Emmaus Catholic Hospice

5290 East Yale Circle, Suite 100, Denver, Colorado, 80222

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About Emmaus Catholic Hospice

Our mission is to provide Catholic home hospice care, support and education that honors the dignity of each person we serve. Care of the whole person, body and soul, takes place in the home, where patients and families have more freedom to be together and where so many prefer to spend their final days. Remaining authentically Catholic is essential to us so that patients and their families can trust us in their difficult seasons. We offer spiritual care and prioritize access to the sacraments alongside the exceptional clinical care they need. Emmaus Catholic Hospice is committed to home hospice care rooted in Catholic moral and ethical standards issued by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), with the assertion patients should be kept as free of pain as possible so that they may die comfortably and with dignity, and in the place where they wish to die."


  • https://EmmausCatholicHospice.org
  • 175LM9
  • Routine, Respite, General Inpatient, Continuous Care
  • Pain Pumps Available, PCP Oversight, 24/7 Admissions, Grief Support Groups, Indigent Patients, Multi-Lingual
  • Aroma, Music, Massage, Pet
  • Private Pay, Private Insurance, Long Term Care Insurance, Veterans Administration, Medicaid, Medicare, Managed Care Benefits, Other
  • Registered Nurse, Chaplain, Social Worker, Volunteers

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