HomeCare Hospice - Gulf Coast



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Dental Lifeline Network

Dental Resources

Donated Dental Services (DDS) is the Pennsylvania state program for the Dental Lifeline Network. DDS provides free, comprehensive dental treatment (excluding emergency services) to the countrys most vulnerable people with disabilities or who are elderly or medically fragile. Applicants must lack adequate income to pay for dental care and have a permanent disability, or be age 65 or older, or qualify as medically fragile.Information for applicantsApplicants must have no means to afford dental care and must meet ONE of the following criteria: Over 65 years of agePermanently disabledNeed medically necessary dental careWhat to expect? Volunteers provide comprehensive treatment to eligible patients Volunteers do not provide emergency servicesVolunteers do not provide cosmetic treatment

LifeStyle Options, Inc

Geriatric Care Management , Cook, Chicago, Illinois, 00000

LifeStyle Options provides hourly and live-in private duty care, as well as Professional Geriatric Care Management, facility staffing and senior housing services. The company services all of Chicago and its suburbs and the Rockford and surrounding areas.

Arthritis Foundation

Support Groups & Services

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