Prime Healthcare – Passionate about Seniors

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Jan 12, 2024


Kansas/Missouri - Kansas City

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Prime Healthcare – Passionate about Seniors

At St. Joseph Medical Center, we’ve made changes to provide specialized care tailored to seniors. As the first accredited geriatric ER in KC, we identify seniors that may need extra support during or after their hospitalization. Our inpatient Senior Behavioral Health Unit provides care for adults over 55 years of age experiencing acute behavioral symptoms associated with dementia and/or other mental health conditions.

Paul Hura, MD, Senior Care Services Medical Director shares, "It is an honor and privilege to care for our seniors, and these philosophies remain very important to our physicians, nurses and entire healthcare teams at St. Joseph Medical Center.”

St. Mary’s Medical Center is a patient-centered community hospital in Blue Springs, Missouri providing comprehensive quality care with state-of-the-art treatment in a warm, caring environment.  With the only accredited Geriatric Emergency Department in Eastern Jackson County, Dr. Michael Liston, Cardiologist and Chief Medical Officer, understands this well.  “We take caring for seniors to heart”.  St. Mary’s holds numerous Grade A and 5-star ratings, while continuing to offer hometown touches such as walk-in 3D Mammograms.   As a community partner with local schools, chambers, and charitable organizations, St. Mary’s is Your Community Hospital.

In Leavenworth, Saint John Hospital offers Senior Behavioral Health for inpatient care. During a patient’s stay, the unit uses a multi-sensory and multi-disciplinary approach to care. Our specialized staff supports patients and family member with comprehensive nursing care 24 hours a day.

“Many times, the slow loss of a loved one’s sense of self and memory is confusing and difficult for the individual and their loved ones through some of the more difficult aspects of dementia,” says Dr. Amand, Psychiatrist and Medical Director.

Providence Medical Center is a community hospital located in Kansas City, Kansas. Committed to excellence and award-winning patient care, Providence received an “A” grade on the 2023-24 Lown Institute Hospitals Index for Social Responsibility. Providence achieved this honor through strong performance across metrics of health equity, patient outcomes, and value of care, out of more than 3,600 hospitals nationwide. Providence has received a five-star rating from The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The star award is given based on metrics such as mortality, readmission, patient safety and patient experience. Providence is also nationally recognized in multiple service lines, receiving 18 awards with eight Five-Star ratings, according to research released by Healthgrades.



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The VIPcare Experience: Elevating Health Through Listening

The Importance Of Listening To Patients In HealthcareListening is a fundamental yet often overlooked aspect of healthcare. When healthcare providers take the time to genuinely listen to their patients, several key benefits emerge:Accurate Diagnoses: Understanding a patients symptoms, lifestyle, and concerns in detail helps in making accurate diagnoses. This comprehensive understanding reduces the risk of misdiagnosis and ensures that the treatment plan is tailored to the patients specific needs.Patient Trust and Satisfaction: When patients feel heard, they are more likely to trust their healthcare providers. This trust fosters a collaborative relationship where patients feel comfortable discussing their concerns, leading to a more effective care plan.Improved Adherence to Treatment: Patients who feel understood and valued are more likely to adhere to their treatment plans. When they understand the reasoning behind their treatments and feel their providers are invested in their health, they are motivated to follow through with recommendations.How VIPcare Providers Prioritize Listening To PatientsVIPcare providers prioritize listening by structuring their practice around patient-centered care. Heres how they make a difference:Extended Appointment Times: Unlike traditional practices where appointments are often rushed, VIPcare providers allocate more time for each visit. This allows patients to fully express their concerns without feeling hurried, and providers can thoroughly understand and address those concerns.Personalized Care Plans: By listening carefully, VIPcare providers can develop personalized care plans that consider the patients unique circumstances, preferences, and health goals. This tailored approach ensures that each patient receives the most appropriate and effective care.Follow-Up and Continuous Care: VIPcare emphasizes the importance of follow-up appointments and continuous care. By maintaining an ongoing dialogue with patients, providers can monitor progress, make necessary adjustments to treatment plans, and provide support and encouragement.Benefits Of A Listening-Centered ApproachThere are numerous benefits to VIPcares listening-centered approach, including:Enhanced Preventative Care: With a better understanding of patients lifestyles and risk factors, VIPcare providers can offer more effective preventative care, helping to catch potential health issues before they become serious problems.Holistic Health Improvement: Listening to patients allows providers to address not only physical health but also emotional and mental well-being. This holistic approach leads to overall improved health and quality of life.Reduced Healthcare Costs: By achieving accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans from the start, VIPcare providers help reduce the need for unnecessary tests, treatments, and hospitalizations, ultimately lowering healthcare costs for patients.Stronger Patient-Provider Relationships: The foundation of trust built through attentive listening leads to stronger, long-lasting patient-provider relationships. Patients are more likely to stay with providers they trust, ensuring continuity of care.Experience The VIPcare DifferenceThe approach taken by VIPcare providers underscores a crucial truth in healthcare: listening is as important as any diagnostic tool. By valuing patient stories and concerns, VIPcare creates a healthcare experience that is not only more satisfying but also more effective. In an era where healthcare can feel impersonal, VIPcares dedication to listening ensures that each patient is seen, heard, and cared for with the utmost attention and respect. This commitment to patient-centered care is transforming primary care and paving the way for a healthier, happier future. Schedule your appointment today and experience the VIPcare difference for yourself.