Keeping Aging Eyes Healthy

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Jun 17, 2024


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American In Home Care (Home Healthcare Service) shares eyesight tips for seniors.

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Iron Deficiency in Women: Can You Be Iron Deficient Without Anemia?

You need iron to produce and maintain healthy red blood cells. When you lack enough iron youre at risk for developing anemia. But what you may not realize is that you can have low iron levels without being diagnosed as anemic. Its true that iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia, which is why doctors might rule out an iron problem if you test negative.If you have anemia, your red blood cell count is too low, commonly causing fatigue and weakness. About 20% of the worldwide population has iron-deficiency anemia, making it one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the world. Your body needs iron to make enough healthy red blood cells.But three times as many people have low iron levels with a healthy amount of red blood cells. And doctors might not look any further or discover you are low in iron. If left undiagnosed and untreated, iron-deficiency can progress until your red blood cells diminish and you become anemic.Lets take a closer look at the symptoms and signs of iron deficiency without anemia and how its treated.Symptoms of Iron Deficiency Without AnemiaSo the diagnosis is different but are the symptoms the same? Will you suffer the same side effects as a person with diagnosed anemia? In some ways, yes. Both conditions share the most common symptoms, such as:Fatigue and lethargyTrouble focusing and concentratingMood changesWeakness while activeAnytime you notice these symptoms, its worthwhile to check with your doctor. Women should have their iron levels checked at least occasionally since women are very prone to iron-deficiency due to menstruation and childbirth. Your doctor can order blood tests to learn more about your iron and red blood cell count.Think of iron deficiency as a factory that falls behind production demands. It might take weeks for it to fall below the minimum productivity mark, and once it does, its tough to catch back up. Its the same with our iron stores. If we experience several different factors that are draining our iron stores, well use them up more quickly and be less equipped to rebuild them.What Causes Iron Deficiency?You may find one cause of low iron or three. Sometimes its a combination of factors. But the most common causes include:Not getting enough iron through food or supplementsNeeding more iron than usual (heavy bleeding, surgery, childbirth, etc.)Poor iron absorptionYoure more likely to develop iron deficiency if you:Are a vegetarian or vegan (meat, especially red meat, is iron-rich)Are pregnantAre still growing (children and teens)Are an athleteHave active celiac disease or inflammatory bowel diseaseHave had gastric bypass surgeryExperienced changes in stomach acid from H. pylori infection or from using proton pump inhibitors (a class of medication that treat acid reflux)Are of childbearing age, especially if your periods are heavyHave lost blood due to surgery or internal bleedingWhat Do Ferritin and Hemoglobin Have to Do with Iron Deficiency?Ferritin plays a critical role in iron deficiency, because it's a protein that stores and releases iron when needed. When youre running low on iron, your body pulls it from your ferritin reserves, and if not replenished, these stores can become depleted. This means that you can have low ferritin and temporarily have normal iron levels.According to the World Health Organization (WHO) low iron is equivalent to ferritin under 12 mcg/L. But other studies suggest you could be considered iron deficient with ferritin levels under 30 mcg/L. Blood tests are available to determine to ferritin levels and blood saturation.Hemoglobin can be impacted when your iron levels drop low enough for long enough. Its the part of your red blood cells that carry oxygen. But you need iron to make healthy red blood cells and hemoglobin. So the less iron in your bloodstream, the less hemoglobin, and the less oxygen your cells receive. This is what triggers that list of symptoms, including fatigue.What Is Anemia?You're diagnosed with anemia if your ferritin and hemoglobin (and red blood cells) are both low. This is considered iron-deficiency anemia and is very common. But if your hemoglobin is unaffected even though your ferritin is normal, its considered iron deficiency without anemia. However, if your ferritin levels dont improve, its likely to progress to anemia as youre unable to produce enough iron to make red blood cells and hemoglobin.Blood tests to diagnose anemia usually include ferritin and hemoglobin. Your doctor and run other tests to learn more about your red blood cells and how healthy they are. This can provide a more detailed picture of what is going on in your body.How Much Iron Do You Need?Women who menstruate require 18 mg of iron each day to maintain health. You may need more if youre pregnant or nursing. If you're postmenopausal you need 8 mg daily.You can get iron from several food sources, but the most easily absorbed iron comes from red meats. However, you can get plant-based iron from leafy green vegetables, beans, lentils, and iron-fortified breakfast cereals.How Do You Treat Iron Deficiency without Anemia?Your doctor will first consider your diet and recommend that you adjust your diet to include quality sources of iron. But if you have problems absorbing iron, this wont be enough. Often supplements are also advised.In more severe cases, your doctor might recommend iron infusions. When you receive iron infusions, you receive iron through an IV (intravenously). This is done over several visits. It gets iron into your system in greater quantities and more quickly.After treatment, whether through infusion or supplements, youll likely have follow up visits to see how the treatment is working and if there are any changes in your blood test results.How Much Iron Should You Take?You should have doctor supervision while taking iron supplements. Taking iron when your levels are within normal range can be dangerous. Elevated iron levels can also cause serious health problems.Your doctor will likely prescribe a supplement that delivers 28-50 mg of iron. The average supplement provides 15 mg of iron per serving.Iron Deficiency and Celiac DiseaseAccording to the American Gastroenterological Association recommendations, anyone with unexplained iron deficiency should be tested for celiac disease.If you have celiac disease, a protein found primarily in wheat sets off an autoimmune response causing your immune system to attack your small intestines. The resulting damage makes it difficult to or impossible to absorb the nutrients from food your body needs. The small intestines are where most nutrient absorption happens.Other Celiac SymptomsFor some people, iron deficiency, or even anemia, is the primary symptom of celiac disease.You might have few, if any, gastrointestinal symptoms.Additional celiac symptoms include:DiarrheaConstipationAbdominal painNausea/vomitingLactose intoleranceUnexplained weight loss or gainFatigueMemory problemsBone or joint pain/arthritisBone lossSkin rashesMouth ulcersHeadachesIrregular menstrual cycleThis is just a short list of possible celiac symptoms, and remember that you might not have any symptoms at all other than low iron levels. Its also possible to have only non-digestive symptoms. Or, the digestive symptoms could be so subtle that you dont connect them to a possible celiac problem.Some evidence suggests that if your main digestive system is iron deficiency but with no digestive symptoms, your celiac disease may be more severe than those with additional symptoms.But once you have been on a gluten-free diet for a while, your small intestines can begin to heal. Your symptoms should also decrease.Treating Iron Deficiency When You Have Celiac DiseaseIf you have celiac disease, increasing dietary iron may not benefit you much. If your small intestines havent healed, you wont be able to absorb much or any of the iron from food. Its still important to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. This will allow you to gain the nutrition that you can while also helping you avoid other consequences of an unhealthy diet.If you have celiac disease, youll need to rely more on supplements, and especially those that are easier to digest.Maintaining Healthy Iron Levels to Prevent DeficiencyDetecting low iron levels is the first step. Oftentimes, iron deficiency goes undetected until symptoms worsen. If you have unexplained fatigue, hair loss, difficulty concentrating, mood swings, and weakness during activity, you should see your doctor to rule out low iron levels.Be sure to eat a healthy, iron-rich diet and take iron supplements as your doctor prescribes. If your doctor hasnt been able to determine an obvious cause for your iron deficiency, you should test for celiac disease. Typically a blood test is first and, if warranted, is followed by an endoscopy to confirm small intestine damage.A gluten-free diet will eventually allow your small intestines to heal and perhaps begin absorbing iron properly again. But until then, youll need to continue taking an iron supplement.Tye Medical offers premium incontinence products in a variety of sizes and absorbency levels. Shop our online store for free and discreet shipping on all orders. 

What to Know About HRT Patches and Menopause

Your journey through menopause can range from mildly uncomfortable to downright unbearable. But thanks to modern medicine, you dont have to endure the most taxing of menopause symptoms. For some women, HRT patches are the answer to a smoother transition to menopause.Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) patches are medicated sticky patches you apply to your skin. The patches contain hormones like estrogen, and doctors recommend them to ease menopause symptoms.The use of HRT patches brings many questions about safety, benefits versus downsides, and other forms of HRT available. Here is what you need to know about HRT patches.Uses for HRT PatchesHRT patches slowly release small amounts of hormones into your body. Often, HRT is prescribed to alleviate menopause symptoms but is also recommended to help with other conditions like:Increasing estrogen levels in women who dont make enough naturallyPreventing bone diseases, like osteoporosis, in postmenopausal womenHRT patches contain the hormone or combination of hormones that you need. This means that some patches may be estrogen-only or a combination of estrogen and another hormone like progesterone. You might hear estrogen-only patches referred to as subdermal estradiol patches. Estradiol is the synthetic, bioidentical form of estrogen.Can You Switch from Another Type of HRT to a Patch?If you have completed the transition to menopause, meaning that your periods have stopped, you can start an HRT patch immediately without ever having used HRT before. You can also begin HRT patches right away if you are switching from another type of combined HRT that is also continuous release.However, not all HRT types are continuous release. Some are sequential combined HRT, which means you take a combo hormone medication on certain consecutive days followed by a break. In this case, its best to wait until you complete your current cycle of medication before switching to the HRT patch.Even knowing this, you should consult with your doctor before switching from your current HRT medication to HRT patches.Benefits of HRTAs mentioned, hormone replacement therapy patches are frequently used to treat moderate to severe menopause symptoms. This can improve your quality of life as your body goes through a major hormone shift.Common menopause symptoms that can become burdensome but improve with HRT include:Difficulty sleepingMemory problemsUrge incontinence (urgent urination)Hot flashesVaginal dryness, itching, burningAnxietyDepressionNight sweatsMood changesDecreased libidoVaginal infectionsUsing HRT patches and other forms of HRT can drastically reduce menopause symptoms.What Other HRT Options Are Available?HRT tablets are the most common way to receive hormone replacement therapy. HRT tablets are proven to reduce and even prevent common menopause symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, and vaginal dryness. They are typically taken once daily with water. Like patches, Oral HRT contains different combinations of hormones in varying strengths and are prescribed according to your specific needs.HRT gels are applied directly to your skin. They usually contain estradiol, a synthetic, bioidentical form of estrogen.HRT sprays also contain estradiol. You spray them on your skin and allow it to absorb.Which option you choose is a matter of preference, and your doctor may suggest a method that would be most effective for your specific hormone needs.Why Use HRT Patches Instead of Other HRT Forms?Suppose your menopause symptoms fluctuate erratically and are difficult to regulate with other HRT methods. In that case, the continuous release of hormones through the patch can bring consistency to your symptoms while decreasing their severity.You may also opt for HRT patches if you struggle to remember to take pills or have difficulty swallowing them. The patch is a practical way to solve both issues and ensure you receive your medication on schedule and in the proper dose.Other forms of HRT can also cause indigestion and even blood clots. Indigestion isnt an issue with patches like it is with pills, and the chances of developing blood clots are lower with an HRT patch. Additionally, if youre overweight, smoke, or are migraine sufferer, youre more prone to blood clots and can benefit from using the patch instead of other forms.Some doctors prefer to prescribe HRT patches because absorbing hormones through the skin means they bypass your liver. This can prevent damage to your liver over time. Its also possible that bypassing the liver makes patches more effective.Downsides of Using the HRT PatchSide effects from hormone replacement therapy are rare but can happen.Side Effects of HRT PatchesSide Effects of HRT TabletsWeight gainWeight gainHeadachesHeadaches and nauseaSkin irritationSkin irritationMenstrual painBreast painStomach cramps and diarrheaBack painDischarge from vaginaIf you experience any of these side effects while taking an HRT treatment, you should consult with your doctor.Tips for Using HRT PatchesThe most common places for patch placement are your lower abdomen (below your waistline) and your upper buttock area.For your HRT patch to be most effective, you should NOT apply it to the following areas:BreastsCreases or folds of skinLight exposed areasUnder tight clothing or elasticOily, damaged, or irritated skinOnce you apply your patch, avoid using creams, lotions, or powders in the area.How to Apply an HRT PatchOpen the package and remove the patch.Peel the backing from the patch and press the sticky side against the skin on your lower abdomen or upper buttock.Press firmly on the patch for 10 seconds using your palm or fingers. Ensure the edges of the patch are firmly fixed.Wear the patch continuously until its time to remove it then gently peel it off.Once removed, fold the patch in half, pressing the sticky sides together. Dispose of it securely to keep it away from children and pets.If you have a sticky residue on your skin afterward, wait 15 minutes and then use oil or lotion to remove the residue.How Long Should You Wear a Patch?The length of time you wear the patch varies by brand and other circumstances. You may apply a patch once or twice a week for a specific amount of time or wear it continuously for three weeks followed by a week without a patch. Its also possible that you wear the patch all the time, replacing it immediately with a fresh one.Regardless, you must wear the HRT patch according to your doctors prescription. Usually, your patch will remain fixed even during bathing or showering. But if your patch falls off, you can apply a new one to a different area once your skin is cool and dry.Are HRT Patches Safe?Hormone replacement therapy patches are largely considered safe and effective but arent the best option for everyone. If any of the following applies to you, using the HRT patch may not be advisable. Be sure to consult your doctor.Have had an allergic reaction to estrogen, progesterone, or other hormoneAre experiencing unexplained vaginal bleedingHave ever been diagnosed with breast cancer, endometrial cancer, or have a greater risk of developing themAre pregnant or breastfeedingHave had a recent heart attack, stroke, or anginaHave a history of blood clots or are more susceptible to themHave any of the following conditionsLupusDementiaUntreated endometrial hyperplasiaObesityMigraines or severe headachesDiabetesAsthmaHigh blood pressureEpilepsyUnderactive thyroidLow liver functionSome of these are very common conditions, which means that HRT is not a viable option for many people. HRT isnt recommended for some of these conditions, like hypothyroidism, because of HRTs negative interaction with the medications that treat them. Thats why you should discuss your medical conditions, all medications, and supplements youre taking with your doctor.Lifestyle Changes to Alleviate Menopause SymptomsYou can help reduce menopause symptoms further and increase the effectiveness of HRT when you adopt some key lifestyle changes like:Regular exercise: It can reduce hot flashes, boost your mood, and improve sleep quality.A cool bedroom: Sleeping in a cool bedroom can help prevent hot flashes and night sweats while you sleep.Cut back on alcohol and caffeine: If you regularly consume alcohol and caffeine youre more likely to experience hot flashes.Avoid spicy food: Spicy food is known to trigger hot flashes.Reduce stress: Since menopause can affect your mood, its important to keep your stress levels as low as possible to help manage emotions.Use herbal supplements: Some herbal supplements can help reduce menopause symptoms. Talk to your doctor about which supplements may be best for your symptoms.Stop smoking: Smoking increases the frequency of hot flashes and also increases your risk of conditions like heart disease and cancer.HRT for MenopauseIf lifestyle adjustments like exercise, stress reduction, and herbal supplements dont provide enough relief from troublesome menopause symptoms, then HRT can be an effective option for some women. Your doctor will know if you have any health conditions that would prevent you from safely using HRT patches or other forms of hormone replacement therapy.Its a matter of preference which form of HRT you choose, whether patches, tablets, gels, or sprays. Your doctor can guide you in which type of HRT is best for your needs.Side effects from HRT are possible, and you should notify your doctor if you experience any. 

Fight Signs of Premature Aging with These 10 Skin-Care Ingredients

Determined to delay premature aging? It will take a willingness to scan labels and identify key ingredients that aid in the battle for youthful skin. No one can avoid wrinkles indefinitely, but most dont want to see them appear too soon or too ferociously. The endless array of products on the shelves (or populating online stores) dont make the job any easier. Which ones have ingredients proven to be effective, and which are just pumped full of fillers?The most commonly known anti-aging ingredients are retinol and sunscreen, but there are more you should consider as you search product labels for optimal skin-care products. Here are 10 skin-care ingredients to add to your arsenal.1. B Vitamins Promote Healthy Skin, Hair, and NailsVitamin B converts food into energy, fueling many bodily functions, including those that maintain skin, hair, and nail health. Youll find many forms of B12 in skin-care products because its so crucial to skin health. Its important that your moisturizer contains B vitamins since they help to heal and regenerate damaged skin cells more quickly.2. Coenzyme Q10 Protects CollagenAlso known as vitamin Q and CoQ10, coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that helps lay the foundation for more youthful skin. It protects the collagen and elastic tissue that keep your skin in shape. But our CoQ10 levels naturally diminish with age, limiting your skins ability to protect itself from damage and rejuvenate cells after damage occurs.It can be helpful to take an oral supplement in addition to using skin-care products containing the enzyme to maximize benefits. Some research suggests that oral CoQ10 supplements effectively reduce wrinkles and smooth skin after taking them for at least three months. And topical applications containing CoQ10 have been found to reduce age-causing free radicals on the skin.3. Copper Prevents Sagging and Fills WrinklesTrace amounts of copper already exist in skin cells. Copper benefits your skin by binding proteins together, forming collagen, and supporting your skin. Because of all this, copper prevents sagging and fills wrinkles. This amazing element is good for far more than furnishing a penny. It even renews damaged collagen, improving the look of scars and sun-damaged skin. Copper-infused pillow cases can decrease crows feet lines after a month or two of sleeping on one. Youll find copper ideal for skin-care because its not irritating, making it an option if you have sensitive skin and arent able to use retinol products.4. Green Tea Revitalizes SkinGreen tea is proven to benefit your health from the inside out, whether you drink or use it in skin-care products. The plant is packed with nutrients like polyphenols (antioxidants) that boost skin health. And its stimulants can energize your skin as much as it does your brain when applied topically. You can use green tea to alleviate dark circles below your eyes, and the effects are even more profound when combined with caffeine in an eye cream. Overall, green tea benefits your skin through preventing and repairing oxidation damage, which breaks down skin over time. You can find green tea and its antioxidant benefits in creams and serums.5. Peptides Stimulate collagen ProductionAs more clinical research comes to light, peptides are becoming a more popular ingredient in anti-aging skin-care products. But what are peptides? Recall that amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and peptides are short chains of amino acids. Topical peptide creams are often made to stimulate collagen production and thereby reduce wrinkles. But be careful when purchasing peptide creams, because not all of them contain enough peptides or the right forms. Be sure to choose a product that has been clinically tested.6. Retinols Speed Up Cell TurnoverRetinols are derived from vitamin A and essentially speed up the life cycle of your skin cells. This means that cells are dying more quickly and replaced by new cells. The result is younger looking skin. It plumps wrinkles and fine lines but also minimizes discoloration and smooths your skins texture. Its the most widely tested and proven topical ingredient for anti-aging. Retinol takes weeks or months to be effective, so patience is a must if you want to reap its wrinkle-fighting benefits. But youll also find a couple negatives when using retinoids: they can be drying and increase sun sensitivity. So be sure to use these products moderately and apply sunscreen to protect your skin.7. Vitamin E Reverses Damage and Rejuvenates SkinSkin damage causes fine lines and wrinkles. So preventing damage is a great way to keep your skin healthy. Vitamin E is your number one defense for skin protection. It fights against environmental factors like sun exposure by neutralizing the free radicals that damage your skin. Like vitamin A, its an antioxidant thats also found in salves to heal scars, burns, cuts, and surgery sites. If you want the biggest impact, apply both vitamin E and C topically to preserve and build collagen.8. SPF Prevents Cancer and Improves Skin AppearanceFor skin cancer prevention, doctors recommend a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30. But SPF also improves the look of your skin when used alone. One study indicates that one year of applying sunscreen daily yielded improvements in skin tone, texture, and wrinkles. You can purchase moisturizers with built in SPF or apply it separately.9. Vitamin C Neutralizes Damage and Lightens Dark SpotsVitamin C renders free radicals ineffective and increases the protective benefits of sunscreen. Some dermatologists recommend applying a thin layer of vitamin C serum under their sunscreen as their patients get ready for the day. It also helps to lighten dark spots by upsetting abnormal pigment production. And when you use products packed with vitamin C it helps preserve collagen fibers and prevents damage that leaves your skin cells unsupported (promoting sagging).When purchasing, remember that vitamin C is an unstable ingredient that quickly loses potency if not properly formulated for use. And it wont be effective if exposed to high temperatures. Its best to buy products that have been clinically tested and then keep them in a temperature-controlled environment (like in a mini-fridge).And remember that vitamin C is plentiful in produce like strawberries, oranges, bell peppers, etc. Consuming dietary vitamin C helps your body boost collagen production.10. Hydroxy Acids Exfoliate Dead Cells and Fight WrinklesExfoliation is good for your skin, removing dead skin cells from the surface to reveal the new. Hydroxy acids like glycolic acid are known for their super exfoliating powers and stimulate collagen production. These properties help to minimize fine lines and wrinkles. Hydroxy acids are available in varying strengths in serums, peels, and creams. A dermatologist can help you decide which type of product is best for you and your skin type.Other Tips for Healthier SkinIts About More Than Just Your FaceRemember that your hands and neck are also highly exposed areas and are prone to premature aging. So be sure to show some love, not only to your face but also to your these areas. Your neck and hands get about as much sun exposure as your face, and the skin in these areas are thinner and more delicate. Apply the same moisturizer and SPF protection to your neck and hands to prevent signs of premature aging in these places.Your Lifestyle MattersYour general lifestyle highly impacts your skin. A diet rich in produce and healthy fats contains high levels of antioxidants that help reduce signs of aging. And sleep is also critical. For healthier skin and a more youthful appearance, aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night. And it should go without saying, but avoid smoking and the associated toxins that wreak havoc on your skin in several different ways. Smoking is so damaging to skin that the term smokers face is widely used.Manage StressNothing speeds aging like chronic stress. It also increases your risk for cancer, autoimmune disorders, heart disease, and neurological diseases.Here are some tips for relieving stress:Adopt a petGet plenty of restMeditate or prayEnjoy the outdoorsMaintain physical activityTry yoga or tai chiPractice deep breathingSchedule down timeOptimal physical activity for general health includes 150 minutes per week of aerobic activity like walking, biking, jogging, or running. You should also incorporate weight training into your routine twice each week. This can be body weight exercises or using weight equipment. Lifting weight strengthens muscles, bones, and joints.This kind of stress relief can help you avoid the strain that leads to visible signs of premature aging.Age GracefullyAging is a natural process that no one can avoid. But you can care for your skin and your body through proven means that keep you from aging prematurely. Develop a skin-care routine that includes products that contain several beneficial ingredients like vitamins A, B, C, and E, hydroxy acids, retinols, SPF, green tea, CoQ10, and copper.TYE Medical offers premium incontinence products in a variety of sizes and absorbency levels. Shop our online store for free and discreet shipping.