Anger, Resentment, and Guilt: The Inter-Connected Emotions of Family Caregiving


SYNERGY HomeCare of Daphne

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Jun 13, 2024


Alabama - Gulf Coast

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Anger, Resentment, and Guilt: The Inter-Connected Emotions of Family Caregiving

Being a family caregiver is an emotional roller coaster. On the one hand, it feels good to care for someone you love. On the other hand, it can be stressful, time-consuming, and draining. This can lead to a set of interconnected emotions – namely anger, resentment, and guilt.


Anger often comes from a sense of obligation or being taken for granted. Caregivers can feel as though they’re stuck with the biggest workload because they’re the oldest sibling, they’re closest to the one receiving care, or they are the most responsible.

From the outside looking in, it’s hard for someone else to understand the time and effort you’re putting in, and that can trigger anger in a caregiver. Caregivers want to know, and hear, that they are appreciated and doing a good job.


Feeling resentment is similar to feeling anger, but not quite the same.

Psychologists label the feeling as “the re-experiencing of past wrongdoings, real or perceived,” a feeling that you’re stuck serving the person, indefinitely, and that’s causing your anger and discontent with the caregiving responsibilities.

This means resentment is often aimed at the person you’re caring for. This can happen as your loved one’s aging process or illness creates more responsibilities for you and makes you take on an additional role on top of your everyday life.


Guilt is a particularly draining emotion. It typically comes after noticing feelings of anger and resentment. Once you reflect on your emotions and begin to feel bad that you’ve developed hostile feelings towards a loved one, guilt is the next logical response.

It can also be a primary driver of caregiver stress and burnout, as many family caregivers feel guilty for needing a break or not being able to do more for a loved one.

These feelings of guilt can be related to many things, such as:

               Feeling you are not spending enough time caring for your parent(s)

               Feeling like you’re not spending enough time with your kids because you are caring for your parent(s)

               Feeling that your spouse might be the last person you think about.

               Not taking care of yourself, missing a workout or being unfocused at work.

You can also feel guilty about not having your parents move in with you or leaving your parents in a house they can no longer manage. And sometimes, you might even feel guilt thinking that your life would be easier if your parent(s) died.


How to Manage These Emotions

1. Better understand the disease process of your loved one. This can help you develop the appropriate engagement style and communication patterns to reduce the likelihood of getting angry or resentful.

2. Assess your ability to provide the level of care your loved one needs:

               Are you physically able to care for this person?

               Are you emotionally able to care for this person?

               Is there an appropriate environment in which to provide the level of care that is required?

3. Make a plan to provide the appropriate level of care. This will reduce your stress level because you will feel more in control.

Be sure to tap into a local care manager to understand the local services and support that can be incorporated into your care plan, such as medical transportation, prescription delivery, Meals on Wheels and respite care from a home care agency such as SYNERGY HomeCare.

4. Make peace that this will be an emotional time for your entire family. There’s no shame in seeking professional counseling to support you through this life-changing process.

Dr. Macie P. Smith is a licensed gerontology social worker who is focused on helping families support their aging loved ones through long-term care.

SYNERGY HomeCare offers no obligation home assessments.  Call Synergy HomeCare serving Mobile & Baldwin Counties in Alabama at 251-621-1900 to talk to a Home Care specialist.

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Plan Financially: Save and invest wisely to ensure financial stability in your later years. Consider long-term care insurance and other financial products that can help cover future care needs. Stay Informed: Educate yourself about aging and the resources available to support you. Stay connected with community services and support networks. Be Proactive About Healthcare: Regular health check-ups and screenings can help detect and manage potential health issues early. Build a Support Network: Cultivate strong relationships with family, friends, and community members who can provide support as you age.   Aging Life Care Management is an invaluable resource for families navigating the complexities of elder care. These professionals play a pivotal role in ensuring that older adults receive comprehensive, compassionate care while supporting and relieving the burdens on their families. 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For women, eldercare should not mean sacrificing your career

For women, eldercare should not mean sacrificing your careerMany women, especially those in mid-career, find themselves facing the difficult decision of whether to leave the workforce to care for aging parents. The demands of eldercare can pile up with little warning or predictability and quickly become overwhelming. The "easiest" solution for many women in this position may seem like stepping away from their professional lives altogether.However, leaving the workforce can have long-term, unseen consequencesfinancially, emotionally, and professionally. Before women make this decision, we want to bring to light to some of the costs of stepping away, as well as share options that are available to help women care for aging parents or loved ones without sacrificing their career.The elephant in the room - what about men?It's a systemic problem that the large majority of caregiving responsibilities fall on women. We believe fully this should not be the case - and will continue to advocate for a future where men and women are expected to share, and do share, these responsibilities more equally. That said, this article is going to focus on the impact of eldercare on women, and options available, because the data shows the women are the ones who are much more likely to pay the price of eldercare.Female caregivers are more likely than males to ask for a less demanding job, take unpaid leave, or give up work entirely to support caregivingWomen lose an estimated $325K over their lifetime due to caregivingThe Unseen Costs of Leaving the WorkforceWomen who exit the workforce early face immediate income loss, diminished retirement savings, and a reduction in Social Security benefits. AARP reports that caregivers can expect to spend an average of $7K annually on out-of-pocket expenses.Additionally, exiting the workforce comes with professional setbacks that may be hard to recover from. Studies show that women who take time off for caregiving often find it difficult to re-enter their fields, and when they do, they may face lower wages, fewer opportunities for advancement, or the need to start in less demanding roles.The Unseen Costs of "Daughterhood"A less recognized aspect of womens caregiving burden is eldercare (i.e. daughterhood), which is frequently overshadowed by the attention given to childcare (i.e. motherhood). While businesses have made strides in supporting working mothers, they have largely ignored the unique challenges posed by eldercare. The emotional and physical toll of eldercare, which often includes managing chronic illnesses, dementia, and end-of-life care, cannot be underestimated.According to the Federal Reserve, four times as many people have left the workforce due to adult caregiving compared to childcare, yet corporate policies and benefits packages rarely address these realities.Why You Shouldn't Quit: There Are OptionsBalancing work, children, aging parents, mental and physical health, a "clean" home, and the semblance of a social life - it's simply not sustainable. It would make Superwoman run for the exit. It's no wonder that women leave their jobs in order to quickly take something off their plate. But before putting in your notice, let's talk about resources and options that may be available.Workplace Benefits: Find out what your company offers. Some offer paid caregiver leave, flexible work schedules, Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) that provide counseling and eldercare resources.Even if your employer is moving away from remote work post-pandemic, you can advocate for more flexibility, such as flexible hours or a partial work-from-home arrangement.According to experts, a flexible workplace arrangement is often the most important factor for caregivers trying to juggle their professional and personal lives.External Support Systems: there are local and national organizations that can provide assistance. Naborforce is one of these organizations - our founder Paige Wilson lived all of the stark truths discussed in this article, and that is why she decided to do something about it! And if Naborforce isn't in your area or isn't an option for you - there are other resources to check out:, Bright Horizons, home care agencies, caregiving forums, etc.Note: Naborforce partners with employers to provide discounted hourly rates. If your employer doesn't have Naborforce as an option, reach out to us and we will see if there is an opportunity to collaborate!Talk to your people: Many organizations are beginning to create employee resource groups for caregivers, offering a safe space to share experiences and tips for managing eldercare. These groups can be a lifeline for employees who feel isolated in their caregiving roles.Making Eldercare an Employee BenefitEmployers play a crucial role in supporting women who are caregivers. Unfortunately, 79% of caregivers do not have access to benefits that support them in this role.Supporting working women is not just about helping parents; its about addressing the needs of adult daughters (and sons) who are balancing caregiving with their professional lives. As 10,000 people turn 65 every day in the U.S., this challenge is only going to grow. Employers must adapt to this reality if they want to retain top female talent.The Bottom Line: You Have OptionsWhile caregiving can feel like an all-consuming role, women should not have to choose between their careers and their families. By tapping into workplace benefits, seeking flexible arrangements, and exploring external resources, women can navigate the challenges of eldercare without sacrificing their professional futures.

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SYNERGY HomeCare of Daphne

Non-Medical 1048 Stanton Rd Ste D, Daphne, Alabama, 36526

Welcome to SYNERGY HomeCare of Daphne: Up to 24-hour home careCARE THAT MOVES YOULife moves in one direction forward. No matter what each persons circumstances are, SYNERGY HomeCare steps in with effective, comforting, life-affirming care that moves people, and their loved ones, emotionally and physically forward. From personal assistance and companionship to live-in and end-of-life comfort care, we provide the extra help needed to propel everyone safely and confidently to their fullest potential.HOME CARE YOU WANTWe offer a variety of care services from elder companionship to Alzheimers care.WHEN YOU NEED ITWhether its companionship or transportation or 24/7 memory care for a loved one with Alzheimers, SYNERGY HomeCare offers specialized and personalized care.HOW YOU EXPECT ITWe offer the top-notch care you expect by hiring and training quality caregivers. Weve also expanded our service areas to better support our community.Call us for a consultation.  We are compassionate and caring.Care Management and Respite Care for family membersPersonal Assistance (Bathing/Showering, Dressing, Personal Hygiene, etc.)Alzheimer's/Memory Care/Specialized CareMeal Preparation/Mealtime AssistanceMobility Assistance/Fall Risk MitigationLight HousekeepingCompanionship/Errands/Grocery ShoppingDoctor's Appointments and TransportationExercise and Healthy LivingSupport 24/7Coordination of Care with Hospitals, Home Health and HospiceMedication RemindersSo much more...We offer full support for fuller lives!  Call us today for a FREE in-home assessment.