CenterCare Hospice

1300 Fortino Boulevard, STE E, Pueblo, Colorado, 81008

Counties Served: Colorado - El Paso | Colorado - El Paso,Teller | Colorado - Alamosa,Archuleta,Bent,Chaffee,Crowley,Custer,Fremont,Huerfano,La Plata,Las Animas,Otero,Pueblo

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About CenterCare Hospice

At CenterCare Hospice we believe that patients and their families should be able to remain at  home to receive treatment whenever possible. Treatment at home can help create improved results for patients, while also creating peace of mind for caregivers.

Our caring professionals are dedicated to helping people and to providing the best care at home possible. Their inherent kindness and compassion, matched by experience and training, make them uniquely qualified to provide home health and hospice services.

For those facing life-limiting illnesses in El Paso, Pueblo and Fremont Counties, CenterCare Hospice provides compassionate care and support for a transition marked by dignity and meaning. When people hear the word hospice, they often associate it with death. But hospice is really about embracing each day, sharing time with family and loved ones, and easing through a natural stage of life.

Its important to know that hospice care is a choice a choice that leads to enhanced living for patients and families facing end-of-life challenges. Our hospice services and caregivers emphasize comfort measures and counseling to deliver physical, emotional, and spiritual support for everyone involved.

We are committed to working with you and your family members to provide the best care possible.


  • Palliative Care, Inpatient Care, Pain Pumps Available, PCP Oversight, 24/7 Admissions, Home Health Agency, Grief Support Groups, Indigent Patients, Multi-Lingual
  • Aroma, Music, Massage, Pet
  • Private Pay, Private Insurance, Long Term Care Insurance, Veterans Administration, Medicaid, Medicare, Managed Care Benefits, Other
  • Registered Nurse, Chaplain, Social Worker, Volunteers

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