What Is A Live-In Caregiver?

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Mar 30, 2021

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Theres a nagging clich about life coming around full circle. But, never does it seem more real than when one of our parents starts to visibly age and requires assistance for otherwise-normal activities.
Yet, even as our parents start to age, the rigors of a full-time job dont seem to dissipate. So, what happens when you want to be there for Mom and Dad, but you still need to draw in a paycheck?
Well, this is where a live-in caregiver steps onto the scene. Whether a caregiver comes to tend to your loved ones daily affairs while youre at work or moves in on a more permanent basis to oversee things, they offer tremendous reassurance that everythings going to be alright.
Below, well break down the details of what, precisely a live-in care provider offers. There are a rainbow of options, depending on your loved ones needs. And, no matter which direction you take, comfort lies at the core of it all.
Comfort Giver
The first (and perhaps best) way to describe a live-in care provider is a comfort giver. Their presence offers a certain level of comfort for friends and family members who are concerned about the well-being of an elderly loved one.
No longer do sons and daughters have to worry that their elderly parents may have slipped or fallen. No longer do they have to send up a flare if a phone call isnt answered. Its established that someones close at hand and caring for their every need.
Live-in care providers also provide comfort for someone whos aging, as well. Consider how we spend our lives curating our home. Its our safe haven, our safe space.
When the trials of aging start to take their toll, its far more reassuring to endure lifes difficulties from the comfort of a living room surrounded by family photos or a bedroom that was painted and decorated by their spouse many moons ago.
Live-In Caregiver Vs. Daytime Caregiving
Of course, many of us would love to welcome our elderly parents back into our homes and care for them the way they cared for us as children. Yet, often, the demands of life require us to maintain a daytime job. When our hands become tied like this, there are a couple of options.
Live-In Caregiving
Live-in elderly care means your family member will have an in-home caregiver who works four or five days a week, providing round the clock care. So, while youre at work, your loved one will be cared for. Even if youre working a double shift, theres no fear; your loved one will be cared for.
In this situation, the live-in senior caregiver must be provided a bed where they can rest for eight hours a night (with, of course, the stipulation that this sleep may be disrupted by the needs of their client). Theyre also given a period of rest during the day where another caregiver can come in or a family member can take over.
Daytime Caregiving
If youre able to move an elderly loved one into your home, but cant be around all day, this may be a lovely option for you. A daytime caregiver will arrive to oversee the health and safety of your loved one while youre at the office.
Typically, when you come home, youre on duty to care for your loved one. But, whats nice is that the same daytime caregiver can sometimes step in to help with the occasional evening affair. And, of course, if you work an evening shift, then you will be able to find someone whos available for overnight caregiving until you come home again in the morning.
24-Hour Caregiving
Twenty-four-hour caregiving may sound a bit like live-in elder care. But, its actually more intensive. This is for someone who cant be left unsupervised (i.e., during an eight hour period of rest). Perhaps theyre prone to falls or need constant medical attention.
In which case, 24-hour caregiving is provided by two or three caregivers who work in shifts. There wont be an eight-hour sleep break or a daytime break. Rather, someone would be on guard at all times, providing the utmost care for your aging family member.
Types Of Care Providers
Aside from live-in vs. daytime (or nighttime) providers, there are also varying levels of training that you can consider when looking for the perfect match. Heres a breakdown of some of your best options:
Licensed Practical Nurses & Registered Nurses
A licensed nursecan provide skilled care for a number of situations. They may come in hourly shifts, or more frequently, to administer medication, provide post-surgery care, tend to wounds, provide ventilation care, or monitor vitals.
This is, of course, for someone who needs diligent medical attention or someone who may be recovering from a difficult surgery. Having a registered nurse enter a home is a wonderful way to know your loved one is being cared for by a trusted member of the medical community.
Certified Nursing Assistant
Of course, another member of the medical community thats not to be overlooked is a nursing assistant or home health aide. These are friendly folks who can assist with everyday activities like bathing, dressing, oral hygiene, shaving, skin care, ambulating/transfer, transport/escort, toileting, supervision, reminder medication, prepare meals/feeding, laundry/change linens and light housekeeping.
A home health aide may fall nicely into the category of daytime care listed above. This is someone who can oversee your loved ones daily routine, from breakfast to afternoon bridge with their friends, to an early supper before a member of the family arrives home for the evening.
Another alternative is a companion. This is for someone whos just looking for a bit of compassionrather than hands-on care. Perhaps a companion will drive Mom or Dad to the local movie theatre to catch the latest Tom Cruise film.
Or, maybe theyll stay at home and enjoy a couple episodes ofGreys Anatomywhile playing a robust game of gin rummy. This is someone whos going to keep your loved ones mental health in tip-top shape and also help ward off any feelings of cabin fever.
Does Insurance Cover A Caregiver?
Thankfully, most long-term care insurance will cover the services provided by a registered caregiver. Of course, thats not to say that whats covered doesnt vary from policy to policy.
If you work with the right referral agency, they can not only pair you with the perfect caregiver out there, but they can also help you master the game of ping pong that comes with a phone call to the insurance company.
For example, the team here at Just Like Family loves to assist our clients as they navigate the nitty-gritty of an insurance policy. We also provide the documentation necessary to start your policy benefits and keep them going.
Start The Process For A Live-In Caregiver Today
Do you feel the weight lifting off your shoulders as you consider the multi-faceted nature of a live-in caregiver? Whether its preparing tea, doling out medication, or helping a loved one move around safely, theres a lot to be gained by entrusting the supervision of a loved one to a caregiver.
Here at Just Life Family Home Care, we offer the support your loved ones need by referring qualified home health care caregivers to come to their home and live the most independent life possible. Our mission is to provide tailor-made solutions to each familys needs. Whether youre looking for a Registered Nurse or a Home Health Aide, we can connect you with someone truly special.
Give us a call today to schedule a free consultation with a representative. Together, well shape out a plan of action that will ensure the health, safety, and comfort of your loved one. Wouldnt it be nice if we all slept in peace again, starting tonight?
Submitted and Written By: Just Like family Home Care - click here for more information

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By Faith Protsman, MD, Regional Medical Director, VITAS HealthcareTwo recent studies highlight how sepsis impact often extends well beyond the acute event that led to a patients hospitalization. The studies emphasize two particular points that should inform physicians and clinicians as they consider referring these patients to specialized care: Medicare patient data gathered between 2012-2017 shows that sepsis patients face considerably poorer health outcomes following hospital discharge when compared to non-sepsis patients, including elevated risk for death and increased use of advanced healthcare services. Sepsis survivors exhibit strong indicators of persistent inflammation and immunosuppression for up to a year after hospital discharge, increasing their risk of readmission or death. Both studies indicate a significantly elevated risk of death among sepsis patients after they have been discharged and ostensibly cured. Of course, sepsis patientsparticularly those of the Medicare cohort, who are largely of advanced agerarely leave the hospital in better condition than they entered.The Yende study, in particular, shows that neuroendocrine and inflammatory responses to sepsis can continue long after the patient survives a septic episode. For patients with advanced or chronic diseasesas was the case with nearly 78% of participants in the studythese biomarkers are associated with decline.Post-sepsis Discharge: A Critical JunctureIn many cases, these individuals life expectancies upon discharge will be less than six months. This is a critical juncture: While comfort-focused hospice care could provide an ideal source of support for the eligible patient, their family, and their caregiver(s), most sepsis patients are simply sent home without even a discussion about palliative end-of-life care and its benefits.Frankly, such an oversight is a disservice to everyone involved. The sepsis patient is left with physical and/or cognitive dysfunction, often without significant options for symptom management. Their partner or family will either need to assume caregiving duties or turn to costly private services. And the physician and hospital staff will likely see the patient again following another acute event, a readmission that impacts performance scores, strains resources, and unnecessarily fills beds.By no means do I intend to lay the blame for these unfortunate circumstances on physicians. Timely hospice referrals require ongoing education about end-of-life care, and open, ongoing communication between hospice providers and referral sources.More Help: How to Talk About Hospice Care >Those of us in hospice are working hard to bridge the gap, but even as our healthcare system transitions to a value-based model, the mentality of fee-for-service still permeates our nations acute-care facilities, and many hospitalists see a discharge home as a success.Hospice: A New Way Of Judging SuccessIn hospice, we judge our successes on the patients quality of life and the fulfillment of their goals and wishes near lifes end. Usually, that means going home with 24/7 support from an interdisciplinary hospice team. Whether home is a traditional residence, an assisted living facility, or nursing home, the hospice team will assist caregivers (and/or facility staff) with direct clinical care and education, integrative services, bereavement support, and delivery of medication, equipment, and supplies.In other cases, improving quality of life means remaining in a general inpatient setting with hospice support, taking the burden off hospital staff until the patient is able to transition home or until the patient dies. Hospice offers complex modalities in any setting, so patients who would otherwise be confined to an ICU can usually return home to be among loved ones.With support from hospice, a sepsis patient and their family are more likely to report higher satisfaction of care and greater quality of life. The patients emotional and spiritual needs can be met alongside their physical needs, thanks to care from chaplains, social workers, music and massage therapists, and other integrative specialists. Finally, the patient is more likely to die at home, surrounded by loved ones, rather than in the hospital.Because sepsis is most common in patients with advanced or chronic diseases that indicate hospice eligibility, acute incidences of sepsis should always trigger a hospice eligibility assessment. We owe it to our patients, their loved ones, and our colleagues in healthcare, all of whom can benefit from the support that timely end-of-life care offers.