Your Brain and Aging

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Apr 11, 2017

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Researchers in a large study have found that the incidence of dementia in people aged 60 and older has dropped from 3.5 per 100 people to 2.0 per 100 over the course of the 35 year study. There are two possible explanations for this drop, neither of which has yet been proved. One is that the risk factors for cardiovascular disease (like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and smoking) are better controlled now. The second possibility is that the trend in improved educational attainment over time may delay the symptoms of dementia. However, the number of people with dementia is not falling because the older population is growing, and that is placing a tremendous burden on society. The memory loss and cognitive decline associated with dementia can be attributed to two major conditions. The first is Alzheimers disease, which is characterized by abnormal fragments of a protein called amyloid in combination with tangles of protein known as tau. Amyloid accelerates the spread of tau throughout the brain and causes cognitive decline. The second is vascular dementia which is caused by damage to blood vessels in the brain, often a result of a lack of oxygen or damage to the brains white matter. Roughly half the people with memory loss have both amyloid and vascular damage. It appears that people with a more intellectual lifestyle may have a delay in experiencing symptoms of decline although their brains are going through the same changes as in the rest of the population.

So what can you do? Controlling blood pressure through a healthy diet and exercise can improve cognitive function. Similarly, high blood sugar may have a negative effect on the brain, much as it causes cardiovascular disease in other body organs, so keeping that under control is beneficial. Hearing loss is also linked to a higher rate of cognitive decline since it may cause the brain to put more resources into decoding messages rather than memory or thinking ability, lead to brain atrophy and cause social isolation, which is a risk factor for cognitive health. So get your hearing checked, eat a healthy diet and stay socially and physically active.

This article was submitted by Theresa Santoro, MSN, RN, CHCA
RVNA President & CEO. She may be reached at 203-438-4555. See ads on Inside Front Cover and page

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What Causes Alzheimer's Disease - Types 3, 4, & 5

In the past we have talked about and broken Alzheimer's down into multiple types.  They are:Type 1Type 1s primary characteristic is inflammation. Type 2Type 2s primary characteristics are low levels of nutrients, hormone factors, and/or trophic factors. Type 1.5Type 1.5s primary characteristic is insulin resistance (DIABETES)Here is the link if you would like to go back and read that: we begin this weeks discussion, I want to remind you that Alzheimers Disease is not a single symptom.  Years of research show that you cannot point to one single trait as the single cause of Alzheimers Disease.  According to Dr. Dale Bredesen, people with Alzheimers Disease suffer from multiple insults for 20 - 30 years before developing Alzheimers. However, when you research what causes Alzheimers disease, most will tell you Alzheimers is a disease triggered by old age. Explaining that only people over 65 have Alzheimers Disease.   When in reality, the most common person diagnosed withAlzheimers Disease in 2024 is a 52-YEAR-OLD FEMALE!Most people slowly develop Alzheimers Disease over 20 30 years. While symptoms will become apparent in a person in their 40s & 50s, the disease began when they were 22 32. What triggers Alzheimers Disease to start to develop at this age? Usually, an unhealthy lifestyle!  Such as eating too much junk food, eating fast food, not managing their weight, & developing insulin resistance. Recently, we broke Alzheimers Disease down into 5 different categories.  As I said then, I find it easier to differentiate the types and symptoms to address what caused it.  Here is a brief recap:Type 1Type 1s primary characteristic is inflammation. Type 2Type 2s primary characteristics are low levels of nutrients, hormone factors, and/or trophic factors. Type 1.5Type 1.5s primary characteristic is insulin resistance (diabetesType 3Type 3s primary characteristic is exposure to toxins.Type 4Type 4s primary characteristic is low blood flow to the brain.Type 5Type 5s primary characteristic is brain damage.This week we will review what causes Alzheimers Disease in Type 3, Type 4 & Type 5 Alzheimers Disease._______________________TYPE 3Type 3s primary characteristic is exposure to toxins. What causes toxic Alzheimers?Today toxins are everywhere. There are heavy metals in our food, mold in our houses, toxic substances in our plastic, and pollutants in the air. If you live in the US, toxin exposure is a fact of life. While these toxins certainly are not good for us, our bodies are capable of removing these substances. This is known as detoxification. It becomes a problem when more toxins are entering our bodies than we can remove, or when our bodys detoxification system is unequipped to detoxify a given substance. When this occurs for some people, they begin to develop a subtype of Alzheimers disease known as toxic Alzheimers. The most common contributors to toxic Alzheimers are as follows: MycotoxinsMycotoxins are a class of toxic chemicals secreted from certain types of molds. Some of the most well-documented mycotoxins include aflatoxin, ochratoxin, fumonisin, gliotoxins, and trichothecenes. These toxins are capable of disrupting neurotransmitter synthesis, depleting the bodys antioxidant reserve, impairing the blood brain barrier integrity, and even killing brain cells. Altogether, a heavy burden of mycotoxins can contribute to the onset of toxic Alzheimer's disease. Heavy MetalsHeavy metals are another source of chemical toxicants that can contribute to Alzheimers. The most common neurotoxic chemicals are lead, mercury, and arsenic. While we are still waiting on further research to clarify the role of heavy metals in Alzheimers Disease, this is what we know:Lead - Lead is a heavy metal that readily passes through the blood brain barrier to cause direct damage to the brain. The result of lead toxicity is neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, and neurodegeneration. Mercury - Mercury disrupts the bodys natural antioxidant system and causes an accumulation of reactive oxygen species. These are destructive molecules that damage the DNA and cause all sorts of issues. In the case of Alzheimer's, mercury builds up in the brain and contributes to memory loss and personality changes.Arsenic - Arsenic is a heavy metal found in the soil, air, and contaminated water. Arsenic travels through the blood and enters into various organ tissues where it stays. In the brain, arsenic disrupts the metabolism of brain cells called astrocytes. This metabolic disruption causes impairment to the central nervous system.Other ToxinsThere are many other toxins that we are exposed to in our modern world. Many of these are found in plastic products, such as bisphenol-A (BPA). Other sources include herbicides and pesticides used in agriculture. What are the signs and symptoms of toxic Alzheimers?Toxic Alzheimers can be one of the hardest subtypes to diagnose. This is because different toxins affect the brain in different ways. For this reason, it is important to understand all signs and symptoms that may lead to a diagnosis. The following signs and symptoms are as outlined by Dr. Dale Bredesen as a part of the Bredesen Protocol in the book The End of Alzheimers.Symptoms begin before age 65Usually ApoE4 negativeNo family history, or family history with symptoms beginning only at ages much older than the patientsSymptoms often occur around the time of menopause or andropause.Depression precedes or accompanies cognitive declineHeadache is an early symptom, and sometimes the first.Typical symptoms include executive function deficits (planning, problem solving, organizing, focusing), inability to manipulate numbers/perform calculations, trouble speaking or loss of speech, problems with visual perception, or problems with learned programs such as dressing.Increased stress (e.g., loss of employment, divorce, family change) and sleep loss.Exposure to mycotoxins or metals (e.g., inorganic mercury via amalgams, or organic mercury via fish) or bothDiagnosis of CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome) with cognitive declineImaging suggests brain changes not seen in most cases of AlzheimersTYPE 4Type 4s primary characteristic is low blood flow to the brain.Type 4 or Vascular AD, is caused by a reduction of blood flow to the brain, which ultimately deprives the brain of essential oxygen and nutrients. The brain is an extremely vascularized tissue, meaning it requires large amounts of oxygen. A lack of oxygen to the brain leads to hypoperfusion (low blood flow) and compromises the blood-brain barrier which allows for harmful substances to leak in and damage neurons. Cerebral vasculature is extremely important as it is one way the body clears the accumulation of amyloid-beta.CHARACTERISTICS & BIOCHEMICAL MARKERS OF TYPE 4Leakiness present in vascular tissues.Individuals with cardiovascular disease have a high risk for Type 4 Alzheimers.These individuals do best when they prioritize healing underlying insulin resistance.CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTHMost people think of cardiovascular health, they only think about the heart.  However cardiovascular health extends to the entire body, including the brain. Vascular disease typically manifests in the brain as inflammation of the blood vessel lining. This inflammation has a series of negative effects such as activating the immune cells of the brain and reducing overall blood flow. Both of these are known contributors to the progression of Alzheimers and can increase the amount of amyloid plaque in the brain.  For this reason, there is a large crossover between the presence of cardiovascular disease and vascular Alzheimers. BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER INTEGRITYThe blood brain barrier often breaks down in those with Alzheimers disease. The blood brain barrier is the lining of the blood vessels around the brain that gives the brain an extra level of protection from bloodborne pathogens, & toxins. Since the blood brain barrier is so selective with what is and is not allowed to pass through, it can be a big deal when the structural integrity begins to degrade. Things that are not supposed to get into the brain begin to leak in. Nutrients that require an intact blood brain barrier to enter can no longer get in. This is why nutrients like omega-3 tend to be lower in those with blood brain barrier integrity issues. Cardiovascular health appears to play a large role in blood brain barrier breakdown with a positive ApoE4 status being highly correlated with vascular Alzheimers. TYPE 5Type 5s primary characteristic is brain damage.Traumatic brain injuries can contribute to the development of Alzheimers disease. While it is different for each person, the consequences of these injuries may extend long after the initial symptoms subside. Traumatic Alzheimers is the fifth subtype of Alzheimers disease and is characterized by a history of head trauma.  Often leading to an earlier onset of Alzheimers disease. While not all head injuries lead to Alzheimers, traumatic Alzheimers symptoms usually do not appear until many years or decades after the traumatic event. Causes of Traumatic AlzheimersThe categorization of traumatic Alzheimer's disease came about after recognizing that the majority of people who suffered a mild to moderate traumatic brain injury during their lives had plaque in their brain upon autopsy, regardless of the cause of death.Early research is beginning to explain how traumatic Alzheimers works, and how we can treat it. It appears that experiencing a traumatic brain injury causes acute stress to the brain and surrounding vasculature. Whether this is a one-time injury from an accident or a repeated trauma from playing sports, the brain becomes inflamed and the integrity of the blood-brain barrier begins to break down. While this reaction may subside in some people, it appears to kick-start the pathology of Alzheimer's disease in others. These are typically people who have an ApoE4 allele or have a predisposition towards inflammatory Alzheimer's disease or vascular Alzheimer's disease. For these people, a traumatic brain injury may expedite the onset of Alzheimer's Disease by years. When this occurs, the condition is classified as traumatic Alzheimer's disease. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF TRAUMATIC ALZHEIMERSSigns and symptoms of traumatic Alzheimers will vary heavily from one person to the next. The most obvious sign would be a history of one or more traumatic brain injuries. Other than that, the signs and symptoms would depend on whether the brain injury is vascular or inflammatory. MISSIONThe primary mission of Alzheimers Survivor is to communicate to everyone that there are treatments available for people experiencing Alzheimers Disease. There are Research solutions available for every stage of the diseaseThere are FDA-approved pharmaceuticals for every stage of the diseaseThere are Integrative Medicine solutions available for every stage of the diseaseGone are the days when there was nothing you could do to treat Alzheimers Disease. It is up to each individual and their family to decide what option best fits your need. Next week, we will begin to discuss treatments that are available to treat Alzheimers Disease.Here are the links to purchase the books on Amazon and the link to Dr. Bredesens website.THE END OF ALZHEIMERS 2 BOOKS COLLECTION SET BY DALE BREDESEN PAPERBACK OCTOBER 26, 2023LINK: End of Alzheimer's Program: The First Protocol to Enhance Cognition and Reverse Decline at AnyAge Paperback September 6, 2022LINK: Bredesens WebsiteLINK:

What Causes Alzheimer's Disease - Types 1, 2 & 1.5

Alzheimers Disease is not a single thing.  Years of research show that you cannot point to 1 single thing as the cause of Alzheimers Disease.  For years the healthcare industry agreed that the unifying component of Alzheimers Disease was age.  Sadly, many groups still define Alzheimers Disease as an old age disease.  When in reality the most common person diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease is a 52-year-old female (example picture below).Alzheimers Disease is not something you will wake up with one day after you turn 80 (example picture below).  Most people slowly develop Alzheimers Disease over 20 30 years. The  52-year-old female we met in the previous paragraph was 22-32 when the beginning of Alzheimers Disease was triggered in her brain. When I look at the next 2 pictures below of a 22 and a 32-year-old female, it is upsetting to think that she could be unknowingly triggering Alzheimers Disease in her brain.  At this age, these women are usually busy establishing their careers or starting their families at this age.  They both have their entire life ahead of them. I find it easier to differentiate the types and symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease to address what caused it. They are:Type 1Type 1s primary characteristic is inflammation. Type 2Type 2s primary characteristic is low levels of nutrients, hormone factors, and/or trophic factors. Type 1.5Type 1.5s primary characteristic is insulin resistance (diabetesType 3Type 3s primary characteristic is exposure to toxins.Type 4Type 4s primary characteristic is low blood flow to the brain.Type 5Type 5s primary characteristic is brain damage.This week we will review what causes Alzheimers Disease in Type 1, Type 2 & Type 1.5 Alzheimers Disease.Type 1Type 1s primary characteristic is inflammation. What is inflammation?Harvard Medical School explains inflammation like this: Think of inflammation as the body's natural response to protect itself against harm. There are two types: acute and chronic. You're probably more familiar with the acute type, which occurs when you bang your knee or cut your finger. Your immune system dispatches an army of white blood cells to surround and protect the area, creating visible redness and swelling. The process works similarly if you have an infection like the flu or pneumonia. So in these settings, inflammation is essentialwithout it, injuries could fester and simple infections could be deadly.The inflammation could come from many different factors. It may start from a leaky gut, chronic sinusitis, a poor oral microbiome with chronic poor oral health. It can be a systemic infection or any number of other undiagnosed chronic infections. Any of these things can contribute to inflammation in your body.Types of InflammationAcute InflammationAcute inflammation is a healthy and necessary function that helps the body attack bacteria and other foreign substances in the body. Once the body has healed, the inflammation resolves. Acute inflammation can cause heat or warmth in the affected area. For example, an injured part of your body might feel warm to the touch. Sometimes, the heat is caused by a fever.A few examples of common conditions that can cause acute inflammation include:Acute bronchitis An infected body partA sore throat related to the flu or another viral infection Dermatitis Physical traumaSinusitis Skin cuts and scratches Chronic InflammationChronic inflammation may continue to attack healthy areas if it doesn't "turn off." It may not be as visible as acute inflammation. A few examples of chronic inflammatory conditions include:Inflammatory arthritis (including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and psoriatic arthritis)Asthma Periodontitis (inflammation of gums and other supporting teeth structures)Inflammatory bowel disease (including Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis, which cause signs of inflammation in the GI tract)Eczema  Issues with chronic inflammation tend to run in families as it is common in people who carry one or two ApoE4 alleles (ApoE in itself is considered an inflammatory gene). Type 2Type 2s primary characteristic is low levels of nutrients, hormone imbalances, and/or trophic factors. MalnutritionWhy would someone living in a wealthy first-world country experience low levels of nutrition? While most people in the US have plenty to eat. The food they chose does not provide the nutrition they need.  A steady diet of fast food will not provide you and your family with the nutrition you need.  But neither will the processed food we prepare at home.We consider a homemade meal something that is assembled with processed components, at home.  An example is your standard crock pot meal.  Many start with a protein, cans of processed soup, processed cream cheese, a packet or two of freeze-dried soup mix, or spice packets containing MSG.  Sometimes frozen vegetables are added.  This combination is left to cook for 6-8 hours.  About 30 minutes to an hour before mealtime, processed pasta and more processed cheese is added.  It smells great, fills your belly, and is considered a win for the entire family.  However, the original protein and vegetables have very little nutritional value after cooking for 8 hours. A steady diet of food with little to no nutrition will leave an individual hungry all the time.  Encouraging them to eat overly processed food all day and develop obesity.  Obesity leads to insulin resistance (diabetes). Hormone ImbalanceHow do you know that your hormones are imbalanced?Hormonal imbalances can cause a variety of symptoms, including:Metabolism: Unexplained weight gain or loss, fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, and irregular body fat distributionSkin: Dry, coarse, or thin skin, skin tags, and darkened skin in the armpits or neckMood: Mood swings, depression, anxiety, or irritabilityMenstrual cycle: Heavy or painful periods, irregular periods, or pain during menstruationFertility: Low libido or infertilitySleep: Insomnia or poor-quality sleepOther: Headaches, muscle weakness, joint pain, and blurred vision Hormonal shifts are normal at certain times of life, such as before and during menstruation, during pregnancy, or during menopause & andropause (male menopause). Also, some medications and health issues can cause hormonal shifts.  Trophic FactorsWhat are trophic factors?The NIH explains: The various neurotrophic factors influence a wide range of cell functions in the developing, mature, and injured nervous system. Recent studies have provided valuable insights on the receptors that mediate these effects and on the intracellular events that follow the binding of the ligand. Although growth factors were known to be expressed by non-neuronal cells in the targets and pathways of neuronal projections, it is now clear that the neurons themselves can also be a source of these molecules. A better understanding of the mechanisms of action of trophic factors on the survival and differentiation of neurons, coupled with advances in methods for the delivery of these molecules to the nervous system have provided an impetus for exploring their use as aids to the protection and regeneration of the injured nervous system.Simply put, trophic factors control the development and survival of specific groups of neurons.Trophic factors are small proteins that play crucial roles in the growth, survival, and function of neurons in the nervous system. They are also known as neurotrophic factors or growth factors.These factors are typically secreted by various cells, including neurons and glial cells (non-neuronal cells), and they act upon specific receptors on the surface of neurons.The main functions of trophic factors include:Promoting Neuronal Survival: They help neurons survive by preventing cell death (apoptosis) triggered by various factors such as lack of nutrients or injury.Supporting Neuronal Growth and Differentiation: Trophic factors can stimulate the growth of axons and dendrites, the long projections of neurons that form connections with other neurons.Modulating Synaptic Plasticity: They can influence the strength and efficacy of synaptic connections between neurons, which is important for learning and memory.Repairing and Regenerating Neurons: Trophic factors are involved in the regeneration of damaged neurons after injury or disease.Examples of trophic factors include nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), and glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). Each of these factors acts through specific receptors on neurons to exert their effects.Overall, trophic factors are essential for the development, maintenance, and repair of the nervous system throughout life.  If your trophic factors have begun to fail, your brain begins to atrophy.Type 2 also occurs more frequently in those who carry one or two copies of the ApoE4 allele, but the symptoms tend to initiate about a decade later than the inflammatory Type 1.  Type 1.5Type 1.5s primary characteristic is insulin resistance (diabetes). Type 1 and Type 2 Alzheimers Disease can occur together often seen with neural inflammation in addition to the reduced support for brain synapses. What is diabetes?Diabetes mellitus, commonly referred to as diabetes, is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) over a prolonged period. This condition arises either due to insufficient production of insulin by the pancreas or the body's cells becoming resistant to the action of insulin, or both.Here are the key points about diabetes:Types of Diabetes:Type 1 Diabetes: This results from the autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. People with type 1 diabetes require daily insulin injections for survival.Type 2 Diabetes: This is characterized by insulin resistance, where the body's cells do not respond effectively to insulin. Initially, the pancreas compensates by producing more insulin, but over time, it may not be able to keep up with demand.Causes:Type 1 Diabetes: The exact cause is not fully understood, but it involves genetic predisposition and environmental factors that trigger an autoimmune reaction. Type 1 diabetes develops in children AND adults.Type 2 Diabetes: Risk factors include obesity, sedentary lifestyle, genetic predisposition, and increasing age. Symptoms:Increased thirst and frequent urinationExtreme hungerUnexplained weight lossWeight gainFatigueBlurred visionSlow healing of woundsFrequent infectionsComplications:Long-term uncontrolled diabetes can lead to serious complications affecting various organs:Cardiovascular disease (heart attack, stroke)Kidney disease (diabetic nephropathy)Nerve damage (neuropathy)Eye damage (diabetic retinopathy)Foot damage (diabetic foot)Skin conditionsHearing impairmentAlzheimer's diseaseManagement:Type 1 Diabetes: Requires daily insulin injections or use of an insulin pump, regular blood sugar monitoring, balanced diet, and exercise.Type 2 Diabetes: Initially managed with lifestyle changes (diet and exercise) and may progress to oral medications or insulin therapy if blood sugar levels cannot be controlled sufficiently.Prevention:Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented.Type 2 diabetes can often be prevented or delayed through maintaining a healthy weight, regular physical activity, and a balanced diet.Diabetes requires lifelong management to prevent complications and maintain good quality of life. Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels, adherence to treatment plans, and lifestyle modifications are essential for effectively managing the condition.If you find that you are experiencing symptoms consistent with diabetes you must see an endocrinologist!  Much has changed in the world of diabetes management in the last 5 years.  Primary Care Providers are amazing doctors.  I believe they do not have the experience and training required to treat diabetes. I confidently say this from my own experience.  I was officially diagnosed as a Type 2 diabetic in 2019.  When I was diagnosed my blood sugar was out of control!  I had highs that would startle you!  The truth is, I had those highs for years I just did not know it.  I did not have health insurance and denied the truth to myself.  Once diagnosed I found a very well-respected primary care doctor.  He and his nurses worked with me to teach me the importance of checking my blood sugar twice a day.  I was instructed to begin injecting a long-acting insulin every night about 2 hours after I ate.  My blood sugar came down and I was encouraged to keep my A1C at or about 7.  My doctor and his staff were following the current protocols.  Then Covid hit and the world fell apart.My primary care provider was not accepting appointments, returning calls, or refilling prescriptions.  Two weeks of lockdowns were quickly extended to months of lockdowns.  For me, that was months of lockdowns without the medication I needed.  I left that provider and started working with another.  This time a much more respected doctor and his staff of PAs.  Both providers assumed that since I am an adult in my 50s, I am a type 2 diabetic.  They carefully evaluated me changed my medication and added Ozempic to the mix. Again, following the appropriate protocols they researched and were confident were the best solutions for type 2 diabetes.Over the next 6 months, I experienced unbelievable GI pain and constant issues.  I begged for referrals to a GI doctor but was denied.  I only lost 7 pounds on Ozempic, my blood sugar was steadily inching up, I had COVID-19, and was simply miserable. Until one day after not being able to keep anything down for a few days and unbelievable pain, I went to the ER.  Finally, with the results from the CT scan, I found a new primary care doctor.  This guy was horrible and mismanaged my diabetes worse than ever before.  However, he did not deny the referral to a GI doctor. I waited months to get in and even longer to get the tests I needed to learn what was going on inside of my gut. But he was the one who said I needed an Endocrinologist and demanded that my doctor write the referral to the doctor I work with now.Between the GI doctor and my Endocrinologist, I learned that I am not a Type 2 diabetic.  I am a Type 1.5 diabetic or an adult with Type 1 diabetes.  My GI issues have been resolved with lifestyle and nutritional changes.  I was prescribed an OmniPod 5 insulin pump and a constant glucose monitoring device (gcm).  My blood sugar ranges between 95 and 105 all day except after I eat my 1 meal a day. But the highs after I eat are much lower than my lowest reading before I started receiving the appropriate care. I tell you this to say your Primary Care Provider is not a bad doctor.  They are providing the care they are told to provide.  However, they are not experts in diabetes management.  My research and personal experience say:If you look down and cannot see your toes, you need a very thorough evaluation for insulin resistance. If you have skin tags, you need a very thorough evaluation for insulin resistance. If you are always thirsty, you need a very thorough evaluation for insulin resistance. If you crave sugary food, you need a very thorough evaluation for insulin resistance. If you get up to pee more than once at night, you need a very thorough evaluation for insulin resistance. Fasting glucose tests or a simple A1C test are not enough.  You need to wear a constant glucose monitoring device for at least 10 days.  Your doctor will see your accurate highs and lows and have better information to diagnose you and create a treatment plan.Demand your primary care provider provide you with the referral.  Your brain health depends on it!I still encourage you to purchase Dr. Dale Bredesens books.  Or go to his website and read through everything. If not for yourself, for a friend or family member. 1 in 3 people will die from Alzheimers Disease. We all must do what we can to reduce those numbers. Here are the links to purchase the books on Amazon and the link to Dr. Bredesens website.THE END OF ALZHEIMERS 2 BOOKS COLLECTION SET BY DALE BREDESEN PAPERBACK OCTOBER 26, 2023LINK: The End of Alzheimer's Program: The First Protocol to Enhance Cognition and Reverse Decline at AnyAge Paperback September 6, 2022LINK: Bredesens WebsiteLINK:

The Power of Senior Friendships

In the tapestry of life, social connections are the vibrant threads that weave together our experiences, joys and challenges. For seniors, these social connections hold even greater significance, serving as a cornerstone for their overall well-being, contributing to a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life. In this blog, we explore the many benefits of senior friendship and shed light on how these connections truly enrich retirement.The Human Need for ConnectionFrom the moment were born, humans thrive on connection. As we age, this need remains steadfast, if not more crucial than ever. Seniors with strong social networks feel connected, valued and supported, benefiting their overall well-being and health.The companionship of friends serves as a powerful buffer against the challenges that can accompany aging. Maintaining close friendships has even been linked to decreased levels of loneliness and depression in seniors. The simple act of sharing stories, laughter and moments of vulnerability creates an emotional support system that helps seniors navigate lifes ups and downs with resilience and positivity.How Senior Living Fosters FriendshipsAt Anthology Senior Living, daily engagement encourages residents to bond with loved ones, build new friendships and explore new passions. Designed around our core philosophy and using our six dimensions of wellness, the Elements Life Enrichment program truly nurtures full mind, body and spirit. Whether participating in a group fitness class, joining other residents for an off-site excursion or playing a poker game, new experiences keep residents energized and encourage them to make the most of every day.Seniors at Anthology of Burlington Creek can enjoy a variety of events and activities. These aim to spark curiosity, promote engagement and bring happiness to their daily lives, keeping seniors connected.How Social Connections Keep Seniors HealthyScientific research underscores the life-changing impact of social interactions on senior health. Spending time with friends, family and peers links to a range of benefits, including:Mental and emotional well-being: Regular social engagement can help combat feelings of depression and loneliness in seniors, leading to a more positive outlook on life.Cognitive health: Engaging in stimulating conversations, participating in group activities and sharing experiences can help maintain cognitive function and even reduce the risk of cognitive decline. These interactions stimulate cognitive functions, keeping the brain active and sharp. Friendships help us grow mentally and learn new things by discussing current events, sharing memories and exploring new interests. Staying social can lower risk of depression, improve brain health and possibly slow down the progression of dementia, according to the Alzheimers Association.Physical health: Believe it or not, friendships can have a tangible impact on seniors physical health. Engaging in social activities for seniors and spending quality time with friends can reduce stress levels and promote a healthier immune system. Friends motivate each other to be active, do fun things and take care of themselves, which improves their well-being.Longevity: Studies suggest that seniors with active social lives tend to live longer, enjoying a higher quality of life as they age.Embracing Technology for ConnectionIn todays digital age, technology has opened new avenues for seniors to stay connected, even when physical distances separate them. Video calls, social media platforms and online interest groups offer opportunities to forge connections beyond the walls of their immediate surroundings, fostering a sense of unity and shared experiences.How Do I Meet New Friends After Retirement?As we grow older, finding friends and staying socially active doesnt happen on its own. It demands dedication, encouragement and persistent effort to cultivate genuine bonds.Here are several ways seniors can meet new people and reap the health advantages of social engagement:Try volunteering within your local community.Seek the support of community resources, like senior centers and senior living communities.Enroll in classes or workshops, whether for learning new skills or for leisure. This introduces you to people with shared interests, and the setting encourages regular interactions, making it easier to form friendships.Attend local events, fairs, markets and festivals. These gatherings often attract people from the community, providing an opportunity to strike up conversations and make new social connections.Participate in fitness classes, yoga sessions, walking groups or other exercise programs designed for seniors. Where Is the Best Place for Seniors to Make Friends?One of the best places for seniors to establish and nurture meaningful friendships is within a senior living community. These communities are designed to create an environment that promotes companionship and shared experiences, making them the perfect place for seniors to establish new connections.At Anthology, we understand the power of social connections. We create a lively atmosphere where people connect, laugh and form friendships through enjoyable activities like arts and crafts and communal dining. We design our events to spark conversations, forge bonds and provide the nurturing connections that contribute to healthier, happier lives.Whether its a beautiful day out in the park with friends, a festive BBQ or a vibrant dance class, residents at Anthology of Olathe are greeted with connection every day. Anthology of Boynton Beach celebrates seniors with social activities like happy hours and chef demos that foster connections.Creating a Community of ConnectionWe cannot overstate the importance of social connections and how they keep seniors healthy. As we get older, the relationships we build with loved ones and peers are crucial for our overall health and happiness. For older adults looking for these social connections, senior living communities can offer a way to make new friendships and form a consistent support group.