7 Engaging Activities for Seniors with Dementia


HomeWell Care Services

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Jul 11, 2023


Florida - Sarasota, Bradenton & Charlotte Counties , Florida - Southwest

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For seniors living with dementia, finding meaningful and engaging activities can be a challenge. However, creating a home environment that evokes joy, connection, and fulfillment can make all the difference in ensuring they experience a healthy quality of life.

In this blog, we explore seven activities proven to enhance cognitive function, stimulate the senses, and promote emotional well-being for seniors with dementia. Whether you’re seeking to improve cognitive function, enjoy new experiences in your golden years, or looking for ways to connect with your aging loved one, these activities can help make time spent at home or with each other fun and rewarding.

1. Reminiscence Therapy

Take a trip down memory lane and unlock precious moments from the past. Gather old photo albums, listen to music from your younger years, or flip through magazines from your era. As you immerse yourself in nostalgia, you’ll discover some golden memories waiting to be shared. Reminiscing not only helps seniors with dementia preserve their sense of identity but studies have also shown that it helps with healthy aging. So, dust off those albums and prepare for a fun journey filled with laughter, tears, and heartwarming stories.

2. Art Activities

Engaging in art activities can help unlock your inner creativity and provide a means of expression for seniors with dementia. Painting, drawing, and sculpting can stimulate cognitive function, improve dexterity, and foster self-expression. Consider setting up a dedicated art space in the house with watercolors, coloring books, or clay supplies to inspire you when creativity strikes, and don’t worry if your artwork doesn’t end up in a museum; the process itself is where the magic happens.

3. Light Exercise and Movement

Engaging in light exercises and movement activities is essential for seniors with dementia. Whether it’s chair yoga, stretching, or guided walks, physical activity improves circulation, flexibility, and overall well-being. Plus, it’s an excellent way to reduce agitation and restlessness often associated with dementia. So, grab a comfy chair and put on your favorite workout tunes or step your way to a healthier and happier you!

4. Nature-based Activities

Step outside and let nature work its wonders on your well-being. Nature-based activities like taking leisurely walks in the park, tending to a small garden, or simply sitting in a peaceful outdoor setting can positively impact seniors with dementia. The natural world’s sights, sounds, and smells can evoke positive emotions, reducing stress and promoting overall well-being. Just remember, even if you don’t have a green thumb, the plants won’t judge you—they’re too busy growing and enjoying the sunshine themselves!

5. Pet Therapy

Interactions with animals can bring immense joy and emotional support to seniors with dementia. Arrange visits from therapy animals or consider adopting a gentle and trained companion, such as a therapy dog or cat. The presence of animals has been proven to reduce anxiety, increase social engagement, and stimulate memories and conversations. Pets can also provide a sense of unconditional love and companionship and a unique feeling of purpose and connection. So why not cuddle up and let their wagging tails or soothing purrs bring you comfort and joy?

6. Volunteer Work or Community Engagement 

Engaging seniors with dementia in volunteer work or community activities can also provide a sense of purpose and belonging. Look for local organizations or community centers offering volunteer opportunities tailored to seniors. This could include activities like packing care packages for the less fortunate, participating in community events, or joining a senior center group. Contributing to the community not only helps combat social isolation but also boosts self-esteem, improves mood, and promotes a sense of accomplishment.

7. Music Therapy

Tap into the power of music and let your soul dance to its melodies! Whether you’re listening to familiar songs or playing musical instruments, music therapy can reach individuals with dementia on a deep emotional level. Create personalized playlists featuring songs from your youth or organize sing-along sessions. Feel the rhythm, hum along, and let the melodies transport you to a place of joy and peace. Music has a magical way of evoking memories, enhancing mood, and reducing anxiety!

Life Enrichment with HomeWell Care Services

Engaging activities for seniors with dementia are vital to promoting cognitive function, emotional well-being, and a sense of fulfillment. By incorporating reminiscence therapy, gentle exercises, or any of the other activities mentioned above, you can create meaningful moments of joy and connection that resonate with you or your loved one diagnosed with dementia.

At HomeWell Care Services, we understand the importance of seniors reaping the benefits of fun activities. That’s why we created our Life Enrichment Activities Program or LEAP. If you’re worried that you or a loved one may need some extra help enjoying the things they love, contact us about our LEAP program today.

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As the global population continues to age, the conversation surrounding elderly care becomesincreasingly vital. In many cultures, aging is regarded as a time of wisdom and respect, but italso brings with it challenges in maintaining health, independence, and well-being. Aging inplace, which refers to the ability to live in ones own home and community safely, comfortably,and independently, is becoming a growing preference for many seniors. However, achieving thisgoal requires resources, support, and tailored care that many elderly individuals need to navigate.One of the most effective ways to ensure seniors can age in place successfully is by using aprivate concierge nurse. Concierge nursing services offer a personalized, high-quality approachto care that allows elderly individuals to receive the attention they deserve while remaining in thecomfort of their homes. This approach to healthcare focuses not only on the clinical needs of theelderly but also on their overall well-being, providing an integrated support system that canenhance their quality of life.What is Concierge Nursing?A concierge nurse is an independently practicing Registered Nurse. Concierge nurses become thepersonal nursing providers for those who need support in a home setting. Concierge nurses arenot restricted to the healthcare limitations set by Medicare and insurance companies because theyare paid privately, which means they only work for the patient.Concierge nursing is a healthcare service that provides personalized, one-on-one care tailored tothe individuals needs. It operates on a more flexible model than traditional healthcare systems,where patients often receive short, rushed visits from overworked staff. 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This approach is often seen as a more desirable alternativeto long term care facilities as it enables seniors to remain in a familiar environment while stillreceiving the medical attention they require.The Benefits of Concierge Nursing for Aging in Place1. Personalized Care and One-on-One AttentionUnlike traditional healthcare models where a patient may see multiple caregivers, conciergenurses work directly with a senior, developing a relationship while having an understanding oftheir specific needs. This personalized care allows for more precise management of healthconditions and more thoughtful responses to changes in the seniors health. Whether a seniorrequires help with medication management, weekly wellness checks, post-surgery care or caremanagement, concierge nurses offer tailored care based to the unique needs of the individual.2. Continuity of CareA significant advantage of concierge nursing is the continuity of care. Seniors are often morecomfortable with consistent caregivers, which fosters trust and allows nurses to notice changes inhealth or behavior early. This continuity can improve the senior's overall experience of aging inplace by minimizing confusion and ensuring that the elderly individual is well-known to theircaregiver, leading to more effective care and better health outcomes.3. Prevention and Early InterventionConcierge nurses monitor health more closely than traditional healthcare providers, oftencatching signs of illness or complications before they become serious. Preventive care, such asroutine checkups, early detection of infections, or managing the symptoms of chronic conditionslike diabetes or hypertension, can be crucial to a seniors well-being. In this setting, nurses canintervene early, preventing hospitalizations, reducing the need for emergency care, and helpingseniors manage their health proactively.4. Support for Chronic Conditions and Medication ManagementChronic conditions, such as arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease, are commonamong the elderly. Managing these conditions effectively requires a high level of attention todetail, especially when it comes to medication management. Concierge nurses can help seniorsorganize their medications, remind them to take doses on time, monitor for side effects, andcommunicate with doctors to ensure that treatments are effective and adjusted as needed. Propermedication management can prevent many complications and hospital admissions, improving thequality of life for aging individuals.5. Reduction of Hospitalizations and Emergency Room VisitsOne of the most significant concerns for the elderly is the risk of hospitalization, either due to afall, an exacerbation of a medical condition, or an untreated health issue. Concierge nurses aretrained to monitor seniors health closely, offering interventions that can reduce the likelihood ofa crisis. They can manage minor health issues before they escalate into emergencies, ensureproper nutrition, and promote physical and mental wellness. By preventing hospitalization oremergency visits, seniors not only receive better care but also avoid the stress and disruption thatcan come with being admitted to a hospital or care facility.6. Companionship and Mental Health SupportAging in place is not only about physical health but also about emotional well-being. Manyelderly individuals face feelings of isolation, depression, or loneliness, especially if they havelost loved ones or are no longer mobile. Concierge nurses often become companions, providingmore than just medical care. Their presence can combat loneliness, provide emotional support,and help seniors feel valued. These nurses can also encourage social activities, cognitiveexercises, and engagement with family members, which are crucial for mental health.7. Peace of Mind for FamiliesFor families of elderly individuals, knowing that a professional, compassionate nurse is attendingto their loved ones needs can provide peace of mind. Families may live far away or have busyschedules that prevent them from providing consistent support to aging relatives. Conciergenurses offer an excellent solution, ensuring that the elderly person is cared for without the familymember having to constantly worry. Families can be involved in care decisions and receiveupdates on the elderly individuals health, reducing stress and fostering a collaborative approachto care.8. Cost-EffectivenessAlthough concierge nursing services may seem costly initially, they can be more cost-effectivethan other long-term care options, such as nursing homes or assisted living facilities. In thesesettings, seniors often pay for services they dont need or receive fragmented care. Conciergenurses, on the other hand, provide personalized care that is tailored to the individual, which canbe more affordable in the long run. Seniors can avoid the expenses associated with hospital stays,emergency room visits, or residential care, which may be needed due to inadequate home care.ConclusionThe elderly deserve the opportunity to age in place with dignity and respect, surrounded by thecomfort of their homes and communities. Concierge nursing services play a vital role in makingthis possible by offering personalized, one-on-one care that ensures the elderly remain healthy,independent, and connected. By providing tailored healthcare, prevention, companionship, andemotional support, concierge nurses allow seniors to live life on their terms, minimizing the needfor institutionalized care and hospitalizations.For many elderly individuals, having a private concierge nurse means not just receiving medicalcare, but receiving the right kind of care, one that is thoughtful, attentive, and responsive to theirevolving needs. By investing in concierge nursing, seniors can continue to live fulfilling,independent lives well into their later years, making aging in place not just a possibility, but a positive, rewarding experience.

Medication for Anger Management

Ever asked yourself why am I so angry all the time? Anger is a normal emotion everyone will experience at some point. Managing and learning how to calm down from anger effectively is crucial to maintaining healthy relationships and overall mental health well-being. For those needing help, medication may be an important component of a comprehensive anger management treatment plan. Dealing with anger can be challenging, but several medication for anger options are available to help. Read on for an anger medication list and other important information you should know if youre considering taking medication to control anger. Do Psychiatrists Prescribe Medication for Anger Issues?For some people who have anger issues, a psychiatrist might prescribe anger medication to treat extreme cases of rage when other treatments, such as therapy for anger management, lifestyle changes, self-help techniques, and other modifications, havent been effective.There are medications that can reduce the impulsivity and mood swings associated with anger issues. Medications known as mood stabilizers are the most commonly used. Talkspace psychiatrist Dr. Dion MetzgerCommon Types of Medications for Anger ManagementFor many people, therapy and lifestyle changes can be effective ways to learn to manage their types of anger. Sometimes, theyre not enough. In certain instances, medication might be part of a treatment plan to help control anger-related problems.Its important to note that anger isnt an official diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). Thus, no medication has been FDA-approved to treat anger. That said, several drugs are used off-label to treat anger (meaning theyre effective but werent developed for or FDA-approved to treat a specific condition).Its also worth noting that anger may be a symptom of or the result of a mental health condition, and the type of medication youre prescribed might depend on that diagnosis.Antidepressants for angerThe types of antidepressants are typically prescribed for depression and anxiety disorders, but they can also treat anger disorders by regulating mood and reducing intense anger.Commonly prescribed antidepressants for anger issuesResearch shows that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) might be an effective anger medication for some people. Some commonly prescribed SSRIs for rage or anger include:Citalopram (Celexa)Fluoxetine (Prozac)Sertraline (Zoloft)Potential side effects of antidepressants for anger issuesThere are some known and common side effects of SSRIs, including:IndigestionDizzinessBlurred visionDry mouthConstipationTalk to your doctor if side effects of Zoloft, Prozac, or other SSRIs worsen or start to affect your quality of life.Anxiety medications for angerSometimes your doctor might suggest anti-anxiety medication to help you control your anger. Anti-anxiety medications help keep neurotransmitter levels in the brain stable, which may help you manage angry feelings of anger or rage. Commonly prescribed anxiety meds for anger issuesBenzodiazepines are a commonly prescribed, fast-acting group of anxiety medication. Some research suggests they can be effective in reducing agitation. Common benzodiazepines include:Lorazepam (Ativan)  MidazolamPotential side effects of anxiety meds for anger issuesAnxiety medication can cause side effects, including:DizzinessDrowsinessSedationLoss of balanceMood stabilizers for angerMood stabilizers decrease abnormal brain activity that can cause agitation and anger. They can level out mood swings and balance the neurotransmitters involved in mood disturbances.Commonly prescribed mood stabilizers for anger issuesCommon mood stabilizers your doctor may prescribe to treat your uncontrolled anger include:Carbamazepine (Tegretol)LithiumValproic acidPotential side effects of mood stabilizers for anger issuesThere are some common side effects of mood stabilizers you should be aware of before starting them. They can include:Stomach cramps or nauseaThirstHeadacheFatigueMild tremorsAntipsychotics for angerAtypical antipsychotics newer versions of a drug might effectively manage extreme agitation and uncontrolled anger in some people. They can be beneficial when anger is related to health conditions, and the type of condition youre dealing with may dictate what medication your doctor prescribes. Commonly prescribed antipsychotics for anger issuesSome antipsychotics that might be prescribed to help treat anger include:Quetiapine (Seroquel)Olanzapine (Zyprexa)Risperidone (Risperdal)Potential side effects of antipsychotics for anger issuesSide effects to be aware of if you take antipsychotic medication for anger include:DizzinessDry mouthWeight gainSedationBlurred visionTremors or stiffnessFluid retentionWhat Medications Have Anger Side Effects?Almost any medication you take can have side effects. Some types of drugs are known to increase irritability and angry feelings For this reason, its important to know which medications you might want to avoid if you struggle with maintaining and controlling your anger. Some medications that list anger as a potential side effect include:Bupropion (Wellbutrin) Levetiracetam (Keppra)Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse)Methylphenidate (Ritalin) Mixed amphetamine salts (Adderall)Montelukast (Singular) Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)Varenicline (Chantix)Medications that are stimulants (Adderall, Ritalin, and Vyvanse) can have side effects of increased anger. This is why its important to only take these medications for the appropriate diagnoses and not to take higher doses than necessary. Stimulants can lead to aggressive behavior if taken incorrectly. Talkspace psychiatrist Dr. Dion MetzgerManage Your Anger Effectively at TalkspaceAnger can be a normal, healthy response to certain circumstances. However, anger that you cant control or thats increasing in frequency or severity should be addressed. If youre looking for professional mental health support to help you manage your anger, Talkspace has experienced therapists and psychiatrists ready to work with you.You dont have to let your angry outbursts control your life. Its possible to learn coping skills and techniques through in-person or online therapy, lifestyle changes, and possibly medication for anger that will help you manage symptoms of anger so you can develop and nurture fulfilling, positive, healthy relationships without anger getting the best of you.Sources:Romero-Martnez , Murciano-Mart S, Moya-Albiol L. Is sertraline a good pharmacological strategy to control anger? results of a systematic review. Behavioral Sciences. 2019;9(5):57. doi:10.3390/bs9050057. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6562745/. Accessed June 2, 2023.Amore M, DAndrea M, Fagiolini A. Treatment of agitation with Lorazepam in clinical practice: A systematic review. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021;12. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2021.628965. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.628965/full. Accessed June 2, 2023.Sajdeya R, Joseph V, Stetten NE, et al. Reasons for Marijuana Use and Its Perceived Effectiveness in Therapeutic and Recreational Marijuana Users Among People Living with HIV in Florida. Cannabis: Publication of the Research Society on Marijuana. 2021;4(1).  https://publications.sciences.ucf.edu/cannabis/index.php/Cannabis/article/view/75. Accessed June 2, 2023.Ansell EB, Laws HB, Roche MJ, Sinha R. Effects of marijuana use on impulsivity and hostility in daily life. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2015;148:136-142. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2014.12.029. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4330120/. Accessed June 2, 2023.Talkspace articles are written by experienced mental health-wellness contributors; they are grounded in scientific research and evidence-based practices. Articles are extensively reviewed by our team of clinical experts (therapists and psychiatrists of various specialties) to ensure content is accurate and on par with current industry standards.Our goal at Talkspace is to provide the most up-to-date, valuable, and objective information on mental health-related topics in order to help readers make informed decisions.Articles contain trusted third-party sources that are either directly linked to in the text or listed at the bottom to take readers directly to the source.

How to Calm Down From Anger: 9 Helpful Tips

Having the right tools to know how to calm down from anger can be essential for maintaining mental health and fostering healthy relationships. Although its a natural human emotion, many types of anger can be destructive when you dont know how to manage it effectively.  When you learn how to stay calm when angry with the following methods, you can express yourself effectively without letting your anger get the best of you.   Why Do I Get Mad So Easily?Ever wondered, why am I so angry all the time? Getting mad is a natural emotion and it can happen for any number of reasons. After all, anger is an appropriate response to certain experiences. For example, you might be angry about injustice or betrayal, a fight youve had with a partner or friend, a misunderstanding, or when youre disappointed. These are all normal reasons to have an angry reaction. Sometimes, though, we realize were mad about things that may not be that big of a deal in lifes grand scheme. Everyone experiences anger. It is a typical response to a negative stimulus. The main idea is not to avoid it but to have the tools to calm down and avoid hurting ourselves or others. Talkspace therapist Cynthia Catchings, LCSW-SWhether you get mad often or its a rare occurrence, knowing how to calm down when angry can be a valuable skill to have in your arsenal. Learn nine easy, effective ways to calm down when angry emotions are getting the best of you. 9 Practical Techniques to Calm Down From AngerTry using the following tips and techniques if you want to know how to keep calm when angry.1. Use breathing exercises to control your angerResearch shows that diaphragmatic breathing triggers a relaxation response in the body which can be beneficial if youre angry. Taking long, slow, deep breaths can help calm you down and reset your brain to get you out of the fight or flight response. There are several powerful breathing exercises that are easy to use regardless of where you are. Try one of these breathing techniques the next time you want to calm down when youre angry. 4-7-8 breathing: Keeping your mouth closed, breathe through your nose, and count to 4. Hold for 7 seconds and then slowly exhale through the mouth, counting to 8. Repeat until you feel your body release the anger.Box breathing: Box breathing is a technique so effective its used by the Navy SEALs to remain calm in high-stress scenarios. To box breathe, exhale slowly, releasing all the air from your lungs. Count to 4 and inhale through your nose. Hold a deep breath for 4 seconds, then exhale for another count of 4. Repeat several times. 2. The power of visualization in calming downVisualization is a powerful way to calm down and reset your thoughts so you can let go of your anger. You can combine visualization with deep breathing for an even more effective result. Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. Imagine yourself in a calm and peaceful place, completely relaxed and focused. Focus on the sights, smells, textures, and sounds of your imagined location. Go to a place that makes you happy and picture yourself there until you can feel that youre calming down and your anger is dissipating.3. The role of physical exercise in managing angerPhysical exercise is a great (and proven) way to manage anger and relieve tension. Frequent physical exertion can keep you feeling tranquil and resolve irritation while enhancing your overall psychological well-being.  Good exercises for anger management include:RunningYogaBikingWalkingBoxingHiking4. The importance of taking a timeoutThe next time youre feeling angry, take a break to slow your impulsive reactions and regain control over the intense emotions you might be feeling. The walk-away theory works, giving you time and space to cool off before you return to a volatile situation or conversation. Its the easiest of the methods, too. You simply, and literally, just walk away from whatevers angering you. Use the time to regroup and implement other techniques youve learned here, like deep breathing techniques or visualization. 5. How to challenge your thoughts and shift perspectiveChallenging unhealthy thought patterns can help you shift your perspective and change your emotional reaction to an event, person, or circumstance. To do it, use the following tips:Identify negative thoughts: Dont let angry feelings take over. Recognize when you have negative or unhealthy thought patterns.Analyze the evidence: Before you explode, consider whether theres any factual basis for your thoughts or if youre having irrational beliefs.Create alternative explanations: Try to come up with other possible reasons for the source of your anger. For example, someone who upsets you might not have been intentionally acting in a way that was to hurt you.Evaluate consequences: Think about how acting on your anger will affect yourself and others around you. Consider the potential repercussions of your response to determine if it will help resolve the conflict or worsen things.6. Expressing your concerns calmly and effectivelyBefore responding with frustration, think about how to release anger in a healthy way thats calm and effective. If you find this challenging, try using the strategies below. Breathe deeply: Before speaking up, take a few deep breaths to recenter your thoughts and stay calm and composed.Avoid sarcasm: Remember that sarcasm can worsen any tense situation, so try to use fact-based claims and statements.Use I statements: Express your feelings with I statements instead of using accusatory language or blaming others.Be specific: Clearly explain what has made you angry without exaggerating or generalizing the issue.Practice active listening: Give the other person an opportunity to share their perspective while maintaining eye contact and showing empathy towards their feelings.7. Identifying possible solutions to the source of angerFocusing on solutions can help you let go of your rage or at least become instrumental in your ability to reign it in. There are several techniques you can use to do this.Communicate openly: Interact calmly and openly with the person or situation causing your anger.Practice problem-solving skills: Once you identify the issue, brainstorm potential solutions.Create boundaries: Establish healthy boundaries to protect yourself, whether it be family boundaries or friendship boundaries.Avoid triggers: Recognize and minimize exposure to situations or people that provoke anger.Cultivate empathy: Try understanding the other persons perspective to resolve frustration or resentment.8. The benefits of walking away  Weve already discussed taking a timeout, but sometimes you need to do more than just take a breather. Building on the idea of setting boundaries, its important to know when it might be time to walk all-the-way away. Sometimes, relationships or situations are unhealthy for you. If youre in a toxic relationship thats causing you to be consistently angry, you might need to consider getting out.  9. Use pressure pointsSpecific pressure points in the body are associated with tension. The next time youre feeling angry, try putting pressure on one of the known points that might help. Try using gentle pressure on any of the following spots:On the foot between the first and second toes, about 1 above the web of the toesBetween your eyebrows at the top of your nose bridgeInner wrist crease toward the little finger side Inside of the leg, just above the ankleLong-term Strategies for Anger ManagementImplementing long-term and consistent strategies for anger management can help you change your mindset and increase your sense of calm so you dont react in angry ways. Try regularly doing the following to keep a positive attitude so your anger doesnt take over:Working out regularlyJournaling for mental healthPracticing yogaMeditatingFocusing on healthy communication skillsHow to develop a healthier response to angerIf you want to learn how to stay calm when angry, it can help to focus on your natural response to upsetting situations. It will take work, but you can reprogram your brain so that instead of reacting with aggression, criticism, or sarcasm, you learn to calmly express yourself in ways other than anger. Identifying triggers so you can avoid them or manage your reactions is key. Talking to a behavioral professional, practicing meditation or mindfulness, and learning to recognize your triggers can help you develop a healthier response to anger. Talkspace therapist Cynthia Catchings, LCSW-SSeeking professional help for anger managementIf you have anger management issues and are struggling to get them under control on your own, it might be time to seek professional help. Therapy for anger management can be a great way to learn how to remain calm when angry, especially if your intense emotions are starting to affect relationships with others.Manage Your Anger with TalkspaceThe good news is you dont have to live in a perpetual state of anger. You can take proactive steps to overcome your anger response patterns and build healthy, mutually-rewarding relationships where joy and peace not anger are the foundations. Getting professional support from an online therapy provider like Talkspace can be a great first step. Reach out to Talkspace today to learn how to stay calm when angry emotions take over. Talkspace makes the process easy, convenient, and affordable, with therapy from the comfort of your home. Sources:Ma X, Yue Z-Q, Gong Z-Q, et al. The effect of diaphragmatic breathing on attention, negative affect and stress in healthy adults. Frontiers in Psychology. 2017;8. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00874 . https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5455070/. Accessed June 3, 2023. Malhotra P. Exercise and its Impact on Anger Management. Acta Scientific Medical Sciences. 2019;3(4):132-137. https://actascientific.com/ASMS/pdf/ASMS-03-0278.pdf. June 3, 2023.Talkspace articles are written by experienced mental health-wellness contributors; they are grounded in scientific research and evidence-based practices. Articles are extensively reviewed by our team of clinical experts (therapists and psychiatrists of various specialties) to ensure content is accurate and on par with current industry standards.Our goal at Talkspace is to provide the most up-to-date, valuable, and objective information on mental health-related topics in order to help readers make informed decisions.Articles contain trusted third-party sources that are either directly linked to in the text or listed at the bottom to take readers directly to the source.

Local Services By This Author

HomeWell Care Naples

Non-Medical 13100 Westlinks Terrace, Fort Myers, Florida, 33913

Our Approach:HomeWell Care Services is committed to providing the highest quality of in-home care and peace of mind for families in Lee and Northern Collier Counties. We offer personalized care plans tailored to each individual's needs.Our Services:We offer a range of services to meet your needs, including companion care, personal care, specialty care, and more. Our signature programs, such as GoHomeWell and SureStep, are designed to safeguard and strengthen your well-being for the long term.Types of Care:Companion Care: Providing companionship and a quality home life environment.Personal Care: Assisting with basic tasks of daily living to maintain independence.Specialty Care: Additional support for advanced health issues.Hospice Care Support: Providing comfort and care for those with terminal illnesses.Palliative Care Support: Enhancing quality of life for individuals with serious illnesses.Fall Prevention: Implementing strategies to reduce the risk of falls.Low Vision: Supporting individuals with vision impairments.Respite Care: Providing temporary relief for primary caregivers.Alzheimers & Dementia Care: Specialized care for those with memory loss.Chronic Conditions Care: Managing care for individuals with ongoing health issues.Transportation: Assisting with transportation to appointments and errands.Transitional Care: Supporting individuals transitioning from hospital to home.Couples Care: Providing care for couples who wish to remain together.Elderly Support: Addressing the unique needs of elderly individuals.Adults under 65: Providing care for adults under 65 with specific needs.Facility Support: Supporting care facilities with staffing and care management.Frequency of Care:Hourly: Care provided on an hourly basis as needed.24-Hour: Around-the-clock care for those who require constant support.Live-in: Caregivers live with clients to provide continuous care.HomeWell Cares:Our commitment to compassionate care extends beyond our services. We actively engage with our community through our Front Porch Blog, providing valuable resources and information.Meet the Team:Our team of dedicated professionals is here to support you every step of the way. From our expert Care Managers to our compassionate caregivers, we are committed to your well-being.Jobs:Interested in joining our team? Explore career opportunities with HomeWell Care Services and make a difference in the lives of others.Partnerships:We collaborate with local organizations and healthcare providers to ensure our clients receive comprehensive care and support.Resources:Access helpful resources, including guides on how to talk to your aging loved one about home care and determining if home care is right for your family.Contact Us:For more information about our services or to schedule a consultation, please contact us at 239-666-2339.

HomeWell Care Naples

Home Health 13100 Westlinks Terrace, Fort Myers, Florida, 33913

Our Approach:HomeWell Care Services is committed to providing the highest quality of in-home care and peace of mind for families in Lee and Northern Collier Counties. We offer personalized care plans tailored to each individual's needs.Our Services:We offer a range of services to meet your needs, including companion care, personal care, specialty care, and more. Our signature programs, such as GoHomeWell and SureStep, are designed to safeguard and strengthen your well-being for the long term.Types of Care:Companion Care: Providing companionship and a quality home life environment.Personal Care: Assisting with basic tasks of daily living to maintain independence.Specialty Care: Additional support for advanced health issues.Hospice Care Support: Providing comfort and care for those with terminal illnesses.Palliative Care Support: Enhancing quality of life for individuals with serious illnesses.Fall Prevention: Implementing strategies to reduce the risk of falls.Low Vision: Supporting individuals with vision impairments.Respite Care: Providing temporary relief for primary caregivers.Alzheimers & Dementia Care: Specialized care for those with memory loss.Chronic Conditions Care: Managing care for individuals with ongoing health issues.Transportation: Assisting with transportation to appointments and errands.Transitional Care: Supporting individuals transitioning from hospital to home.Couples Care: Providing care for couples who wish to remain together.Elderly Support: Addressing the unique needs of elderly individuals.Adults under 65: Providing care for adults under 65 with specific needs.Facility Support: Supporting care facilities with staffing and care management.Frequency of Care:Hourly: Care provided on an hourly basis as needed.24-Hour: Around-the-clock care for those who require constant support.Live-in: Caregivers live with clients to provide continuous care.HomeWell Cares:Our commitment to compassionate care extends beyond our services. We actively engage with our community through our Front Porch Blog, providing valuable resources and information.Meet the Team:Our team of dedicated professionals is here to support you every step of the way. From our expert Care Managers to our compassionate caregivers, we are committed to your well-being.Jobs:Interested in joining our team? Explore career opportunities with HomeWell Care Services and make a difference in the lives of others.Partnerships:We collaborate with local organizations and healthcare providers to ensure our clients receive comprehensive care and support.Resources:Access helpful resources, including guides on how to talk to your aging loved one about home care and determining if home care is right for your family.Contact Us:For more information about our services or to schedule a consultation, please contact us at 239-666-2339.