Beware of Grandparent Scams

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Mar 01, 2011


Florida - Southwest

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Local Law Enforcement is alerting the public about the dramatic increase in grandparent scams being committed in communities across Southwest Florida. The grandparent, granny scam works like this: Someone claiming to be grandchild or other close family member contacts an individual claiming to be in trouble and in need of money. The caller will have information easily obtainable through public records found on the internet such as the grandchilds name, age, sex, address, etc. in order to convince you of their identity and make the story plausible. Often, another person will get on the phone claiming to be a bondsman, law enforcement officer, lawyer to validate the need for the money and to provide information on where and how to send the money. Subsequent calls may be made to verify that the money was sent and to extend a special thank you to Grandma.
Because victims are embarrassed to come forward with personal experiences, it is difficult to know how many people in Florida have been victimized by this scam. However, accounts relating such occurrences are popping up daily in area newspapers. Criminals prey on Florida communities because they are filled with retirees who many times are physically separated from family and vulnerable to a call for help. Unfortunately, once the scam has been committed and money has changed hands, there is little law enforcement can do. These scammers are difficult to trace and prosecute.
If you receive a call or an email from a grandchild or loved one asking for money, stop and think about the situation. Would my grandchild call me in Southwest Florida with a crisis like this? If you are unsure, do your homework. Before sending any money, check the story out. Contact relatives to verify the status and whereabouts of the caller. Get a phone number from the caller and indicate youll call back. If the caller refuses to supply a call back number, then its most likely a scam. Verify the address and phone number to the jail or hospital where your grandchild is supposedly located. Call that agency and verify that your grandchild is there. Contact local law enforcement to assist in locating your grandchild and investigating whether or not you are being victimized in a scam.
If you feel you have been a victim of a grandparent scam, contact your local police department. Other sources of information and support is available by calling the Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Floridas Elder Helpline toll-free at 866-413-5337 or LEAPP (Lee Elder Abuse Prevention Partnership), a coalition of Lee County human service providers that promote awareness of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation made possible through a grant awarded to the Alvin A. Dubin Alzheimer's Resource Center by the National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse. For more information about LEAPP call United Way 211. Every five seconds a person over the age of 60 is abused in some way in the United States. Please use care, caution and vigilance to guarantee prevent abuse and financial exploitation.

This article was submitted by Marilyn Gregory, Elder Abuse Prevention Coordinator, Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida 239-652-6900 x240,

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Elder Fraud and Scams: A Growing Problem and How to Protect Yourself

 Elder Fraud and Scams: A Growing Problem and How to Protect YourselfAs our population ages, elder fraud and scams have become an increasingly serious problem. Seniors are often targeted by scammers because they are seen as vulnerable and more trusting, making them easy targets for fraudsters who prey on their emotions and vulnerabilities. Elder fraud and scams can lead to devastating financial consequences for seniors and their families, leaving many in dire financial straits. In this article, we will discuss the growing problem of elder fraud and scams, some statistics surrounding the issue, the most common scams, how to prevent them, and how to report fraud in Texas.The Growing Problem of Elder Fraud and ScamsElder fraud and scams are a growing problem, with more and more seniors falling victim to scams every year. 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Once they gain access to the computer, they can steal personal information or install malware.2.     Grandparent Scams: Scammers will call seniors posing as their grandchild, claiming to be in trouble and in need of money. They will ask the senior to wire money or purchase gift cards and provide the card numbers to the scammer.3.     Sweepstakes Scams: Scammers will call or send mail to seniors claiming that they have won a sweepstakes or lottery. They will ask for payment of taxes or fees before releasing the winnings, but the winnings never materialize.4.     Medicare Scams: Scammers will call seniors claiming to be Medicare representatives and ask for personal information, such as their Social Security number, in order to send them a new Medicare card. They will then use this information to commit identity theft. Scammers may use a sense of urgency to try to pressure the elderly into making quick decisions. They may threaten legal action or claim that they are from a government agency, such as the IRS, in an attempt to scare the elderly into giving them money or personal information.Preventing Elder Fraud and ScamsTo prevent elder fraud and scams, there are several steps that elderly individuals and their loved ones can take. 1.     Never give out personal information over the phone or via email unless you are certain that the request is legitimate.2.     Do not wire money or send gift cards to anyone who calls or emails you asking for money.3.     Verify any requests for personal information or money by calling the company directly using a phone number you know is legitimate.4.     Do not click on links or download attachments from emails or websites you do not trust.5.     Sign up for the National Do Not Call Registry to reduce the number of telemarketing calls you receive.6.     Be wary of unsolicited phone calls or emails that ask for personal information or money. Overall, elder fraud and scams are a growing problem that is impacting thousands of elderly individuals across the country. By educating oneself about the different types of scams and taking steps to prevent them, elderly individuals and their loved ones can protect themselves from becoming victims. Reporting scams to the appropriate authorities is an important step in preventing further fraud and holding scammers accountable for their actions. Elder fraud and scams are a growing problem, and seniors need to take steps to protect themselves.  Reporting Elder Fraud and Scams in Texas If an elderly individual believes that they have been the victim of a scam, it is important to report it immediately. In Texas, individuals can report fraud or scams to the Texas Attorney General's office or to the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services. Reporting scams is important not only to prevent further fraud, but also to help law enforcement investigate and bring scammers to justice.Here are the steps to report elder fraud and scams in Texas:1.     Contact local law enforcement: If you suspect that an elder is being scammed or defrauded, the first step is to call the local police department or sheriff's office. You can also call 911 if the situation is an emergency. The police will take your report and investigate the matter. 2.     Contact Adult Protective Services (APS): If the elder is a vulnerable adult or has a disability, you can contact APS to report the fraud or scam. APS is a state agency that investigates reports of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of vulnerable adults. You can contact the Texas Adult Protective Services (APS) Central Intake by phone at 1-800-252-5400 or online at 3.     Contact the Texas Attorney General's office: If the scam or fraud involves a business or company, you can contact the Texas Attorney General's office. The office has a Consumer Protection Division that investigates consumer complaints and takes legal action against businesses that engage in fraudulent practices. You can file a complaint online at the Attorney General's website. Texas Attorney General's Consumer Protection Division by phone at 1-800-621-0508 or online at 4.     Contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC): The FTC is a federal agency that investigates consumer fraud and identity theft. File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to report fraud and scams by phone at 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357) or online at 5.     Contact the Better Business Bureau (BBB): If the fraud or scam involves a business, you can also contact the BBB. The BBB collects complaints about businesses and works with them to resolve consumer issues. You can file a complaint online at the BBB's website.  It's important to note that reporting elder fraud and scams can help prevent others from becoming victims. If you suspect that someone you know is being scammed or defrauded, encourage them to report it as soon as possible. Additional Resources to Prevent or Address Elder Abuse in the Greater Dallas DFW Area Elder Financial Safety CenterThe Senior SourceAdult Protective ServicesTexas Attorney GeneralAARPMcNair Dallas LawteleCalm  Author: Kathleen Warshawsky, BSN, RN | Publisher Seniors Blue Book Greater Dallas |