Learn to spot phishing scams


Siena Wealth Advisory Group

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Jul 22, 2023


Florida - Southwest

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Phishing attacks are phony communications designed to trick a person into giving a scammer sensitive or financial information, such as account usernames, passwords, credit card information and Social Security numbers.

Phishing attacks may appear to be from a legitimate business or trusted individual and can come in many forms – email, text message or phone call – so it’s imperative to understand the red flags associated with these malicious attempts.


Remember: If a message – whether it be email, text or phone – appears suspicious in anyway, don’t engage.

    Here’s how to better protect your account from these different types of phishing attacks:

    • Email phishing
    • Text message phishing
    • Voice call phishing

    Email phishing

    Email phishing refers to fraudulent emails that typically appear to come from trusted individuals or legitimate businesses such as financial institutions, insurance companies or retailers and often include seemingly authentic logos, look-alike email sender domains, as well as links or graphics that look genuine.

    Fraudsters engaging in email phishing may attempt to deceive you into downloading an attachment or clicking on a link within the message that will download malware onto your computer to illicitly obtain personal and financial information. These links may also redirect to legitimate portals, such as Microsoft Office, where they will ask you to enter your account credentials.

    What to watch for:

    • Sense of urgency. Phony phishing messages try to ‘bait’ you with an urgent situation requiring you to take immediate action. Watch for clickable links to ‘update’ or ‘validate’ personal information. Additionally, be cautious of any emails that appear to use current news events (like a natural disaster or geopolitical tumult) to solicit donations.

    • Spelling or grammatical errors. It’s rare for a well-known company to have spelling and grammatical errors.

    • Suspicious links. Be wary of links in emails. It’s always safest to go directly to the company website and log in to your account.

    Phishing email example
    Phishing email example

    What to do if you suspect an email is a phishing scam

    • Do not click on any attachments or links in the email, or take any action requested within the message.
    • If the email is sent to a work account, follow their protocol for reporting phishing attempts.
    • If the email is sent to a personal account, delete it and follow up with the purported sender directly. For example, if the sender appears to be a company, visit the company’s website directly to check on your account activity.
    • Log in to accounts using 2-Step Verification when possible.

    How to report email fraud or phishing to Ameriprise

    If you suspect you’ve received a fraudulent email from someone posing as Ameriprise, please:

    • Forward it to us immediately at: anti.fraud@ampf.com.
    • Do not remove the original subject line or change the email in any way when forwarding.
    • Watch for an auto-generated reply to let you know we’ve received your email. If we confirm the email is fraudulent, we will take appropriate action immediately.
    • If you provided your account information to a request you suspect may have been fraudulent, call us immediately at 800.862.7919.

    Text message phishing

    Text message phishing – also known as “smishing” – refers to fraudulent messages sent via text or through other mobile-friendly communication platforms, such as Instagram direct messages, WhatsApp or your LinkedIn mailbox. Like email phishing, scammers conducting text phishing attacks aim to steal their victims’ personal and financial information.

    What to watch for:

    • Fake email address. Most companies use a short code to send text alerts, not an email address. Emails may be from a look-alike domain and not a legitimate firm or company.
    • Suspicious links. The URL should include the company name and website domain (ameriprise.com, for example). Always be cautious of shortened URLs from services (bit.ly or tinyurl.com, for example).
    • Urgent or threatening message. Messages are written to try to ‘bait’ you with an urgent situation that requires you to take immediate action. If the text contains a threatening message, it’s probably a scam.


    Phishing text message example
    Phishing text message example

    What to do if you suspect a text phishing scam

    • Be wary of links sent through text messages.
    • If the text message seems suspicious, do not respond.
    • Visit company websites directly to check on your account activity.

    Voice call phishing

    Voice call phishing (also known as “vishing”) is when a fraudster attempts to deceptively extract an individual’s personal or financial information through a phone call.

    What to watch for:

    • Personal information requests. Ameriprise Financial, government agencies, and other bank and financial companies will not call you unexpectedly and ask you to provide personal information like passwords, account numbers, or Social Security numbers.
    • Remote access requests. Never give anyone remote access to your computer unless you have contacted them. Be wary of popups on your computer screen asking you to download software. Tech support from legitimate companies will not engage you this way
    • ‘Local’ phone numbers. Phone numbers can be spoofed. Be cautious of unfamiliar phone numbers even if they appear to be local.
    • Sense of urgency. Like in the case of email or text phishing, vishing messages try to ‘bait’ you with an urgent situation requiring you to take immediate action.
    Phishing tech support example
    Phishing tech support example

    What to do if you suspect a phone call is a phishing scam

    • Don’t answer. Let calls from unfamiliar numbers go to voicemail.
    • Block phone numbers on your mobile phone that call repeatedly for a fake business reason.
    • Be wary of links sent to you from the caller even if they seem like they are from a well-known company. Clicking links may allow the scammer to install spyware to your computer or device.

    How to report fraud

    If you suspect unauthorized activity on your account, call us immediately and contact your advisor.

    • Call 800.862.7919 and request to speak to a representative.
    • Mon-Fri 7 a.m. CT - 9 p.m. CT
    • Sat-Sun 7 a.m. CT - 7 p.m. CT

    We're committed to protecting your information

    At Ameriprise Financial, we’re committed to protecting your online security. Our efforts are backed by our Online Security Guarantee, which covers 100% of the value of losses in your Ameriprise® account(s) due to unauthorized online activity, if we conclude that losses were incurred from your account through no fault of your own.

    For more information about the steps you can take to help protect your account and personal information, review How you can protect yourself in the Ameriprise Financial Privacy, Security & Fraud Center.

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These are most common during open enrollment.Truth: Medicare will not call you without sending a letter first. You should never follow up on any unsolicited calls, visits from people claiming to be Medicare reps, or brochures.What to Do if You Are ContactedScammers can be persuasive, aggressive, and even threatening. However, its important to stay calm- they wont be able to do anything if you dont give them your information.Also, keep in mind that Medicare will not cold-call you. They will contact you via postal mail first to set up a phone interview.If you or a loved one is contacted by a fraudster:Never give out personal informationHang upReport the scam to MedicareWarn loved onesIf you or a loved one is in need of in-home elderly care, contact Gentle Shepherd Home Care in Colorado Springs. We offer a variety of services from simple companionship to medical care.

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    Technology is constantly improving, which means that cybercrime is on the rise. As an agent, its more important now than ever before to protect yourself from the dangers of cyberspace. The National Association of REALTORS (NAR) has created a checklist that lists cybersecurity measures you can take to keep yourself and your business protected. Heres an overview of what it has to say.Email and Password HygieneYou most likely use your email and a variety of other services everyday to conduct business, which means that your accounts might contain a lot of personal and confidential information. Its easy to forget about securing your accounts when you access them day in and day out, but this is one of the most important steps you can take to protect yourself from cybercrime.According to NAR, your login credentials are especially important to protect. 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By doing this, it will be stored in a safe place in the case that a virus infects your device or someone hacks in and erases your information.Another way that NAR suggests securing your device is by avoiding any suspicious links or applications. If you receive a text message from an unknown sender that contains a link, dont open it or your information could be stolen. If youre downloading an app, make sure that its legitimate by researching it beforehand so that it doesnt breach your privacy or infect your system. And if you ever need an IT provider, work with an attorney to review their policies and contracts before allowing them access to any of your devices.Law, Policy and Insurance ConsiderationsSo far weve talked about some everyday measures you can take to improve your cybersecurity. But there are larger considerations you should also keep in mind to make sure that youre protected in the long-run. According to NAR, your attorney can help you develop a written disclosure warning clients about the possibility of cybercrimes resulting from their transaction. In this disclosure, you can recommend certain steps for sellers and buyers that will protect their personal information and finances. In addition to a disclosure, NAR recommends that you also develop policies relating to document retention and destruction, cyber and data security and breach notifications and responses. NAR believes that you should stay up-to-date on those documents and coverages you already havefor example, your insurance coverage. Ask your insurance agent about additional options you can add to your plan, such as cyber insurance and crime protection products. In addition, remember to stay up-to-date with your states laws regarding personal information, cyber and data-related business policies and other legally required security-related business practices. This will all help you and your clients stay protected and will save you time and stress in the long run.Its easy to put off the small steps that can protect you from cybercrime, but dont wait! Unfortunately, its only becoming more common in todays digital space. If you dont start protecting yourself now, you could be a hackers next victim at any moment. By implementing the items from NARs Cybersecurity Checklist, you can begin living with peace of mind that you and your business will stay protected.

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