When you Don't Know Where To Go

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Oct 08, 2015


Idaho - Boise and the Treasure Valley

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There are many things we prepare for in life, getting married, having kids, buying a home, retirement, etc. Unfortunately, most of us do not prepare for the day we notice that our parents, grandparents, or other aging loved one needs more help than before. They seem to be doing fine in some areas of their life, but you have concerns about others; it might be their driving, or how their home is kept, or their health is deteriorating. First, we are unsure if we should intervene, or if we do, we are not sure how much to get involved. Your loved one may welcome your help or they may not, in fact they may become defensive and push you away saying everything is just fine. You know at some level that this is not the full picture but you don't know where to begin. You might not even live in the same area and don't know what you don't know.

Perhaps you are helping your aging family member(s) and are exhausted attending to their needs, your family needs, and when possible, your needs. You may or may not have siblings or other family members who could help but dont or disagree with you on how to handle the evolving needs and changing conditions. Or worse yet, you are in the midst of a crisis situation. Your stress mounts, you feel overwhelmed, confused, and unsure about what to do next, you don't know what resources are out there, and/or how to handle the emotional challenges within the family system. Every family situation is unique. A Geriatric Care Manager is an expert in geriatric care with specialties in social work, nursing and mental health. They work closely with each family to understand their specific situation.
Based on a clinical assessment of the individuals ability to function independently, their mental status, nutrition needs, medical conditions, financial resources, home safety, etc., the Geriatric Care Manager develops a custom care plan, identifying what is going well and which areas need to be attended to, including resources to support identified needs.

The senior and their family's choose what areas they want or need help with from the care manager. These services include:
Providing education, information and referral resources
Monitoring medical needs and advocating as needed
Coordinating and providing oversight of personal care and home health
Providing assistance in addressing legal and financial issues
Making placement recommendations and facilitating the process
Providing direction on guardianship or conservatorship
Providing emotional support and mediating family dynamics
Serving as back-up for family members when they are out of town

You can find a care manager in your area on the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers (NAPGCM) website at www.caremanager.org.

This article was written by Dee Childers, MA, and owner of Life Changes Elder Care Consulting, LLC, 208-321-5567, www.lifechangeseldercare.com.

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What Does a Geriatric Manager Do?

The Role of a Geriatric Care ManagerThe share of the United States population over the age of 65 has risen to 16%, and it is expected to climb further to 23% by 2060. People are living longer, and that means that people also have more specialized health care needs.Aging life care calls for a different kind of attention, as various conditions and syndromes begin to present themselves. Depending on which conditions those are, the situation can get complicated pretty quickly. In some cases, it might be worthwhile to consider hiring a geriatric care manager.As we and our loved ones age, we usually end up needing support from the people around us to make sure our needs are met. Family members in particular tend to shoulder this responsibility. But there are many reasons that might make it difficult to have a good support network in place. The most common reason is that family caregivers simply live too far away to provide reliable senior care management.In this context, geriatric care managers can be thought of as "professional relatives." If a family member is not able to provide long term care, geriatric care managers can help provide any and all services related to elder care. They are usually licenced nurses or social workers who are trained in aging life care, and they organize care plans and advocate for their patients needs.If you hire a geriatric care manager, you will be able to count on them to navigate the complexities of the health care system. It can also be helpful to have someone who can make decisions from a neutral point of view, as family caregivers sometimes have to make difficult decisions that are deeply personal.The primary responsibilities of a geriatric care manager are:Coordinating elder care between multiple service providersDeveloping both short and long term care plansHelping manage emotional concerns, stress, and anxietiesHelping manage transitional careHiring additional caregivers as necessaryMake home visits and evaluate living conditionsOngoing assessment of aging life care needsAll of this helps take the pressure off family members and ensures that geriatric care management is always under control.When to Seek Support With an Aging Life Care ExpertThere are many cases in which families are perfectly capable of managing aging life care for someone they love. But it can be challenging to know when you might be taking on more than you can reasonably expect to handle. As discussed above, one of the most obvious challenges is that family members do not live near the person who needs their care. But other complications are not as straightforward.You should consider hiring a geriatric care manager when:You need help with a complex issue. Lots of medical conditions can lead to the kinds of behaviors that should really be handled by aging life care professionals. Issues related to dementia, verbal abuse, or physical violence are among these.Your loved one will not talk to you about their health. Whether it is out of concern for privacy, a soured relationship, or an inability to describe what they are experiencing, older adults sometimes do not let relatives help them. A geriatric care manager gives them someone they feel comfortable talking to about their health. You are having trouble communicating with service providers. Geriatric care managers have a better understanding of where other aging life care professionals are coming from, so if you have run into a wall in negotiations or are not able to get the information you are looking for, your care manager is in a position to communicate more effectively.You do not know what to do. Caring for a loved one can be complicated for reasons beyond their health. We always want the best for them, but sometimes there are multiple pathways and it is not clear which one will be best. Geriatric care managers can provide their objective point of view to help your loved one receive the senior care that is right for themFinding Geriatric Care ManagersA geriatric care manager does not have to hold a state level license. But because many of them come from fields in health care, they elect to maintain their credentials. Care managers who come from social work often have to have active licensure in order to practice in their state.So on the one hand, a lack of certification or licensure is not necessarily a deal breaker. On the other hand, it is important that they can demonstrate their experience as aging life care professionals. If you are hiring a geriatric care manager, be sure to ask about the following:Do they have direct experience with managing issues specific to your loved one? This is especially important to cover in cases of severe injury or cognitive decline.Do they have experience with crisis care management? If your loved one is prone to seizures or is at high risk for falls or heart attacks, aging life care professionals need to know how to handle this type of emergency situation. Also ask them if they are available to respond around the clock, or if they have set hours.How will they communicate information to you? It might seem like a tedious question, but being on the same page about communication methods and styles can save everyone a lot of frustration and confusion.Can they provide references? It can be hard to really understand who you are working with based on their resume alone. Talking to people who know them well is a good way to corroborate your first impressions.How are their costs and fees structured? Senior care can be expensive it is typically not covered under Medicare or most other insurance plans so it is important to understand how much things will cost up front. Geriatric care managers charge by the hour, typically within a range of $75200 per hour.When families turn to aging life care professionals for care management services, they need to know as much as possible about the roles and responsibilities of the people they are bringing into the fold. Geriatric care managers help families navigate the complexities of elder care and relieve them of the stress and anxiety that so often comes along with it. They are experienced in working with a variety of national and local resources, care providers, and care services to ensure the highest quality of life possible.Give me a call for a FREE 20 minute consultation at 714-403-7040. source: Keystone Health, 2024. https://keystone.health/geriatric-care-manager-role-responsibilities#table-of-contents

The Sweet Tooth Mystery: Why Seniors Crave Sweets After Eating

The Sweet Tooth Mystery: Why Seniors Crave Sweets After Eating Do you find yourself or older loved ones reaching for dessert shortly after finishing a meal? If so, you're not alone. It's a common observation that many seniors have a seemingly insatiable craving for sweets after they've finished their main course. And its not just a coincidence, either. There are actually several physiological and psychological factors that are responsible for the guilty pleasure and can explain why seniors crave sweets after eating.  Lets shine some light on both the biological and emotional underpinnings of this common occurrence. Changing Taste BudsAs we age, our taste buds undergo significant changes. Think about some of the food items you like now that you wouldnt dare touch when you were a child. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, the list goes on. But as you get older, the sense of taste becomes less acute, and certain flavors, particularly sweet ones, become more appealing. This is often because the perception of sweetness lessens with age, making sugary foods more enjoyable. You may find that you need more intense flavors to satisfy your palate, and sweet foods provide this intensity. Thus leading to seniors craving sweets after eating. Nutrient DeficienciesIts not uncommon for seniors to have some sort of nutrient deficiency due to various factors, such as poor dietary choices or medical conditions. Cravings for sweets can be a result of the body seeking essential nutrients. For example, a deficiency in certain minerals like magnesium or zinc can lead to sugar cravings. Chocolate is a common sugar craving resulting from vitamin deficiency. Eating sweets can provide a temporary boost in energy and mood, but it's important for seniors to address any underlying nutrient deficiencies through a balanced diet or supplements. Emotional ComfortWhat do most of us reach for when were depressed? SWEETS! It doesnt get any easier the older we get. Seniors often face unique emotional challenges, such as loneliness, grief, or the physical limitations that can come with aging. Sweets are associated with comfort and can trigger the release of endorphins, which provide a temporary emotional boost. This psychological connection between sugary treats and comfort can lead to cravings. The taste of sweets provides solace, helping to comfort us during our difficult times.  Medications and Side EffectsMany seniors are on various medications to manage chronic health diseases and conditions. Some of these medications can cause changes in taste perception or trigger a metallic aftertaste, which may make sweets more palatable. Additionally, certain medications can affect blood sugar levels or metabolism, leading to sugar cravings as the body seeks to maintain equilibrium. Social and Cultural FactorsThe social aspect of sharing dessert with family and friends after a meal can also be a powerful motivator. Seniors may have fond memories of family gatherings and celebrations where sweets were a central part of the experience. This cultural and social conditioning can create a desire for sweets, especially after a satisfying meal. Habitual BehaviorSeniors who have developed a lifelong habit of indulging in desserts after meals may continue this pattern. Habits are difficult to break, and the association between eating sweets and feeling satisfied after a meal can be deeply ingrained. How to Manage Sweet CravingsWhile some level of craving for sweets after a meal is common, especially in seniors, it's important to strike a balance to maintain a healthy diet. Here are some tips for managing sweet cravings. Maintain a Balanced Diet: Ensure youre following a well-balanced diet that meets your nutritional needs. Incorporate fruits and other healthier sweet alternatives to satisfy your cravings. Monitor Medications: Discuss any medication-related changes in taste or appetite with a healthcare provider and explore potential solutions or alternatives. Emotional Support: Address emotional factors by providing companionship, engaging in activities that bring joy, and connecting with others and support networks to combat loneliness. Hydration: Sometimes thirst can be misinterpreted as hunger or sugar cravings. Make sure you stay adequately hydrated to avoid unnecessary cravings. Small Portions: Instead of eliminating sweets entirely, enjoy smaller portions to satisfy the craving without overindulging.  The tendency for seniors to crave sweets after eating isnt as simple as one might think.  Understanding the physiological and psychological factors that contribute to these cravings can help you find the necessary support and guidance to ensure you dont overindulge. While a sweet treat can be enjoyable and comforting, moderation and balanced nutrition remain key to promoting overall health and well-being.This article was contributed by VIPcare of Alabama.  VIPcare provides primary care for the 65+ community.  Call VIPcare at 866-333-7897 for more information or to make an appointment.

Cognitive Benefits of Gratitude As You Age

Cognitive Benefits of Gratitude as You AgeGratitude, a simple yet powerful emotion, plays a strong role in emotional well-being, especially as we age. More than just saying "thank you," expressing gratitude can greatly transform our lives and positively impact our cognitive processes. Practicing and expressing gratitude regularly can give seniors a more optimistic outlook on life. Senior Helpers Boise Treasure Valley is dedicated to enhancing the lives of seniors by encouraging the practice of gratitude. We'll delve into the remarkable cognitive benefits of gratitude, particularly in the context of aging. We'll look at the scientific evidence, discuss the emotional and physical health benefits, and provide some tips on how seniors can start expressing gratitude more often.The Science Behind GratitudeGratitude is not just a feel-good emotion; it is deeply rooted in scientific research. When we express gratitude, it activates areas of the brain that release the feel-good hormone dopamine, leading to an improved mood and subjective well-being. More specifically, seniors can enjoy cognitive advantages such as improved memory function, increased mental resilience, and an overall enhancement in cognitive function. Studies have revealed that gratitude can decrease symptoms of depression and ultimately lead to better mental health.Emotional and Physical Health Benefits of GratitudeExpressing gratitude doesn't just help us mentally; it also has substantial emotional and physical benefits. On the emotional front, regularly expressing gratitude can increase happiness, decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety, and enhance overall mood and emotional well-being. This was confirmed in a study that revealed that seniors who practiced gratitude were found to have lower rates of depression and a better overall mood. Additionally, on a physical level, gratitude promotes better sleep, lowers blood pressure, and even boosts the immune system, leading to overall improved health.The Power of Gratitude in AgingWhen applied to the context of aging, gratitude can have a profound impact. For seniors, practicing gratitude can enhance social connections, as expressing appreciation for others fosters stronger relationships. It also increases a senior's sense of purpose, as reflecting on one's blessings can create a positive outlook and promote a sense of contentment with life. Most importantly, it can improve the overall quality of life for seniors by promoting positive attitudes and good health. How to Practice GratitudeWhile it may seem challenging for seniors to start expressing gratitude more often, there are several ways to incorporate it into daily life. To express gratitude to others, consider writing thank-you notes to loved ones, sharing positive thoughts, or participating in acts of kindness. Beyond this, gratitude can also be cultivated internally. Keeping a gratitude journal, for instance, has proven to be a practical and beneficial approach. Writing down positive experiences or things one is grateful for can significantly improve one's mood and outlook on life. Mindfulness and meditation can also bolster gratitude. By practicing mindfulness, seniors can stay present in the moment and appreciate the good things around them. Reflecting on positive experiences and memories can also enhance feelings of gratitude and improve overall mental health.Contact Senior Helpers for Customized Senior CareGratitude can play a powerful role in enhancing the cognitive, emotional, and physical health of seniors. Its benefits are expansive, from improving memory and mental resilience to increasing happiness and even boosting physical health. As we age, nurturing a sense of gratitude can wonderfully enhance our lives and overall well-being. For those living in Boise, Eagle, Nampa, and Lewiston who might need a little help or companionship, Senior Helpers Boise Treasure Valley is always here to assist. Contact us to learn more about our senior care services.