Episode 68. Estate Planning Essentials: Act Early to Safeguard Your Future

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Jan 17, 2025


Pennsylvania - South Central PA

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Episode 68. Estate Planning Essentials:  Act Early to Safeguard Your Future 

Estate planning is for more than just older, established homeowners. Jeff explains when it’s the right time to set up powers of attorney and wills. He outlines state laws that will determine how medical decisions and finances will be handled if a person dies or becomes incapacitated without legal documents in place. Then, he ties it all together with a discussion of trusts for asset protection and tax management. This is a vital discussion for every adult to understand the importance of timing and the options available for smart, proactive estate planning. 

🍎 Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/estate-planning-essentials-act-early-to-safeguard-your/id1634278675?i=1000635003372

🎬 YouTube: https://youtu.be/TmAAU_uUy_g

🟢 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/54OWtfT968uwdm5Gg9Xzrj?si=ay1Zq-XcSMCeB3b3aCJ6ug

  • To view the original version of this article visit youtu.be/TmAAU_uUy_g
  • Seniors Blue Book was not involved in the creation of this content.

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