the decision-making process, especially if it is an emergency, is what happens if/when the money runs out?In many cases, the options are very limited and it is your responsibility to find your next home. Some communities, however, have financial programs available that allow the resident to age in place through subsidy programs such as a SCO or PACE program, or in some cases GAFC. These programs are a great way to keep your loved one in their assisted living if the community offers it. At the end of the day, knowing your options will help you find the best place for your needs and a wonderful new home for you or your loved one. Written by Stephanie Nordstrom, Director of Admissions & Marketing at Christopher Heights of Marlborough, an Assisted Living Community. She can be reached out 508-281-8001 or 

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Home Care Heroes: In-Home Caregivers Provide Essential Services During COVID-19 Pandemic

Home Care Heroes: In-Home Caregivers Provide Essential Services During COVID-19 PandemicEvery day, thousands of older adults depend on in-home caregivers to help them manage everyday tasks. These caregivers have become even more essential during this unprecedented coronavirus pandemic which has caused significant public health and safety concerns for the elderly.As the nation tries to find answers, in-home caregivers for the elderly remain resolute in delivering safe and compassionate personal care that is essential to the health and well-being of older adults. Older adults can rely on in-home caregivers to:Maintain routinesPredictable visits from an in-home caregiver can help seniors feel safe and comforted. Caregivers help maintain familiar routines such as bathing, dressing, grocery shopping, taking medication, and preparing and eating meals.Communicate with loved ones & stay engagedThe virus has changed the way this most vulnerable population socializes and interacts. Caregivers can helpseniors find new ways to connect, whether through setting up a new communications device or encouraging them to write letters. Caregivers can also support new ways to engage, such as participation in on-line classes or virtually touring cities or museums. Engagement with a caregiver reduces boredom and isolation which can be heightened during the pandemic. Their visits provide rewarding companionship.Stock upCaregivers can help seniors obtain necessary household supplies by doing the shopping or arranging for delivery of medication, groceries, and other goods.Give peace of mind to familiesWhen families cant be with their loved ones, caregivers are there to monitor a seniors health and overall well-being. Caregivers practiceproper hygiene to reduce health risks. They exercise frequent handwashing and disinfecting inside a seniors household to keep contagious illnesses and viruses at bay. They look for signs and symptoms of COVID-19, flu and other viruses, as well as depression and anxiety. Their efforts reassure families their loved ones are doing well, emotionally and physically.Providing Safe, High-Quality Care the Elderly DeserveDespite the challenges with COVID-19, home care agencies like Visiting Angels partner with families to provide essential home care services for older adults. Caregivers continue to be heroes, taking the necessary steps toprotect the elderly and prevent the spread of COVID-19.Editors Note: This article was submitted by Karen Woodrow. Karen is the director/owner of two Visiting Angels locations. Visiting Angels provides compassionate home care for adults who want to remain independent in their own homes. She can be reached at

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Health effects of untreated hearing loss

Health effects of untreated hearing loss  About 48 million Americans are living with hearing loss. While 80% of hearing loss cases can be successfully treated with hearing aids, only one in four people who could benefit from hearing aids actually use them.1 Most people are not aware that untreated hearing loss is associated with serious illnesses and conditions, including: Dementia: The 2020 study from the Lancet Commission2 shows that hearing loss is the largest modifiable risk factor against dementia. According to the report, dementia risk varies based on the level of hearing loss:3 Mild hearing loss doubles the dementia risk Moderate hearing loss triples the risk Severe hearing impairment increases the dementia risk up to 5 times The study states that "hearing loss might result in cognitive decline through reduced cognitivestimulation." By being proactive and treating hearing loss as soon as possible, the risk for cognitive decline and dementia can be reduced. Heart Disease: The Centers for Disease Control found that cardiovascular disease and hearing loss are linked due to blood flow. Its believed that heart disease can reduce blood flow to the ear and cause damage to different parts of the auditory system. This damage typically results in sensorineural hearing loss, which is permanent and often managed with amplification.4  Depression: Hearing loss, left untreated, can have serious emotional and social consequences,especially for older people. Poor hearing often leads to anxiety, insecurity and social withdrawal. Feelings of loneliness often culminate into depression. Older adults who use hearing aids are less at risk of suffering from depression.5 Increased risk of falling: What you can hear (and don't hear) directly affects your balance. Even mild hearing loss can triple your chances of falling. Treating hearing loss with hearing aids can help serve as a "balance aid."6 Not everyone with hearing loss will develop the conditions outlined above, but being educated about the potential risks can help you make smart decisions about hearing loss treatment. Today's hearing devices are equipped with many features that could greatly enhance your quality of life. Helping to protect your overall well-being is certainly one of the better reasons to seek treatment for hearing loss.; 2G Livingston, Jonathan Huntley, Andrew Sommerlad, et al. Dementia prevention, intervention, and care: 2020 report of the Lancet Commission. The Lancet. July 30, 2020; 3G Livingston, A Sommerlad, V Orgeta, et al. Dementia prevention, intervention, and care. The Lancet. July 20, 2017; 4Hull, R. H., & Kerschen, S. R. (2010). The influence of cardiovascular health on peripheral and central auditory function in adults: A research review. American Journal of Audiology,19, 9-16;5Bigelow, RT, Reed, NS, et al. Association of hearing loss with psychological distress and utilization of mental health services among adults in the United States. JAMA Netw Open. 2020 Jul 1;3(7):e2010986;

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Choosing the Right Care

Choosing the Right CareAfter a hospital stay due to a significant illness or injury, your doctor may suggest further recovery in a post-acute care setting. To decide the best location for your recovery, understanding the different levels of post-acute care is important.  Below are the four different levels of post-acute care recognized by Medicare: Inpatient rehabilitation: Inpatient rehabilitation provides a hospital level of care coupled with intensive therapy to help regain independence after an illness or injury. While at an inpatient rehabilitation hospital, patients are required to receive three hours of therapy a day, a minimum of five days per week. Patients will also have frequent visits from a rehabilitation physician and internal medicine doctor. Nursing care is provided 24/7, and a multi-disciplinary team that includes physicians, nurses, therapists, dietitians, pharmacists, case managers and more design unique care plans to fit patient goals. Patients treated at rehabilitation hospitals are recovering from serious illnesses or injuries, such as stroke, head or spinal cord injuries, neurological disorders, amputations, and hip fractures. The average length of stay is about 12 days. Home health: Home health is care that is provided in the home. Your doctor or other provider can refer you to home health and work with you and the agency to determine how many visits you are eligible to receive. Home health services include nursing, therapy, nursing aides and social workers. Skilled nursing facility: At a skilled nursing facility, patients receive therapy and nursing care in a less intense setting than inpatient rehabilitation facilities. Unlike inpatient rehabilitation facilities, there are no legal requirements mandating the number of hours of care per day that must be provided. Physician visits are also not as frequent, and the multi-disciplinary team is not as varied as that in an inpatient rehabilitation facility. The average length of stay is about 30 days. Long-term acute care hospital: If a patient has had a particularly extended (greater than 30 days) and medically complex hospital stay, a long-term care hospital may be recommended. At a long-term care hospital, patients receive nursing and lower-level rehabilitation care for an extended period of time. Many patients referred for this level of care are not yet able to actively participate in rehabilitation and may still require assistance breathing. Editors Note: This article was submitted by Encompass Health, for more information visit:

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