Dietary Changes as We Age - Comfort Keepers Western Slope


Comfort Keepers

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Jun 24, 2024


Colorado - Western Slope

One in three hospital patients is malnourished upon admission and almost one-third of U.S. patients (31 percent) experiences declines in nutritional status while in the hospital.

Dietary needs evolve as people age, and seniors need to know how to manage those changes to maintain physical health and wellness. Older adults need to take an active role in shaping their diet and nutrition habits to ensure more energy, better disease prevention and quality of life.

Seniors should consult their physician to discuss their individual needs. Healthcare professionals can also help seniors and their families create and implement healthy eating plans.

These plans often include:

·         Increased protein and fiber intake. Protein and fiber are important nutrients for seniors. Foods high in fiber can help maintain healthy digestive systems as we age, and increasing protein intake can help seniors increase or maintain energy and strength. 

·         Whole grains have multiple benefits. Whole grains are also fiber-rich foods that not only aid the digestive process but promote healthy hearts for seniors. Cereal, rice and bread made with whole grains can easily be found at any grocery store and provide several serving choices to meet recommended daily requirements.

·         Calcium is a key component in maintaining bone strength. Calcium can help prevent osteoporosis, especially when calcium intake is consistent. Preventing osteoporosis is critical for seniors – especially those that are at risk for falls.

·         Hydration is critical at any age. Physical changes that occur with age make hydration even more important for older adults. For those that are less inclined to drink water, there are alternatives – milk, juice and broth are all hydrating liquids, and there are hydrating foods including watermelon, cucumbers and grapes. 

If engaging in good eating habits is a struggle, there are steps seniors can take to ensure that they are getting proper nutrition. In addition to consulting a physician about diet or health concerns they might have, they can also try the following tactics to get back on the right track:

·         Make meals a social occasion– Sharing a meal is one of the most enjoyable ways to ensure that someone is eating well. This can include making something healthy and delicious for others, or reaching out to people that love to cook healthy food and offering them some company at mealtimes.

·         Make healthy eating fit your budget– Good food doesn’t have to be expensive. A doctor or nutritionist can point patients to budget friendly, nutritious food options. And maintaining a healthy lifestyle saves money on medical care in the future.

·         Shop for healthy foods– Having a kitchen stocked with healthy snacks and meal options is one of the most important steps to maintaining a balanced diet. 

·         Encourage people to ask for help– If someone has concerns about their ability to plan healthy meals, shop for the groceries or if they just aren’t getting the nutrition they need, tell them to ask for help! In-home caregivers, delivery services, family, friends and medical professionals can all help older adults reach their nutrition goals.

Comfort Keepers Can Help

If someone is struggling to maintain healthy eating habits, consider getting support from the trusted care team at Comfort Keepers®. Our caregivers can help with grocery shopping, meal preparation, and can help support physician-prescribed exercise regimens and diets. Our goal is to see that clients have the means to find the joy and happiness in each day, regardless of age or acuity.

To learn more about our in-home care services, contact your local Comfort Keepers location today.


Mayo Clinic. “Senior health: How to prevent and detect malnutrition.” Web. 2017.

Next Avenue, “Malnutrition is Affecting Too Many Older Adults.” Web. 2016. 

Public Health Post. “Malnutrition in Older Adults.” Web. 2017
 Healthline. “How Your Nutritional Needs Change as you Age.” Web. 2017.

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Senior Nutrition

Senior Nutrition: Top 5 Healthy Eating Tips for Older AdultsPosted: September 21, 2023 in Healthy Living , Activities and LifestyleGood nutrition is important, no matter your age. Eating right is how your body gets vital nutrients: substances that our bodies need so they can function and grow, like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and even water. But as you age, your body and life change, and so does what you need to stay healthywhich is why senior nutrition is such an important topic.Many people dont realize how big of a role nutrition plays in their long-term health and happiness. They may have a general sense of what healthy means, but knowing and doing are, of course, two different things. Lets take a closer look at what special considerations adults over 50 need to know about nutrition that can help them lead longer, healthier lives.5 Things Everyone Should Know About Senior NutritionOlder Adults Need Fewer Calories, But More NutrientsWe all know that finding the right balance of calories is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight throughout adulthood. But older adults generally need fewer calories than they used to due to changes in metabolism, physical activity levels, and age-related loss of muscle mass.However, while you may need fewer calories, you still need the same amount of nutrients, if not more. Nutrients are crucial for energy and weight control. They can also help prevent some diseases, like osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.Foods to Focus OnOver 50, its more important than ever to cut empty calories like sodas, chips, candies, and alcohol. Instead, focus on calorie-light but nutrient-packed foods, such as:Fruits and vegetables (choose different types with bright colors)Whole grains, like oatmeal, whole-wheat bread, and brown riceFat-free or low-fat milk and cheese, or soy or rice milk that has added vitamin D and calciumSeafood, lean meats, poultry, and eggsBeans, nuts, and seedsProtein Plays a Role in Fall PreventionDespite needing fewer calories, older adults actually have higher protein requirements than younger adultsespecially if theyre dealing with an illness. Our bodies progressively lose muscle mass, strength, and function over time, beginning as early as our 30s. When people get older, their bodies cant process protein as efficiently, especially in the face of stressful situations like chronic disease, acute illness, or hospitalization. That means seniors need to get more protein from their diet to support and preserve muscle mass.  Why Is Muscle Mass So Important? Muscle loss and general weakness resulting from inadequate nutrition can lead to falls. Every year, one out of four older adults experience a fall, which can have serious physical and mental health consequences. Fall prevention is a multifaceted but highly important part of overall health and wellness in older age.Additionally, studies have suggested that older adults who consume more protein are more capable of performing activities of daily living for longer. When muscle mass is preserved, everyday functions like getting out of bed, bathing and dressing, and moving around the house may be, too! A Good Time to Focus on Good CarbohydratesCarbs have a bad reputation these days, with the rise in low-carb diets sweeping the nation. But for a balanced diet, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends carbohydrates make up 45%-65% of every adults diet. Instead of cutting carbs entirely, nutrition is about focusing on the right carbohydrates to support energy and digestion.There are good and bad carbohydrates, and the bad ones only cause more problems as we age. Bad carbs are simple: they are mostly starches or sugars, stripped of nutrients, and make blood sugar levels spike quickly. Good carbohydrates are complex: they are mostly fibers and other beneficial nutrients, which are slower to digest, helping regulate blood sugar and feelings of fullness.Good Carbs (Complex)Bad Carbs (Simple)Whole-grain bread, pasta, rice, oatmeal, baked goods containing whole-what flourWhite bread, white paste, white rice, baked goods containing white flourNuts and seedsProcessed foods like potato chips, crackers, breakfast cerealLegumes (lentils, beans, etc.)SodaFruits and vegetables with edible skinsSugary desserts and candiesThe Low-Down on SodiumSodium (aka salt) is another nutrient that has a bad reputation, though it comes by it honestly. Sodium is necessary for proper body function: it helps maintain fluid balance, conducts nerve impulses, and helps with muscle contraction. However, most American adults get too much sodium, which contributes to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.There are also special considerations for seniors. As we age, our kidney function naturally decreases, which can make it harder to remove excess sodium from the body. That means taking special care to limit sodium intake to less than 2,300mg per dayabout the equivalent of one teaspoon of table salt.Vitamin D & CalciumWe know that the sun helps our bodies produce Vitamin D. But not only is sun exposure risky for our healthour skin also changes as we get older, becoming less adept at producing Vitamin D. That means we need to rely more on food sources and supplements to get it. Vitamin D helps our bodies absorb calcium, which is why taking both together is so crucial for building and maintaining healthy bones. Research shows that it can prevent and even improve osteoporosis, a condition that leads to weak, brittle bones. Older adultseven those who already struggle with weakness or frailtycan develop stronger muscles and reduce their fall risk with adequate Vitamin D levels.Your doctor can help you determine the right amount of Vitamin D for your diet and recommend a supplement. You can also focus on eating foods like:Egg yolksFatty fish like salmon, tuna, and sardinesOrange juiceYogurtMilkMushroomsGet Online Resources to Support Meal Planning & More!Prioritizing nutrition can be challenging for seniors, and navigating each consideration can feel a little daunting. If you or your loved one faces challenges with accessing and preparing healthy foods or has other barriers like difficulty chewing or swallowing, help is out there! At ComForCare, weve prepared a free meal planning guide filled with simple yet nutritious recipes developed with seniors unique needs in mind. This guide is packed with helpful tips, recipes, and advice for caring for a loved one with dietary barriers. Plus, you can join us on Facebook every Thursday at 1 pm EST for the latest episode of Care Kitchen, our live cooking program led by chef Steve Toll! Were always exploring new ways to support and inspire creativity in cooking, whether for yourself or for loved ones in your care. ComForCare: Compassionate, Personalized In-Home Care for Older AdultsIf you or your loved one need more help planning and preparing nutritious meals, ComForCares caregivers can help. Our in-home care services can be personalized to support your needs, including meal prep, personal care, transportation, and more. Learn more about our care services or reach out to your local team today to find your perfect caregiver!  ComForCare NW Pittsburgh covers Northern Allegheny, Butler, Beaver and Lawrence Counties.  They can be reached at (724) 759.7674 or by email

Why Seniors Should Try Quinoa

March is National Quinoa Month and now is the perfect time learn about this tasty superfood and how it can help you and your senior parent stay healthy. Quinoa is a grain, but most people arent as familiar with it as they are with grains like oats or wheat. Quinoa is considered a superfood because its packed with vitamins and essential nutrients. And its a very versatile grain that can be used in lots of different dishes.Estimates are that more than 70% of seniors are malnourished, even seniors who eat regularly. Not eating, or not eating healthy foods, can contribute to poor health in seniors and can make existing medical conditions worse. Thats why seniors should learn about the many health benefits of quinoa.In-home care can help seniors prepare healthy and tasty meals to help battle malnutrition. With the help of in-home care providers seniors can prepare and try lots of new healthy foods, including quinoa. Some of the reasons why seniors should try quinoa today are:Essential Vitamins and MineralsQuinoa is a nutrient-dense food, packed with essential vitamins and minerals. It is an excellent source of protein, containing all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. Seniors who arent getting enough protein can add protein to salads or soups by adding quinoa to those dishes.Full Of FiberQuinoa is a good source of dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble. Fiber plays a crucial role in digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements, preventing constipation, and supporting a healthy gut microbiome. Eating more fiber can also lower the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.Its Gluten FreeQuinoa is naturally gluten-free, making it a suitable grain alternative for those with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. It provides a safe and nutritious option for individuals who need to avoid gluten-containing grains.AntioxidantsQuinoa is rich in antioxidants, including quercetin and kaempferol. These compounds help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, protecting cells from oxidative stress. Antioxidants play a role in reducing inflammation and may contribute to overall health and disease prevention.Heart HealthyQuinoa is beneficial for heart health due to its high fiber content, which helps lower cholesterol levels. Additionally, it contains heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. The combination of fiber and healthy fats supports cardiovascular function and may reduce the risk of heart disease.Blood Sugar RegulationThe complex carbohydrates and fiber in quinoa contribute to stable blood sugar levels. This is particularly beneficial for seniors with diabetes or those at risk of developing diabetes. Eating quinoa instead of pasta or rice is recommended for seniors with diabetes. Quinoas low glycemic index helps prevent rapid spikes and crashes in blood sugar.Weight ManagementThe combination of protein, fiber, and complex carbohydrates in quinoa can contribute to a feeling of fullness and satiety. Including quinoa in meals may help control appetite, which can help seniors who are struggling to maintain a healthy weight.Better Bone HealthQuinoa is a good source of important minerals for bone health, including magnesium, phosphorus, and manganese. These minerals play a crucial role in maintaining strong and healthy bones, preventing conditions like osteoporosis.Rich in Essential MineralsQuinoa is a notable source of essential minerals, including iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. These minerals are vital for various bodily functions, such as oxygen transport, energy production, and immune system function.VersatilityQuinoas versatility makes it an easy and enjoyable addition to various dishes. It can be used in salads, soups, casseroles, and as a side dish. Its neutral flavor allows it to complement a wide range of ingredients, making it a flexible and nutritious ingredient in the kitchen.Improved Digestive HealthThe fiber in quinoa supports digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements and providing prebiotics for the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. A healthy digestive system is essential for nutrient absorption and overall well-being. If you or an aging loved one are considering In-Home Care in Boulder, CO please contact the caring staff at Talem Home Care & Placement Services today. Call (720) 789-8529At Talem Home Care of Broomfield, we provide passionate, understanding, and flexible caregivers in Broomfield, Arvada, Aurora, Boulder, Brighton, Commerce City, Denver, Erie, Firestone, Lafayette, Lakewood, Longmont, Louisville, Northglenn, Sherrelwood, Thornton, Welby, Westminster, Wheat Ridge and surrounding areas in Colorado.

Local Services By This Author

Comfort Keepers

Home Health 540 Main Street, Delta, Colorado, 81416

Comfort Keepers

Veteran Services 514 28 1/4 Road, Grand Junction, Colorado, 81501

With the use of CareLink MobileHelp, Comfort Keepers provides a simple solution to many accidents and medical emergencies. CareLink MobileHelp is a medicalalert system that works nationwide, beyond the home with all the same features as traditional in-home systems. CareLink MobileHelp keeps you connected to a live monitoring center regardless of your location. You can have the freedom to continue participating in the activities that you enjoy in and outside your home, knowing that you are always accompanied by a highly efficient medical alert system.

Comfort Keepers

Emergency Response Systems 514 28 1/4 Road, Grand Junction, Colorado, 81501

With the use of CareLink MobileHelp, Comfort Keepers provides a simple solution to many accidents and medical emergencies. CareLink MobileHelp is a medicalalert system that works nationwide, beyond the home with all the same features as traditional in-home systems. CareLink MobileHelp keeps you connected to a live monitoring center regardless of your location. You can have the freedom to continue participating in the activities that you enjoy in and outside your home, knowing that you are always accompanied by a highly efficient medical alert system.