FirstLight of Bergen County

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Partners For Quality

Disability Services 250 Clever Road, Allegheny, McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania, 15136

Partners For Quality (PFQ) is a nonprofit organization that provides administrative management to its subsidiaries, which support individuals with intellectual disabilities, autism, and behavioral health challenges.PFQ~s family of agencies includes:Allegheny Childrens Initiative: Offers behavioral health support for children aged 2-21 and their families.Citizen Care: Provides community-based and residential supports for individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism.Exceptional Adventures: Organizes social events and travel opportunities for individuals with disabilities.Milestone: Supports individuals with intellectual disabilities, autism, and behavioral health challenges through services such as residential locations, outpatient therapy, day programs, and community participation.Partners For Quality Foundation: Raises funds to support life-enhancing programs and services across the PFQ family of agencies.

Vision Four Inc.


Johnson County Energy Office

Energy Resources & Weatherization , Shawnee Mission, Kansas, 00000

Hillcrest - A Christian Health Community

Independent Living 307 Sicomac Avenue, Bergen, Wyckoff, New Jersey, 07481

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