Downsizing — A Few Changes Could Make Life More Comfortable


81 Oaks Senior Living

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Jul 17, 2023


Florida - Sarasota, Bradenton & Charlotte Counties

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Downsizing — A Few Changes Could Make Life More Comfortable
These walls used to echo, you think to yourself, with the sounds of loud, laughing children, running and playing. That BAM bam bam as they ran up the stairs, in spite of the hundred times you told them, “NO running on the stairs.” The CLANK clank clank of the washing machine when it was filled to the brim with clothes —every day nearly. The sliding chairs as they scraped across wood floors. These  were the loud, brash, and oh so comforting sounds of a full house, filled with love and an active family living life to the fullest.But as time passes, it’s a natural part of life for children to grow up and move on to lives of their own— in a new house that they’ll fill with love just as you did when they were kids.Life is a journey, and while these natural changes are just a wonderful part of that journey, it’s still sometimes hard to face that a bustling big house may have served its purpose, and it now may be time to downsize.

What is Downsizing?

If you’re reading this blog then you’re probably already thinking about downsizing in some way. And downsizing can mean many different things to different people. It could mean moving out of your big empty nest and moving into a smaller house or condo. Or it could mean a move to assisted living, where the daily chores of cooking, cleaning, and laundry are all taken care of for you. Essentially, downsizing is, in its most literal sense, a reduction. Downsizing is about making life easier, bringing things down to a scale that fits your current lifestyle, which can help lower bills dramatically, bring more joy into your life, and probably put more money into your savings or investment accounts to save for your future, or your children’s futures, or… to splurge on yourself when you book that cruise around the world! (After all, it’s your money… you earned it!) But the bottom line is simply this: downsizing saves money and in most cases allows people to live happier lives. And who doesn’t like saving money and being happy? Right?

The Facts of Downsizing

Big House / Big Bucks!

The costs for upkeep and maintenance on a big house are high, and getting higher all the time, especially in recent years since the pandemic and other factors have pushed inflation to jaw-dropping levels not seen since way back when Ronald Regan was president, to the days when Marty McFly was trying to get BACK to the FUTURE, and when the world was grooving to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” It’s been a while, indeed.But while the times have changed, inflation seems to be here to stay for the foreseeable future, and that means high costs for upkeep and maintenance.Let’s start with the obvious: heating, air conditioning, and electric bills… while once easily justified when the house was full of people, are now an unnecessary cost. You’re pushing hot air through the winter and cold air through the summer into rooms and spaces that you don’t even use, essentially, it’s like, literally throwing money out the window. And you can’t tell your HVAC system to only heat and cool this room or that, nope, you’re paying the big-house whole bill. And if you’re on an electric-powered system there’s a big cost for driving all that air. If you’re on a gas system… natural gas isn’t going down in price either.Also, many people falsely think that you can cover a vent or two in empty rooms you never use to save money. This is not only inaccurate but covering those vents can actually cost you more money. Closing vents makes your HVAC system work harder, puts more pressure on the system and that can cause leaks that lead to higher bills or damage to your HVAC which could mean a big repair bill. Closing vents does not save you any money, so the best way to combat high heating and air conditioning bills is to downsize.Then there’s all those repairs! A big house has lots of systems, water flow, electric, etc. You know, because you’ve likely done some of those repairs yourself in your younger years. And as a house ages, you also know, that things break. Recurring or new home repair problems were costly when you were in your prime earning years, and sad to say, while many things are not consistent in life — home repair costs are Consistently high. From the leaks to the constant painting, to the roof damage from the windstorm, the costs never end, that is, unless you downsize.Downsizing solves the high repair cost problem for your big empty nest. In fact, it eliminates it altogether when you move to assisted living because one monthly fee covers all your needs and the maintenance and upkeep of your well-designed, contemporary apartment. You won’t be paying a roofer, a plumber, or an electrician to come over and fix something that’ll wipe out a quarter of your savings, nope. Those days are over. Hallelujah.

Time Is MORE Important Than Money

And next to last on our list, but certainly not least, is the cost of time — your time. Now we don’t want to dwell on it, but we all must face the fact that if we’re in our 50s, 60s, 70s or older, there’s likely more time behind us than in front of us. This is just a fact of life. Therefore, it’s so important to make the best choices we can in regard to how we spend our time. Would you rather be managing a roof repair job, interviewing contractors and receiving bids, or would you rather be having dinner with your friends, taking a nature walk or big hike, or spending the day with your hobbies? Chances are you’d rather be out enjoying your life with friends and family, taking in those special moments and filling your days with joy, not contractor estimates. Downsizing solves this problem and more.When you downsize you put YOUR life back where it’s supposed to be… as the primary focus of your day. You’ve worked hard your whole life and you’ve earned the right to spend every day enjoying life. And with assisted living options at such affordable costs as compared to the upkeep of a big house or even a small one, downsizing and moving to a great community like 81 Oaks Senior Living is probably, literally, just what the doctor ordered.

Downsizing Upsizes Happiness!

Finally, downsizing your life leads to upsizing your happiness. Many people who take the initiative and downsize, moving to smaller, more manageable spaces that cost less and take less of your valuable time for upkeep, find that their lives are happier.When you move into 81 Oaks, or a similar senior living option, you have each day to champion what’s most important in life — living free, happily, and thriving! Countless medical studies have found that isolation can lead to depression, which can lead to other medical problems if left unchecked. Science has proven that fellowship with friends and family is one of the most important things anyone can do to benefit their health, and at 81 Oaks your opportunities to meet new friends whom you’ll bond with are endless. There’s so much going on every day, from events to classes to sponsored trips to the daily chef-prepared meals, you and your new friends will have so many options. Yes, downsizing is good!

Getting Started: The Easier-than-you-think Steps to Downsizing

We understand, through the stories shared with us by residents, that the first step of downsizing — the letting go — can be emotional. You’ve built a great life in your family home, and it’s hard to pack up and move. But the memories are not in the walls of a home, they’re in your heart, and that’s where they’ll stay forever.After you make the decision to downsize, you’ll likely want to talk with someone close to you, son or daughter, about what to keep and what to sell, and other important house decisions. Moving can be a great time to bring joy to other people’s lives as well, because the things you decide to sell could also be things you give to charity, and a struggling family will receive great joy from items you may no longer need. Giving isn’t just for the holidays; it’s a warmth that we can share year-round.These days there are professional downsizers and Senior Move Managers that help ease the stress of downsizing by helping with packing, moving, and even estate sales. Community team members can help connect you with resources.But in whatever manner you choose to handle your affairs in regard to moving, it’s important to focus your energy on the positive changes that are on the horizon. You’re downsizing for financial savings, for happiness, and most importantly for your health! Yes, downsizing is good.

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Streamlining Transitions A Comprehensive Guide to Downsizing for Seniors

Downsizing and moving into an assisted living community can be a daunting task for seniors. It can be emotionally and physically exhausting and requires a lot of planning and preparation. However, with proper planning and organization, the downsizing process can be made much smoother and less stressful. In this article, we will discuss downsizing and provide a checklist of essentials for seniors moving into an assisted living community.Why Downsizing is Necessary:Downsizing is often necessary when seniors decide to move into an assisted living community. This is because they will be moving from a larger home with more space to a smaller living space that is more manageable and requires much less maintenance.Checklist of Essentials for Seniors Moving into an Assisted Living Community:Determine the Space AvailableBefore moving into an assisted living community, it is important to determine the amount of space available in the new living quarters. This will help seniors decide what items they can bring with them and what they need to sell, donate, or discard. Get a copy of the floor plan for your new living space and determine what furniture and items can fit. Seniors can also take measurements of the new living space and make their own floor plans.Take Inventory of BelongingsSeniors should take an inventory of their belongings and decide what to keep, sell, donate, or discard. This is a good time to downsize items that they no longer need or use. Many take this opportunity to gift family heirlooms or memorabilia to loved ones and relay the history and stories that surround precious items.Sell, Donate, or Discard Unwanted ItemsSeniors should sell, donate, or discard items that they no longer need or use. This can include furniture, clothing, kitchen items, and other household goods. This will help reduce the number of items that need to be moved and make the move easier.Pack with CareWhen packing for the move, seniors should take care to pack fragile items with extra padding and label boxes clearly. This will help ensure that items are not damaged during the move and that they can be easily unpacked and organized in the new spaces.Hire Professional MoversSeniors may want to consider hiring professional movers to help with the move. This will help reduce the physical and emotional stress of moving and ensure that items are transported safely to their new living quarters.Bring Important DocumentsSeniors should bring important documents with them to the assisted living community, including identification, medical records, insurance information, and legal documents. These documents should be kept in a safe and secure place.Familiarize Yourself with the CommunityBefore moving in, seniors should take the time to familiarize themselves with the assisted living community. This may include taking a tour, meeting staff and residents, and asking questions about the services and amenities available.Downsizing and moving into an assisted living community can be a worrisome experience for seniors, but it doesn't have to be. By following the checklist of essentials above and planning carefully, the process can be smoother and less stressful. Downsizing may require some difficult decisions, but it can also be an opportunity to simplify and declutter.By following these steps, seniors can make the transition to an assisted living community with confidence and ease. It may take some time to adjust to the new living environment, but with the right preparation and a positive attitude, it can be an exciting new chapter in life.

Homes Sales & the Move to Assisted Living

Homes Sales & the Move to Assisted LivingLife is ever-changing and evolving, and sometimes those changes can inspire uncertainty. For senior citizens considering transitioning into assisted living, a primary concern is the fear of losing ones autonomy and independence. However, assisted living often offers seniors the opportunity to enhance their independence, not hinder it. Assisted living residences can redefine independence, allowing senior adults to explore a new lifestyle full of connection, activity, and growth all without the responsibilities and maintenance of homeownership. Is it time to sell your home and move to the next phase of your life? Lets take a closer look.Diverse Benefits of Selling a HomeFlorida resale values have been rising for several years and although list prices seem to be leveling off, the advantages for many seniors looking to sell their homes are obvious. Especially for those whose mortgage is paid off, capitalizing on the total equity built up over years of homeownership can be an intelligent financial strategy.Remember: Be sure to consult with your personal financial advisor and an experienced real estate professional before deciding to sell your home.Selling a home that is not encumbered by a mortgage could net a senior a considerable sum of cash. Even those homeowners with mortgages, however, may see a tidy profit as current market conditions have boosted most Florida home values, increasing equity and financial opportunities.Beyond the tangible financial gains, selling your home as a senior may provide an invaluable level of clarity. No market is forever, and conditions are ever-changing. Waiting for the perfect time to make the switch may result in missed opportunities as market dynamics shift. Opting to sell in a strong market that coincides with an interest in assisted living may enable more robust budgeting for future living expenses.Relieving the Burdens of HomeownershipMaking the move to assisted living does indicate the end of one phase of your life and the beginning of another. However, this can be a net positive in many ways. The day-to-day challenges of maintaining a home and yard can be replaced with a supportive living environment where all household tasks are taken care of for you. For many senior citizens, home maintenance responsibilities from routine cleaning to unexpected repairs can become tiresome and overwhelming, consuming time and financial resources that could be better spent on an enjoyable retirement. Selling a personal home liberates an older adult from the ongoing obligations of property ownership.And while an assisted living residence offers a lifestyle free of most everyday burdens, seniors do not automatically relinquish control of their daily lives. Every resident in an assisted living community is afforded an appropriate level of independence while also delivering the level of care they require. Very few senior adults will miss having to schedule lawn maintenance or call an A/C repair company but if they are able to continue cooking for themselves and participating in their favorite hobbies and they still wish to that is still an option. In other words, assisted living allows seniors to spend their days in a way that makes them happy and fulfilled.Selling a long-time or family home can be stressful and a little sad, but the trade-off can be wonderful. If you or a family member is considering transitioning from a personal residence to a senior community, call My Care Finders first. Our compassionate and knowledgeable team has worked with hundreds of Florida families to determine the best next step for their loved one.My Care Finders understands that every individual has unique needs and desires and we are here to make sure your new home checks every box.

When Should Seniors Downsize their Real Estate?

As you journey through the golden years, there comes a time when the question of downsizing into a smaller living space arises. For many seniors in Colorado Springs, this decision can be both emotional and practical.At Gentle Shepherd Home Care, we understand the unique challenges that seniors face, and were here to help our clients understand when it might be the right time to consider downsizing their real estate and to make the transition easier.5 Indicators Its Time to DownsizeBelow are the top 5 indicators that its time for you or your senior loved one to downsize their real estate:Changing Lifestyle NeedsOne of the primary factors that prompt seniors to think about downsizing is a change in their lifestyle needs. As children move out and daily routines evolve, the large family home often feels like more space than necessary. Downsizing allows seniors to find a home that aligns with their current lifestyle, offering convenience and accessibility.Financial ConsiderationsFinances play a crucial role in any major life decision, and downsizing is no exception. Seniors may find that maintaining a large property becomes increasingly expensive, both in terms of mortgage payments and ongoing maintenance costs. Downsizing can free up equity and reduce monthly expenses, providing financial flexibility and peace of mind.Health and MobilityAs we age, health considerations become more pronounced. Climbing stairs, maintaining a sprawling yard, or managing a large home can become challenging for seniors facing mobility issues. While in-home senior care can help with these issues, downsizing can enhance safety and ease of living, promoting a healthier, more comfortable lifestyle.Social IsolationSeniors may experience social isolation if their home is located in a rural area, where neighbors are few and far between. Moving to a smaller residence or a senior community can foster a sense of community, providing opportunities for social interaction and companionship that are essential for overall well-being.Simplifying LifeThe desire to simplify life is another common reason for downsizing. A smaller, more efficient living space often means less clutter and easier maintenance. This not only reduces stress but also allows seniors to focus on the things that truly matter, such as spending quality time with family and pursuing enjoyable activities.Gentle Shepherd Home Care Can Help Seniors with Care NeedsGentle Shepherd Home Care offers a variety of in-home care services for patients who want to remain independent but still need some extra support. Schedule your care assessment to determine if in-home senior care is appropriate for your situation.Deciding when to downsize is a personal and often complex choice. At Gentle Shepherd Home Care in Colorado Springs, we recognize that each seniors journey is unique. Our goal is to support our clients in making informed decisions about their living arrangements.If you or a loved one are contemplating downsizing, were here to help you navigate this transition with compassion and expertise. Contact us today to explore the possibilities and embark on a new chapter that aligns with your evolving needs and aspirations.

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81 Oaks Senior Living

Assisted Living 7850 Hawkins Road, Sarasota, Florida, 34241

81 Oaks Senior Living in Sarasota, FloridaAbout UsAt 81 Oaks, we believe that every chapter of life should be lived to the fullest. Nestled in the heart of Sarasota, our exceptional senior living community offers assisted living and memory care. We are now open and welcoming new residents!LifestyleOur community is more than just a place to live; it's a vibrant and warm environment where cherished memories are made. We offer personalized support that revolves around your goals and needs, encouraging you to connect with others, learn new things, and experience life in new ways.Community81 Oaks is thoughtfully integrated into an intergenerational Master Plan community, which includes a K-8th grade charter school, a 3,000-member inclusive church, an auditorium, a basketball court, and a park. Our spacious apartments, chef-prepared cuisine, bistro, movie theater, salon and spa, fitness center, and beautifully landscaped courtyard and walking path parks enhance daily life.ResourcesOur wellness programs are designed to promote your physical, social, intellectual, and spiritual well-being, helping you thrive and achieve your personal goals.News & EventsWe regularly host a variety of events, from High Tea and Memory Care Support Groups to Senior Support Expert Panels and festive celebrations like our St. Paddys Party and Holiday Open House. Stay updated with our latest news and join us for our next event.BlogExplore our blog for insightful articles and tips on senior living, wellness, and more.CompanyAt 81 Oaks, we empower our residents to reach their full potential and live a life of their choosing. Our Grove memory care neighborhood supports those with Alzheimers and other memory impairments to live with purpose and joy.Contact UsWe invite you to schedule a personal tour and see firsthand the beauty and warmth of our community. Your new home at 81 Oaks is ready and waiting for you. Let's start the journey together and live in the shade of excellence.Contact InformationPhone: (941) 278-8801Schedule a TourVisit our website to schedule a tour and discover all that 81 Oaks has to offer.PricingExperience a higher standard in senior living. Contact us for detailed pricing information tailored to your needs.AmenitiesAnytime restaurant-style diningVariety of chef-prepared entresSiesta Key Private dining roomBayfront Salon and SpaHerons Nest TheaterOak Branch LibraryFlamingo Art StudioSt. Armands Shores Bistro...and more!Retirement Living is a JourneyJoin us at 81 Oaks and live a life enriched with meaningful connections and joyful experiences.Inquiring for More InformationWe're here to help. Fill out our contact form on our website, and one of our senior living experts will reach out to assist you.

81 Oaks Senior Living

Independent Living 7850 Hawkins Road, Sarasota, Florida, 34241

81 Oaks Senior Living in Sarasota, FloridaAbout UsAt 81 Oaks, we believe that every chapter of life should be lived to the fullest. Nestled in the heart of Sarasota, our exceptional senior living community offers assisted living and memory care. We are now open and welcoming new residents!LifestyleOur community is more than just a place to live; it's a vibrant and warm environment where cherished memories are made. We offer personalized support that revolves around your goals and needs, encouraging you to connect with others, learn new things, and experience life in new ways.Community81 Oaks is thoughtfully integrated into an intergenerational Master Plan community, which includes a K-8th grade charter school, a 3,000-member inclusive church, an auditorium, a basketball court, and a park. Our spacious apartments, chef-prepared cuisine, bistro, movie theater, salon and spa, fitness center, and beautifully landscaped courtyard and walking path parks enhance daily life.ResourcesOur wellness programs are designed to promote your physical, social, intellectual, and spiritual well-being, helping you thrive and achieve your personal goals.News & EventsWe regularly host a variety of events, from High Tea and Memory Care Support Groups to Senior Support Expert Panels and festive celebrations like our St. Paddys Party and Holiday Open House. Stay updated with our latest news and join us for our next event.BlogExplore our blog for insightful articles and tips on senior living, wellness, and more.CompanyAt 81 Oaks, we empower our residents to reach their full potential and live a life of their choosing. Our Grove memory care neighborhood supports those with Alzheimers and other memory impairments to live with purpose and joy.Contact UsWe invite you to schedule a personal tour and see firsthand the beauty and warmth of our community. Your new home at 81 Oaks is ready and waiting for you. Let's start the journey together and live in the shade of excellence.Contact InformationPhone: 941-278-8801Schedule a TourVisit our website to schedule a tour and discover all that 81 Oaks has to offer.PricingExperience a higher standard in senior living. Contact us for detailed pricing information tailored to your needs.AmenitiesAnytime restaurant-style diningVariety of chef-prepared entresSiesta Key Private dining roomBayfront Salon and SpaHerons Nest TheaterOak Branch LibraryFlamingo Art StudioSt. Armands Shores Bistro...and more!Retirement Living is a JourneyJoin us at 81 Oaks and live a life enriched with meaningful connections and joyful experiences.Inquiring for More InformationWe're here to help. Fill out our contact form on our website, and one of our senior living experts will reach out to assist you.

81 Oaks Senior Living

Memory Care 7850 Hawkins Road, Sarasota, Florida, 34241

81 Oaks Senior Living in Sarasota, FloridaAbout UsAt 81 Oaks, we believe that every chapter of life should be lived to the fullest. Nestled in the heart of Sarasota, our exceptional senior living community offers assisted living and memory care. We are now open and welcoming new residents!LifestyleOur community is more than just a place to live; it's a vibrant and warm environment where cherished memories are made. We offer personalized support that revolves around your goals and needs, encouraging you to connect with others, learn new things, and experience life in new ways.Community81 Oaks is thoughtfully integrated into an intergenerational Master Plan community, which includes a K-8th grade charter school, a 3,000-member inclusive church, an auditorium, a basketball court, and a park. Our spacious apartments, chef-prepared cuisine, bistro, movie theater, salon and spa, fitness center, and beautifully landscaped courtyard and walking path parks enhance daily life.ResourcesOur wellness programs are designed to promote your physical, social, intellectual, and spiritual well-being, helping you thrive and achieve your personal goals.News & EventsWe regularly host a variety of events, from High Tea and Memory Care Support Groups to Senior Support Expert Panels and festive celebrations like our St. Paddys Party and Holiday Open House. Stay updated with our latest news and join us for our next event.BlogExplore our blog for insightful articles and tips on senior living, wellness, and more.CompanyAt 81 Oaks, we empower our residents to reach their full potential and live a life of their choosing. Our Grove memory care neighborhood supports those with Alzheimers and other memory impairments to live with purpose and joy.Contact UsWe invite you to schedule a personal tour and see firsthand the beauty and warmth of our community. Your new home at 81 Oaks is ready and waiting for you. Let's start the journey together and live in the shade of excellence.Contact InformationPhone: 941-278-8801Schedule a TourVisit our website to schedule a tour and discover all that 81 Oaks has to offer.PricingExperience a higher standard in senior living. Contact us for detailed pricing information tailored to your needs.AmenitiesAnytime restaurant-style diningVariety of chef-prepared entresSiesta Key Private dining roomBayfront Salon and SpaHerons Nest TheaterOak Branch LibraryFlamingo Art StudioSt. Armands Shores Bistro...and more!Retirement Living is a JourneyJoin us at 81 Oaks and live a life enriched with meaningful connections and joyful experiences.Inquiring for More InformationWe're here to help. Fill out our contact form on our website, and one of our senior living experts will reach out to assist you.