Marijuana; Not Just for Smoking

Posted on

Oct 12, 2015


Colorado - Northern Colorado

Did you know that cannabis can be appreciated in more ways than combusting or vaporizing? In fact, edible and topical use can provide consumers with optimal therapeutic value. Many patients and customers find comfort from day-to-day pain as well as relief from their daily pharmaceutical regimen using some of the innovative cannabis products on the market.

Apothecanna specializes in cannabis infused lotions, salves, and lip-balm. The regular strength Pain Cream is a reasonably priced introductory product for the first-time cannabis consumer. The Extra Strength Pain Cream is recommended for experienced cannabis users; it is described as soothing and comforting. The Lip Buzz lip balm, while not intoxicating to the lips, has a wonderful healing effect for those have been too exposed to sometimes intense Colorado wind, frigid and dry temperatures, and sun. Topicals are advantageous in alleviating a wide spectrum of physical ailments including arthritis, joint pain, aching muscles, painful muscle tensions, and a variety of skin conditions.

Mary's Medicinals, has developed a wide variety of products promoting the therapeutic benefits of cannabinoids like CBC, CBD, THC, and CBN as well as many different delivery mediums with scalable dosage options. These cannabinoids are linked to relief from pain, cramps, spasms, and nausea with anti-inflammatory properties. Mary's Transdermal Patches have gained a reputation for long lasting relief. The dosing of the 10mg and 20mg patches can be scaled down by tailoring the patches to varying shapes and sizes. Mary's Transdermal Pens are dispensed in 2mg doses of cream. Pens are easily applied and stored, and the effects match the qualities of the patches. Thus, this product is great for patients or customers who need a targeted dosage greater than the patches can provide. Mary's also packages their CBD and CBN extracts into 5mg capsules. Capsules are an excellent low dose, yet scalable, with similar effects as the patches and pens. Capsules can have a more immediate effect that transdermal application. Mary's Medicinal has great customer outreach through their webpage, customer surveys, and a toll-free 1-800 number that connects you to a registered nurse for guidance.

Edible products are carried for a wide variety of ailments. The Dixie Elixir company markets elixirs, tinctures, mints, capsules, and chocolates. Their 50/50 CBD: THC Synergy Tincture has been a hit for customers who are seeking a controllable high CBD edible option. Many patients use a few doses of the Dixie Tinctures for sleep aid and pain relief. Dixie 10mg Mints are an excellent scalable option for customers who need a quick, discreet, and controllable product. Mints come in two varieties: Relaxing Mint, for pain relief and sleep aid and Awakening Mint, for pain relief.

Editor's Note: This article was written by Rich Fordham of Choice Organics and may be reached at 970-472-6337.

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Encouraging Volunteerism in Senior Care

Volunteerism is not just about giving time. Volunteering in senior care is about igniting a spark a spark of connection, joy, and purpose that enriches lives on both sides of the giving equation. Learn how you can ditch the ordinary and become an extraordinary force for good in the lives of seniors. This guide discusses the benefits of volunteerism for seniors and ways caregivers can help them get involved in community service.Benefits of Volunteerism for SeniorsVolunteering can greatly boost a senior's self-esteem. It gives them a sense of purpose and accomplishment. When they see the positive impact they're making, it can lift their spirits and improve their mental health. Feeling needed and valued can be incredibly empowering.Social connections are vital for everyone, and seniors are no exception. Volunteering offers a chance to meet new people and build friendships. This helps reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, which are common among seniors. A vibrant social life can lead to increased happiness and emotional well-being.Physical Health BenefitsStaying active and engaged through volunteer work can also benefit physical health. Movement is necessary for maintaining health, whether it's light physical activity or simply getting out of the house. Some studies even suggest that active seniors are likely to have better overall physical health.From walks around the park with fellow volunteers to light cleaning and tidying up around a community organization, there are a wealth of ways to keep seniors active while doing good for those around them. Still, seniors should always speak to their healthcare providers before starting a new fitness routine.How Caregivers Can Support Senior VolunteerismAs a caregiver, you can help seniors find the right volunteer opportunities. Match these opportunities with the senior's interests and skills. Consider what they enjoy and what they're good at. Equally important is considering their physical and cognitive abilities to ensure the volunteer work is suitable and fulfilling.One of the main barriers to volunteering is often transportation. Caregivers can arrange transportation to volunteer sites. This includes coordinating schedules and ensuring the seniors can get where they need to be. Providing logistical support, like helping with sign-ups and schedules, can make a big difference.Caregivers should offer positive reinforcement and celebrate the senior's contributions. Sometimes, seniors may have concerns or fears about starting something new. Addressing these concerns and providing the support they need can motivate them to take the first step.Get Custom Care and Support Services for Seniors TodayThe benefits of senior volunteerism are numerous, from boosting self-esteem to promoting social connections and improving physical health. Caregivers can help by identifying suitable opportunities, providing transportation, and offering encouragement. Let's strive to support our seniors in giving back to the community.If you need assistance in finding and supporting volunteer opportunities for seniors in Fort Collins, Englewood, Littleton, Windsor, and Longmont, contact us at Senior Helpers Fort Collins. We proudly provide compassionate senior care services that serve the whole person and enhance emotional and physical health.

What to Do When Senior Parents Don't Recognize You

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