
Additional Levels of Care Offered

Adult Protective Services

Elder Abuse Prevention , North Carolina, 00000

Villas At Kensington Court

Affordable-Subsidized 6522 Northeast 43rd Terrace, Clay, Kansas City, Missouri, 64117

MS Dept. Of Human Services, Economic Assist (temp Assist) - Marion

Financial Assistance , Mississippi, 00000

Proactive Living Homecare LLC


Proactive Living Home Care LLC is a Home Care Agency founded by Lanise Jones and Stephanie Demeis. Initially, PLHC blossomed from a health and wellness cleaning service known as Emergenclean, dedicated to cleansing the abodes of those grappling with mental health challenges and adults with disabilities. As we evolved, we embraced a broader spectrum of services, allowing us to legally provide Home Care. Lanise Jones also owns the delightful venture, Blessed and Highly Flavored Tacos and Catering. Proactive Living Home Care further extends its compassionate reach by offering food services to those in search of a nourishing meal.

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