1842 Beacon Street, Ste 203, Brookline, Massachusetts, 02445



Additional Levels of Care Offered

Peace Of Mind Geriatric Specialists

Geriatric Assessment Centers

Peace of Mind Geriatric Services specializes in in-home geriatric care, conducted by your primary physician. Unlike other practices and agencies where many levels of care are conducted outside of the home with professionals of less knowledge and skill, Peace of Mind gives youPeace of Mindby putting your care into the hands of a qualified physician.

Saint Clare’s Lifeline Emergency Response

Emergency Response Systems , New Jersey, 00000

Anchorpoint Counseling Ministry

Support Groups & Services

Anchorpoint Counseling Ministry is a team of licensed and experienced professional counselors committed to serving community members and families of all faiths and backgrounds. Our approach integrates emotional, relational, and spiritual healing with a focus on building stronger families and healthier communities.We have licensed counselors who specialize in the following modalities:Acceptance and Commitment TherapyDialectical Behavior TherapyCognitive Behavioral TherapyEye Movement Desensitization and ReprocessingTrauma-Informed TherapyBrief Supportive TherapyPlay TherapySand Tray TherapyFamily TherapyPerson-Centered TherapyPastoral CounselingStrength-Based CounselingMotivational InterviewingPsychoeducation

Elder Abuse Response Hotline

Elder Abuse Prevention , Collier, Florida, 00000

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