Maintaining Mental Health After a Crisis


Lee Health

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Jun 21, 2021


Florida - Southwest

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Remember the old days when we never went anywhere without our cell phones? Now, we wouldn't dare leave the house without face masks and hand sanitizers, too.
COVID-19 has changed our lives. The pandemic, like most significant life events, is stressing us out. And the stress it's causing us doesn't seem to be going anywhere, anytime soon.
We asked two psychologists with Lee Physician Group Jacqueline Hidalgo, Psy.D., and Rose Anne Illes, Ph.D. for some answers about how to handle the ongoing stress of living with COVID-19:
Q: Is it normal for me to keep feeling stressed after a crisis has ended, or at least appears to be ending or diminishing in threat, like with COVID-19?
A:Well, lets define stress first. The National Institutes of Health define it as a physical and emotional reaction we experience when encountering changes in life. Stress is a normal feeling.
In most typical life events, such as getting married or starting a new job, the stress associated with these changes tends to be situational. After the incident ends, like after we get married, or becomes normalized, like after were in the new job awhile, the stress lessens or goes away, eventually. Keep in mind that different people respond differently to stress.
Outbreaks like COVID-19 may be stressful for people, absolutely. This stress may linger after the threat from the outbreak lessens. There may be different reasons why this happens such as uncertainty of the future, threat to sense of security from the virus (e.g. losing employment, recovering financially, health concerns, family discordance etc.).
Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. How you respond to the outbreak can depend on your background, the things that make you different from other people, and the community you live in.
Q: What can I do to maintain a positive attitude and move past a stressful event?
A:If you practice being in the present and growing awareness, your thoughts will become more positive. Treat them like a new health habit by purposefully changing negative to positive thoughts and you will help ensure a better mind-set.
There are many things that can be done to keep positive. What works for one person may not work for the next but there are some things that can help everyone. Practicing gratitude can also lift your spirits.
What is going right in your life, at this moment? Are your kids healthy, for example? Are you thankful for a roof over your family's head? Do you have running hot and cold water in your home? Do you have access to food? Being grateful for simple and basic things can change a person.
Also, be kind to yourself. We can be awfully hard on ourselves. If your'e having a bad day, give yourself a break. Practicing self-compassion can get rid of negative feelings.
Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep, too. And avoid alcohol and drugs. We hear these messages all the time but if our bodies feel good so will our emotions.
One way to eliminate negative feelings is to identify what is stressing you out. Stress can educate us and help us with getting things done. Maybe it is a challenge you have not dealt with and the time has come to work on it.
Q: When should I consider seeing a mental health professional about my stress?
A:The decision to see a mental health provider differs for each person. Is your current stress level affecting your health? Is it diminishing your ability to handle your daily activities of living?
Stress that doesn't go away (chronic, or long-term, stress) may contribute to or worsen health problems such as digestive disorders, headaches, sleep disorders, and other symptoms. It can also make a persons asthma worse and has been linked to depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses.
Its important that you share with others. Talk with people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling.
If your'e experiencing any of the above symptoms, click on the link above.

Jacqueline Hidalgo, Psy.D., is a psychologist in Family Medicine with Lee Physician Group. Her clinical interests include integrating behavioral and primary care; behavioral medicine for underserved populations; and providing behavioral interventions to patients with chronic illnesses. She speaks English and Spanish.
Rose Anne Illes, Ph.D., is a psychologist in Family Medicine with Lee Physician Group. Her clinical interests include lifestyle medicine, maternal mental health, and behavioral interventions to patients with chronic illnesses. She speaks English and Spanish.

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Lee Health

Hospitals , Fort Myers, Florida,

Lee Health is a leading healthcare provider in Southwest Florida, offering award-winning care and comprehensive services to meet the diverse needs of our community. Our mission is to provide quality service with personal attention, ensuring that every patient receives the best possible care.At Lee Health, we understand that finding the right care can be overwhelming. That's why we offer a range of services, from in-person care to virtual visits, urgent care, and emergency care, to ensure that you can access the care you need, when you need it. Our team of experienced physicians and specialists are dedicated to providing compassionate, personalized care to each and every patient.In addition to our clinical services, Lee Health is committed to providing resources and support to our community. Through our learning center, blog, and webinars, we strive to educate and empower individuals to take control of their health and wellness.As part of our commitment to excellence, Lee Health is currently conducting an evaluation of our business structure to ensure that we are meeting the highest standards of quality and efficiency. We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our services, find a doctor, and discover how Lee Health can help you and your family live healthier lives.

Lee Health

Physicians 4211 Metro Parkway, Fort Myers, Florida, 33916

Lee Health is a leading healthcare provider in Southwest Florida, offering award-winning care and comprehensive services to meet the diverse needs of our community. Our mission is to provide quality service with personal attention, ensuring that every patient receives the best possible care.At Lee Health, we understand that finding the right care can be overwhelming. That's why we offer a range of services, from in-person care to virtual visits, urgent care, and emergency care, to ensure that you can access the care you need, when you need it. Our team of experienced physicians and specialists are dedicated to providing compassionate, personalized care to each and every patient.In addition to our clinical services, Lee Health is committed to providing resources and support to our community. Through our learning center, blog, and webinars, we strive to educate and empower individuals to take control of their health and wellness.As part of our commitment to excellence, Lee Health is currently conducting an evaluation of our business structure to ensure that we are meeting the highest standards of quality and efficiency. We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our services, find a doctor, and discover how Lee Health can help you and your family live healthier lives.