3 Contemplative Practices to Strengthen Wellbeing


Windhorse Elder Care

For more information about the author, click to view their website: Windhorse Elder Care

Posted on

Dec 12, 2024


Colorado - Boulder County

Written by: Patti Chenis, WEC Team Supervisor

Contemplative Practices/ meditation/mindfulness are beneficial ways to strengthen our wellbeing, resilience, and develop a fuller capacity to recognize the healing power in one’s heart to work with stress and difficult challenges.

Mindfulness is knowing what you are doing as you are doing it. It is bringing awareness to your present moment lived experience. Bringing our attention to breathing is one of the most widely used objects of meditation and anchor for our attention. Continually coming back to the attention and awareness of our breath brings a sense of precision, (being in the present moment-connecting to our life force of breath) gentleness, (allowing whatever is arising e.g. thoughts, emotions, sensations to be as they are without judgement and returning to our awareness of breath) and openness ( being curious about the richness and fullness of our experience).

Mindfulness can be developed as a formal practice on meditation cushion, chair, standing up, lying down or walking meditation. The point of meditation is to remember to bring mindfulness (that conscious awareness of being in our present lived experience) into daily life, so you could say any aspect our lives can be a mindfulness practice.

Her are some thoughts about bringing mindfulness, loving kindness, self-compassion and compassion into daily life.

  1. Deep Conscious Breaths
    Taking some deep conscious breaths in the morning or whenever you feel stressed, anxious, overwhelmed or want a fresh restart in you daily life. Before you do something stress- full, step back and take some deep breaths; research shows deep breaths calm the nervous system.
  2. Movement
    Walking (especially getting out and enjoying nature), yoga, tai chi, qigong, dancing to your favorite music, laughter (full belly laughs can do wonders for the spirit-try it), singing your favorite song(s); crying (allow yourself to feel the release that crying can bring e.g. tears of sadness, joy) whatever gets your energy moving and flowing.
  3. Self-compassion and compassion practices
    Dispel the myths that self-compassion is selfish or that we are not worthy of love and wellbeing. Research show that offering words of loving kindness to oneself changes our brain and improves our resilience, strengthens our immune system and increases our capacity to be of benefit to others. When we feel resourced and have a sense of well-being our capacity to work with stress and difficult emotions is greater.

    Good morning Practice:
    Good morning (put your name here) I love you. You can repeat this in the morning or anytime during the day to interject some good will toward oneself or someone else in your life if it is difficult to say this about yourself at first.

    Compassion is not only feeling empathy and emotional connection to the suffering of others but also wanting to relieve that suffering. It is the courage to open our hearts to our own suffering as well as that of others and that we are all interconnected, in the same boat so to speak. We can offer words of care and loving kindness to ourselves, mentors (someone who has been kind to us) friends, strangers, difficult people, as well as to all beings as we open our heart of compassion to include all. May I and all beings have happiness, well-being, safety, health and live at ease and in harmony.

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How can you lower your dementia risk?

At Grey Matters Health, we're always watching for news articles to help inform and encourage you in your brain health journey. The recent article "Doctors Share The 14 Things You Can Do To Lower Dementia Risk Right Now" from Womens Health provides expert-backed strategies to help reduce the risk of developing dementia. Dementia, including Alzheimers, affects millions globally, but proactive lifestyle changes can significantly lower the likelihood of cognitive decline.Key recommendations include maintaining a healthy weight, managing conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure, and quitting smoking. Cardiovascular health is vital, as a healthy heart promotes better brain function. Incorporating physical activity, such as walking or strength training, and eating a balanced diet, like the Mediterranean or DASH diet, supports brain health.Mental stimulation is equally important. Engage in activities that challenge your mind, like puzzles, reading, or learning new skills. Social connections also play a crucial role; maintaining an active social life helps combat loneliness and improves cognitive resilience. Additionally, quality sleep is emphasized, as inadequate rest can lead to harmful brain changes over time.Limiting alcohol consumption and avoiding exposure to air pollution are other essential steps. The article underscores that while no single change guarantees protection, adopting multiple healthy habits can dramatically reduce your dementia risk and enhance overall well-being. By starting these practices now, you can protect your brain for the long term.You can read the entire article at www.womenshealthmag.com/health/a63227792/lower-dementia-risk-doctors/.For more about protecting your future independence and longevity, visit www.GreyHealthMatters.org.

Local Services By This Author

Windhorse Elder Care

Home Health 2299 Pearl Street, Boulder, Colorado, 80302

Whether in a private residence or care facility we provide a wide range of services, from basic caregiving to geriatric care management. We are skilled professionals who create and maintain relationships with sensitivity and compassion. We specialize in mental health challenges associated with aging and illness, fostering healthy and uplifted environments.We believe that caring for our elders and loved ones is best done in community.  Our client-centered team approach is unique in the elder care field and allows your loved one, and entire family, to benefit from the support and care of highly trained professionals.  Connection and communication are at the heart of our elder care model, which allows care to naturally evolve as the needs of your loved one change over time.We are known for building lasting long-term relationships and have served several families for over a decade. We look forward to joining your family on the caregiving journey.Services are provided without regard to age, sex, religion, race, sexual orientation, political belief, physical diagnosis, handicap, or disability.