HHAU Bereavement Meeting on Manipulation

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Feb 16, 2022

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Manipulators, we all have them; we all love them, and sometimes we are them. JeanneLauree will be discussing how to respond to manipulation with tact and skill.

JeanneLauree Olsen is a non-denominational Chaplain. She began serving as a hospice chaplain in 2002 and continues in that work today. Her philosophy is that the dying can teach powerful lessons about living.

Through her coaching and leadership, many have found the confidence to take their lives to a higher level. Her clear vision and coaching help others to make course corrections quickly.

Her vast life experiences give her a practical and intimate understanding of life and the challenges it brings.

From a place of compassion and strength, she partners with her clients to give them the unique opportunity to find the answers from within themselves. 

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