The Way Up When I Feel Down


The Bridge Assisted Living at Longmont

Posted on

May 18, 2021


Colorado - Boulder County

Written by David Scott

This COVID season has provided a lot of wonderful opportunities to throw parties! Stick with me here.
For the past 15 months, like you, I've encountered isolation, uncertainty, frustration, as well as a long list of other not-so-good feelings and experiences. Needless to say, I have not always been at my best emotionally. I wanted someone to help me out of my emotional doldrums. So, I decided to throw myself a pity party. I set the date. Decorated my home. Sent the invitations. And no one showed up! Contrary to what we often think we need or want, it is on us to do what is necessary to restore our emotional and mental well-being. The research tells us if you want to feel good, then do good. Doing good to others lights up places in our brains that increase happiness. Doing good connects us with others and we all know that a key to long-term emotional health is relationships. Doing good helps us gain a clearer perspective on the quality of our own life. Doing good is contagious soon others will also join us in doing good. If feels amazing to have a positive impact on those around us and our environment.

"No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted." - Aesop
Doing good is often as easy as "simple kindnesses": looking someone in the eye and saying "hello", opening doors for others, giving your place in the checkout line at a store to the person behind you who has one or two items, stopping to listen to the answer to "how are you?", letting a car in front of you merge on the highway, giving a specific complement to someone for a task well done, using a friend's name often as you talk with them, and the list could go on for pages.

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James
The way up when you feel down is to do good whether you feel like it or not. I invite you to not wait until you feel like acting, rather do good when you don't feel like it and watch what happens to both you and the recipient of your deed. Nike's motto of "Just Do It!" fits here perfectly. What if your level of feeling good is primarily determined by the good you do for others? If you believed this you would probably make it your habit each day to bless someone. Do you want to feel more energized? Then energize someone today. Do you want to feel more connected with others? Then step out and connect to someone on your path today. Do you want to feel more inspired? Then take that risk and inspire someone God places in front of you today.

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." - Theodore Roosevelt
This season of COVID has hit most of us hard these last number of months. Don't wait for others to bring you up. Do good to feel good.

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Newly Retired? Think About a Side Gig

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These statistics are not just impressive; they are a testament to the transformative power of technology in bridging the gap between generations. And with projections indicating that the number of older adults using video conferencing is set to double over the next 20 years, it's clear that virtual communication is here to stay. And then there's social media, the virtual town square where people of all ages come together to share stories, memories, and moments. While some seniors may initially approach social media with skepticism, many quickly discover its potential to reconnect with old friends, discover new interests, and stay informed about the lives of their loved ones. According to the Pew Research Center, 73% of adults aged 65 and older use social media regularly, with Facebook being the most popular platform among this demographic. These figures are not just notable; they represent a paradigm shift in how seniors are engaging with technology to stay connected with the world around them. And with projections indicating that social media usage among older adults is expected to increase by 25% over the next decade, it's clear that seniors are embracing digital communication with open arms. Of course, it's natural for seniors to have concerns about using technology, especially when it comes to online safety and privacy. Just as in the physical world, there are risks and precautions to consider in the digital realm. Seniors must be vigilant about protecting their personal information, avoiding scams, and navigating the ever-changing landscape of online security. But with proper guidance and support, these concerns can be addressed, allowing seniors to reap the benefits of technology without undue worry. Educational resources, community programs, tech-savvy family members, and companies that specifically help older adults and seniors understand and use technology can all play a role in empowering seniors to navigate the digital world with confidence and competence. Ultimately, the benefits of staying connected through technology far outweigh the risks. For seniors, the ability to maintain meaningful relationships, stay informed, and engage with the world around them is worth the effort of learning new skills and adapting to new technologies. Whether it's sending an email, sharing a text message, or joining a video call, every digital interaction is an opportunity to strengthen bonds, foster connection, and enrich the lives of seniors and their loved ones. In an age where technology often dominates the conversation, it's heartening to see older adults not only embracing digital communication but thriving in it. With each virtual hug and digital dialogue, seniors are rewriting the narrative of aging, proving that connection knows no age limits and that the bonds of love and friendship are as strong as ever in the digital age. And with the continued growth and adoption of technology among older adults, the future of senior connectivity has never looked brighter.

Local Services By This Author

The Bridge Assisted Living at Longmont

Assisted Living 2444 Pratt Street, Longmont, Colorado, 80501

Comfort and luxury abound at The Bridge, a premier assisted living community. If you or your loved one need a reminder about taking medication or a little help with tasks such as dressing, bathing and grooming, an assisted living community may provide the perfect amount of care. At our location you will find professional staff members working with residents and their family members.