The Two Faces of Caregiving


Lely Palms Retirement Community

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Jul 21, 2023


Florida - Southwest

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When I’m speaking to groups about caregiving, I’m often asked, “How should I respond when family members or other loved ones question my decisions?”

I know that confusion. The confusion stems from responsibilities or duties we might have inherited without any preparation.

My father assigned power of attorney responsibilities to me by asking a sister if I was the best person for the job. He did not discuss the assignment with me, leading to conflicts within the family. Those conflicts can turn costly if they are not handled with same attention we use to care for our loved ones.

This Side of Caregiving

The first lessons I coach caregivers are to recognize every family member has gifts they can offer, as it relates to a loved one’s care. Each member also carries their own agenda. Ideally, our loved ones would put forth their desires and plans, prior to others taking over care. For the lead caregiver, asking about each other’s gifts, how everyone would like to or can be involved goes a long way in establishing trust, and connections for when healthcare concerns increase.

Caregivers often believe we march alone.  But, we are surrounded by others willing to aid us. We need to help them help us. The National Institute on Aging recommends the following on how to share in these duties: Talking about, listing, and defining responsibilities. Defining strengths and how they can be bolstered for maximum effect. And, setting forth one’s limitations, whether it’s due to jobs, family, or location. One item not listed is to recognize that past hurts and regrets might cause some members to postpone involvement in a loved one's care, or not participate at all.

During my father’s care struggles, three of my siblings lived out of town. Each had their own ideas on care as well as unresolved differences. At the time, the best I could do was to honor my father’s wishes though they were not specifically put in writing for all to understand.

When my mother, in her dementia, required more care, those three still lived out of town. A sister often visited for a night and questioned, “Where are Mom’s washcloths?” and “Why does she get a turkey sandwich for dinner?” This worry was more a function of her personality and had nothing to do with my oversight of Mom’s life. I returned to normal programming with the onsite caregivers after my sister left.

Most staff understand how the inconsistent presence of other family or caregivers might cause disruptions. Ask for their assistance when necessary. As a professional, they can reassure other members that you, the caregiver, have responded to the required duties with professionalism and love.

Looking at Care from the Other Side

Several years ago, my older sister was moved into a nursing home. My younger sister became her caregiver. Living out of town, I’d love to provide more assistance. My gift is being a pusher. I assess a situation and discern what a person needs at a particular time. I pushed my mother to take walks or sit outside, every day if I had time. I wanted more for my sister too.

My sister no longer communicates, has significant cognitive memory loss, and engages only in seconds, not long minutes. A friend of mine recently asked how much speech therapy my sister had been given. I responded, “I wished she had more.” Efforts had been made and it was no longer my place to push for additional therapy. Part of this approach came about by accepting my role as sideline advisor. Part of my recognition lay in accepting where my sister was on the spectrum of overall well-being.

What strategies enabled me to achieve this balance? The ones developed when I was the lone caregiver. Communicating with family members using an established vocabulary and methods, such as group emails or texts. Everyone is assured of receiving the same message though it may be interpreted differently. Finding an ally within the family. Another of my sisters tended to be pragmatic in her relationships and helped others navigate the waters with detached emotion. Making use of staff to inform members about the status of a loved one. Ensuring everyone operates from the same vantage point eases their work too.

Finally, if you are the other family member, outside of using trained facilitators, consider how to best support your loved one’s care. What are your gifts? What can you let go of? When is it time to resolve differences with those you love?

Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice that combines love, forgiveness, repentance, and gratitude in four powerful phrases when said reflecting to yourself. The four simple phrases are: I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, and I love you. Keeping any of these phrases in mind as we accept our duties or our place in the family care is the best care you can offer to a loved one. As my dad used to say, “I just want my kids to get along.”

Annette Januzzi Wick is a writer, speaker, and author of I’ll Have Some of Yours, a journey of cookies and caregiving (Three Arch Press) and is a recipient of a 2020 NSNC award. A frequent contributor to, her work has appeared in Grief Becomes You, Before the Diagnosis, Cincinnati Magazine,, Still Point Arts, 3rd Act Magazine, and others. Visit to learn more.

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Advice for Caregivers: Helping Your Aging Loved One

As your parents age, you may find yourself taking on the role of caregiver, especially if they wish to remain in their own home. While caring for aging parents can be rewarding, it also presents unique challenges. This comprehensive guide offers essential advice for caregivers navigating this important responsibility.Creating a Caregiving PlanDeveloping a structured approach is crucial when caring for aging parents. Start by creating an elder care checklist to ensure you're addressing all aspects of their well-being:Assess their living situation and home safetyReview financial and legal mattersEvaluate health and medical needsConsider emotional and social supportPlan for emergenciesA well-organized caregiving plan helps manage tasks efficiently and reduces stress for both you and your loved one.Assessing Living Arrangements and SafetyOne of the first steps in caring for elderly parents is evaluating their living situation:Conduct a thorough home safety assessmentInstall grab bars and improve lightingRemove tripping hazardsConsider a medical alert systemExplore aging in place options or assisted living if necessaryEnsuring a safe environment is crucial for maintaining your loved one's independence and well-being.Managing Financial and Legal MattersAddressing financial and legal concerns is a critical aspect of elder care:Review bank accounts, investments, and assetsInvestigate long-term care insurance and government benefitsEnsure essential legal documents are in place:Valid willPower of attorney for finances and healthcareAdvance directive or living willOrganizing these matters early can prevent complications and provide peace of mind.Coordinating Health and Medical CareEffective management of your loved one's health is paramount:Compile a list of medications and dosagesSchedule and attend medical appointmentsCoordinate care between healthcare providersMonitor for changes in health or behaviorAssess needs for assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs)Regular communication with healthcare professionals ensures your loved one receives appropriate care.Providing Emotional and Social SupportMaintaining your loved one's emotional well-being is as important as physical care:Watch for signs of depression or anxietyEncourage social interactions and activitiesConsider counseling or support groupsResearch local senior centers or community programsArrange transportation for social outingsKeeping your loved one engaged and connected can significantly improve their quality of life.Practicing Self-Care as a CaregiverCaring for yourself is essential when caring for others:Set realistic expectations and boundariesJoin a caregiver support groupMaintain your own health through regular check-upsIdentify backup caregivers for breaksExplore respite care optionsRemember, taking care of yourself allows you to provide better care for your loved one.Effective Communication and Family InvolvementOpen communication is key to successful caregiving:Hold regular family meetings to discuss care plansAssign roles and responsibilities among family membersAddress conflicts or concerns openlyKeep a caregiving journal to track changesShare updates with family members regularlyInvolving family members can distribute responsibilities and provide a support network.Preparing for EmergenciesBeing ready for unexpected situations is crucial:Create an emergency contact listDevelop a plan for natural disasters or medical emergenciesEnsure easy access to important documents and medicationsProper preparation can make a significant difference in crisis situations.Considering Professional HelpSometimes, additional support may be necessary:Evaluate the need for in-home care servicesResearch reputable home care agenciesConsider hiring a geriatric care manager for complex situationsProfessional assistance can complement family caregiving efforts and provide specialized expertise.Caring for aging parents is a journey that requires patience, dedication, and adaptability. By following this advice for caregivers and utilizing resources like an elder care checklist, you can provide comprehensive support for your loved one while maintaining your own well-being. Remember, every family's situation is unique, and it's important to tailor your approach to your specific circumstances. With proper planning and support, you can navigate the challenges of caregiving while cherishing the time spent with your aging loved one.Contact The Caring Mission today for a free assessment and to learn more.

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