Arthritis and Joint Replacement

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May 27, 2009


Mississippi - SE Mississippi

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Almost every American has some form of arthritis. Of the many forms of this debilitating disease, the most common associated with aging are osterarthritis, rheumatoid, avascular, posttraumatic and various inflammatory types of arthritis. As many of us know, the first line of treatment is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, and commonly known pain medications such as Tylenol. Narcotic-type medications are used in some cases although not recommended for long-term use. Other common treatments include nutritional supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin. If arthritis progresses to a severe point where no cartilage remains in the affected joint, medications are less successful and joint replacement surgery is quite effective.

Seniors considering joint replacement surgery have more options, greater chances of relief and success, and a more comfortable recovery period than ever before. Technological advances have produced new components lasting 30 to 50 years. This technology is mainly found in total hip and knee replacement components common problem areas for many senior citizens.

Advancements in techniques and joint replacement products have led to smaller incisions and less tissue dissection. In some cases, muscles are not cut only split for the procedure. Also, using computer-assisted surgery, the artificial joint components can be aligned to allow for the longest wear and best function for the patient. The hospital stay is shorter, the range of motion is improved, and pain relief is significant. In some centers around the country, joint replacement surgery is performed as outpatient, and future outlook points to an overnight stay in the hospital for many other procedures.
To learn more about joint replacement surgery, browse the many sites on the internet for information. A few websites that offer information are,, and
Your primary care physician or orthopedic surgeon should be able to explain your options of treatment best for you.

This article provided by R. Lance Johansen, MD, adult reconstruction arthritis surgeon, The Joint Replacement Center of Mississippi. He can be contacted at 228-328-2400.

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Extra weight puts more stress on joints, particularly weight-bearing joints like the hips and knees. This stress increases the risk of OA in those joints. Obesity may also have metabolic effects that increase the risk of OA. Your joints are meant to withstand a certain amount of force. But every pound of excess weight adds two to four pounds of pressure on your knees, says Chad Deal, MD, of the Cleveland Clinic. By losing 20 pounds, youre taking 40 to 80 pounds of force off of them. Losing weight can help to at least slow down the progression of osteoarthritis. Dr. Deal adds, It may not be possible to completely stop the underlying cause of osteoarthritis, but that does not mean theres nothing you can do. How Seniors Can Manage OsteoarthritisWith the right preventive measures and care techniques, older adults can manage arthritis effectively, allowing a more active and pain-free lifestyle. Discuss these possible ways to manage the pain and discomfort with your doctor. 1. Stay ActiveRegular physical activity is vital in preventing and managing arthritis. Activities like walking, swimming or gentle yoga can help maintain flexibility, strengthen muscles around the joints, and reduce overall pain. Remember, its about movement, not about setting athletic records! 2. Eat a Healthy DietA balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein can help manage arthritis. Foods rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins can reduce inflammation and support joint health. Remember, a healthy weight reduces the strain on your joints. 3. Mind Your JointsUse your larger or stronger joints to carry loads. For example, use a backpack or a trolley instead of carrying groceries with your hands. Ergonomic tools can also ease the strain on your joints during daily activities. 4. Use Medications and Other TreatmentsOver-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications can help, but always consult with your doctor before starting any new medication. Heat treatments, like warm towels, hot packs or a warm bath, can soothe stiff joints. Cold treatments, such as ice packs, can reduce joint swelling and pain. 5. Stay HydratedStaying hydrated helps keep the cartilage in your joints healthy and lubricated. Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day, more if youre active or its hot. 6. Get Enough SleepA good nights sleep can help reduce arthritis pain and fatigue. Create a restful environment, stick to a regular sleep schedule, and avoid caffeine and electronics before bed. 7. Manage StressChronic stress can exacerbate arthritis symptoms. Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation or gentle yoga can help keep stress levels in check. 8. Get Regular CheckupsRegular visits to your health care provider are crucial. They can track the progression of your arthritis and adjust your treatment plan as needed. Dont Let OA Limit Your LifestyleLiving with arthritis in your senior years doesnt mean giving up on your hobbies or an active lifestyle. By incorporating these prevention and care tips into your daily routine, you can manage arthritis effectively and continue to enjoy a fulfilling and active life. Remember, the key is to stay proactive about your health. With the right approach, you can minimize the impact of arthritis and keep moving comfortably. Contact a Right at Home office near you to learn how Right at Home can help you manage OA at home.  This article was submitted by Right at Home.  Contact the local Right at Home office in Mobile at 251-459-8671 or in Daphne at 251-402-5121

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