Healthy Aging… Water Exercise: A Great Complement to Your Senior Lifestyle


Glenview-GlenCare-Premier Place- Parent

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Aug 02, 2023


Florida - Southwest

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How can one even think of retirement communities in Florida without visualizing a lifestyle surrounded by water? Beautiful beaches. The sound of waves approaching the shore. Opportunities for aquatic sports and excursions on the water. The availability of so many high-end water amenities in gulf-side communities like The Glenview at Pelican Bay.

There are definitely perks to living in Pelican Bay – beaches, nature preserves, Pelican Bay golf resorts, beachfront dining, and shopping in Naples. But one perk that does not automatically come to mind is the senior lifestyle benefits of abundant water amenities that could positively impact your personal health and wellness.

Here, we’ll tell you how to use water to help you meet your fitness goals. We’ll explain why swimming and water aerobics are so good for you and will even provide you with a few easy and safe water exercises that could enhance your quality of life as a senior.


As your reliable resource for all things senior living-related in the Naples area, we at The Glenview found valuable information through research that explains why exercise—while partially or fully submerged in water—offers such an advantage. According to the AgingCare Newsletter, exercising in water offers:

  • Improved Balance. Water provides natural resistance and support, decreasing your risk of falls and fall-related injuries.
  • Increased Strength. Water helps build endurance and muscle strength in your core and extremities without the need for special equipment while giving you increased confidence during exercise.
  • Minimal Impact. Arthritis pain often hinders an older person’s ability to exercise on dry land. In the water, there’s significantly less stress on joints, enabling seniors to exercise pain-free for longer periods of time.



You don’t have to travel far to reach the gulf in Pelican Bay or Naples. So, let’s first address water aerobics in the gulf as opposed to water exercises in a swimming pool—that’s next!

Pushing through waves is tougher than swimming laps in a pool, so it will work your heart, as well as shoulder and leg muscles, even harder. In addition, the waves make you work harder to stabilize yourself, which is great for the core muscles. Gulf swimming is a REAL workout—building endurance, strength, and cardio fitness. Did you ever wonder why you—or your visiting grandchildren—are so hungry after an active day at the beach swimming in the gulf?


Water Aerobics has gotten a bad rap in the past. The term seems to connote a lot of work! So, here we’re sticking to easy, safe, and helpful water exercises. Our research led us to a great online video resource by Todd R. Parry, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon from Revere Health Coral Desert Orthopaedics in St. George, Utah. In his video, Dr. Parry takes you through each exercise—step-by-step—from the comfort of a beautiful swimming pool in a lush tropical setting.

Finding a beautiful setting for water exercise is the first of Dr. Parry’s two prerequisites for an enjoyable water fitness experience. At The Glenview, against a backdrop of the gulf, nature, three miles of pristine beaches, and a beautiful new sundeck, you would enjoy Dr. Parry’s exercises in the community’s new outdoor swimming pool. In addition, as a resident at The Glenview, you’d also enjoy pool amenities at the Pelican Bay Community Center.

“Just get in a pool and MOVE,” Dr. Parry says—his second prerequisite. He goes on to explain that “water is the perfect physical therapy medium because it helps lift and support, and when you get stronger (after inactivity or following accidents, ankle sprains/other injuries, and surgeries, especially knee or hip replacements), the water will provide great resistance.”

Before you get started, invest in a pair of good goggles and a pair of water shoes. The shoes will help protect the bottom of your feet from the plaster on the bottom of the swimming pool. As you get into a regular water exercise routine, you may also want to purchase a pair of webbed water gloves that make your hands extra resistant and able to push more water.

For the Lower Extremities (Follow Dr. Parry’s Video here for good visuals):

  • Marching or walking. Start in water that’s waist-high. Power walk. Lift your knees. For a more intense workout, move to more shallow water.
  • Advance to running. Again, waist-high water. Running will bring both feet off the ground at the same time and really helps to strengthen legs.
  • Then, hop on one leg across the pool and switch legs. This will be easier in the deeper end, so go with your stronger leg in the shallow end/weaker leg in the deeper end.
  • Try Jumping. Squat down deep and jump up. This makes you flex your knee and hip.
  • Water lunges. This is so hard on land, but much easier in the water. This exercise will slowly build up your quads and stretch your hamstrings. One leg front, one behind, lunge down.
  • Push-Offs. Use your legs to push off hard from the side of the pool and swim underwater to the other side. Push-off and swim back.
  • Step-ups. Learn to do steps in and out of the pool. If you fall, it’s back into the water. This is especially good if you’ve had a knee replacement and are not able to do steps very well on dry land.
  • Kicking. With your back to the pool wall, support yourself with your arms on the ledge and start kicking just near the water’s surface. Transition to a jogging motion as you would do on land to work your knees more.


For the Upper Extremities (Follow Dr. Parry’s Video here for good visuals):

The following are good for shoulder and elbow strengthening. And remember, the harder you push with your hands (positioned like fans) the more the water resists. Dr. Parry suggests alternating within your routine the lower extremity exercises above with these for the upper body:

  • Push-back/Push-forward. In shoulder-deep water, raise your arms shoulder-height and position your hands, palms open, like fans perpendicular to the water. Push the water back and forth front to back. (Can also be done from just the elbow instead of the shoulder.)
  • Push-down/Push-up. With arms at your sides, now push up and back with fan-hands level with the water. (Do this from just the elbow, as well.)
  • Spine Rotation. In chest-high water standing with legs shoulder-width apart, position your hands as fans one on top of the other in front of you. Move side-to-side. This helps with the abs as well as the back/spine.
  • Push-ups. On pool steps, position your arms shoulder-width apart, lean in, and push up as hard as you can.



Anytime is a good time to add a new dimension to your health and wellness routine. It just may be swimming or other forms of water exercise—and we know the perfect place. The coastal living opportunities at The Glenview—Florida’s only nonprofit equity-owned LifeCare community—are endless, especially during the winter months. At The Glenview, residents are the primary managers of their community—they have a say in how the community operates. This start of a new year is the perfect time to investigate the privileges of homeownership at The Glenview.

Start with our online virtual Parade of Homes, and then contact us to arrange for a personal onsite tour.

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One that could be modified to be either a little harder or easier?  Once you do that, you can easily reflect on what self-care needs you personally have, and then can find a way to fit them into your day-to-day life.  I like to write these practices down in my planner so that I have reminders to create time for them, as I know its important for me to do.  Now, we at ClipDifferent are by no means physical training experts, but we have a couple of things that have worked for us to better create a self-care routine. Here are tips from the ClipDifferent team:I like to have it in my head that I want to work out every day. I often wake up and look at my day and then try to decide when I can fit in an hour to move! But the other part of this is something that I stay true to even more than just planning to exercise. And that is to not beat myself up on the days that I just couldnt find the time.  I know that there will always be tomorrow, and I can push myself a little bit harder for the lost time.Modify! If I had planned that I was going to get to the gym after a long day of work, and I come home just far too tired to get there I often opt for a walk outside instead of an intense gym session, just so that I am at least moving my body.  Half the time, once I do this I come back in the mood to pump out some extra movements like squats or lifting dumbbells.I love to reward myself.  Getting into the habit of exercise is hard, but so worth it.  I often like to reward myself on those days that I really was not in the mood, but did it anyway.  One thing to note, is that I try not to make a habit of this. It can be expensive and not always the healthiest. (Grabbing a latte every day after the gym will add up!) As you reflect on your own self-care journey, consider the power of starting small and being flexible in your approach. By examining your current habits and making intentional adjustments, you can tailor your self-care routine to suit your individual needs and preferences. Whether it's modifying your workout plans, setting realistic goals, or incorporating innovative solutions like ClipDifferent for nail care, the key is to find what works best for you and stick with it.Above all, be kind to yourself throughout the process. Self-care isn't about perfectionit's about progress and self-compassion. So, celebrate your successes, learn from setbacks, and remember that every step you take towards prioritizing your well-being is a step in the right direction. With dedication, mindfulness, and a commitment to self-care, you can cultivate a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.

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There are so many new products out on the market specific for aging skin that can help you through your journey of aging well.Here are some smart beauty tips for seniors:Protect your skin from the sun: The sun's harmful rays can cause skin damage, age spots, and wrinkles. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, wear sun protective clothing, and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. Even on cloudy days, you can still get sun damage so a daily SPF moisturizer is always a good idea. Keep your skin moisturized: As we age, our skin tends to become drier, so it's essential to use an effective moisturizer to keep it hydrated. Look for a moisturizer that contains natural active  ingredients like shea butter or jojoba oil.Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is a classic health tip and will keep your skin looking healthy and radiant. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water per day.Eat a healthy diet: Eating a well-balanced diet that's rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can help keep your skin looking youthful and vibrant and is an excellent source of vitamins needed for joint and gut health.Practice Positivity and Mindfulness as a Priority  Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Many seniors fear they will become lonely and separated from loved ones if they move into a senior living community. However, more often than not, the opposite occurs, as there are plenty of other residents and activities going on throughout retirement communities. Meaningful relationships and engaging activities improve mental well-being and longevity so make sure to take the time to schedule lunch-dates or a walk in the park with your loved ones! In addition to keeping your mental health and mood elevated, make sure to do things you enjoy and engage in activities that will fuel your happiness. Try to take up a new hobby or give a furry friend a new home! There are dozens of resources for seniors available through the phone or online for mental health. You can visit the National Institute of Mental Health website to learn more. Mindfulness benefits everyone, especially seniors, who make it a part of their daily routine. Practicing mindfulness and being in the moment has proven health benefits that will help you appreciate life and aging. Some of these benefits include improved focus, better memory, lower stress, increased sleep quality, and better mental health. There are plenty of modern-day practices that are offered for seniors who want to focus on mindfulness. You can practice mindfulness with a variety of different types of exercises such as yoga, meditation, tai chi, and coloring. A more modern solution to practicing mindfulness is to download a mindfulness app, available on most smartphones, as a way to receive information and practice meditation when its most convenient for you. The journey of aging is more about being healthy and happy than keeping the wrinkles away. It is natural to anticipate what is next, so dont hesitate to use the resources available. Surround yourself with the ones you love, take care of your skin, hydrate, sleep, and live your best life!Sources:How older adults and caregivers can practice mindfulness to improve well-being - Resources National Institute of Mental Health

Local Services By This Author

The Glenview at Pelican Bay

Housing - Other Types 100 Glenview Place, Naples, Florida, 34108

The Glenview at Pelican Bay offers the best coastal living in Naples, Florida. Nestled along a nature preserve, our senior living community blends small-town warmth and big-city vibrancy.Enjoy easy access to luxurious coastal amenities, including beachfront restaurants, world-class golf courses, tennis facilities, upscale shopping centers, beautiful parks, and cultural venues like the Naples Artis and Sugden Community Theatre.As an equity owner, you'll have exclusive access to Pelican Bay Beach via a short tram ride through the mangrove forest. Relax on the white sands, walk along the shore of a 3-mile private beach, stroll scenic boulevards, or enjoy a picnic while taking in the stunning sunsets. Have lunch or dinner in one of the four beach restaurants.   The Glenview is Florida's only equity-ownership Lifecare senior lifestyle community.  Come join us for the best of retirement living. Explore the nearby Pelican Bay Community Center, Waterside Shops, 5th Avenue & Historic 3rd Street, and the Ritz Carlton-Naples. With so much to offer, The Glenview at Pelican Bay is the perfect place to enjoy the coastal lifestyle in Naples.We look forward to helping you experience the ultimate luxury in coastal living.

Premier Place at The Glenview: Health and Rehab Center

Skilled Nursing 100 Glenview Place, Naples, Florida, 34108

The Glenview at Pelican Bay offers the best coastal living in Naples, Florida. Nestled along a nature preserve, our senior living community blends small-town warmth and big-city vibrancy.Enjoy easy access to luxurious coastal amenities, including beachfront restaurants, world-class golf courses, tennis facilities, upscale shopping centers, beautiful parks, and cultural venues like the Naples Artis and Sugden Community Theatre.As an equity owner, you'll have exclusive access to Pelican Bay Beach via a short tram ride through the mangrove forest. Relax on the white sands, walk along the shore of a 3-mile private beach, stroll scenic boulevards, or enjoy a picnic while taking in the stunning sunsets. Have lunch or dinner in one of the four beach restaurants.   The Glenview is Florida's only equity-ownership Lifecare senior lifestyle community.  Come join us for the best of retirement living. Explore the nearby Pelican Bay Community Center, Waterside Shops, 5th Avenue & Historic 3rd Street, and the Ritz Carlton-Naples. With so much to offer, The Glenview at Pelican Bay is the perfect place to enjoy the coastal lifestyle in Naples.We look forward to helping you experience the ultimate luxury in coastal living.

GlenCare Home Care

Non-Medical 100 Glenview Pl., Naples, Florida, 34108

Proudly provided by The Glenview, GlenCare Home Care is your trusted partner for personalized senior home care in Naples, Florida. As part of The Glenview at Pelican Bay, Naples premier senior living community, we bring over 20 years of experience in providing convenient services, resort-inspired amenities, and exceptional 5-star rated skilled nursing care to discerning seniors.Our comprehensive range of services is designed to enhance your quality of life and provide peace of mind to you and your loved ones. From comprehensive case management to meal preparation, light housekeeping, and medication management, our dedicated team is here to assist you every step of the way. Whether you need assistance with bathing and dressing, monitoring chronic illnesses, or end-of-life care, GlenCare Home Care is committed to meeting your unique needs with compassion and professionalism.Experience the GlenCare difference with our truly personalized approach to senior home care. Our caregivers, nurses, and personal assistants go above and beyond to make your life easier and healthier. We serve Collier and Lee Counties, offering flexible, personalized care plans tailored to your preferences. Whether you require care for four hours or 24 hours a day, we are here to help you navigate all of your healthcare needs.As a fully licensed Home Health Agency, GlenCare Home Care ensures a premium in-home care experience. All our caregivers undergo a Level 2 background check and are hired through The Glenview at Pelican Bay. With GlenCare Home Care, you can trust that you are receiving the highest quality of care from a team that is dedicated to your well-being.Contact GlenCare Home Care today at 239-747-7576 to learn more about our services and how we can help you live your best life at home.