When is it time to allow your adult children [or your POA designee] to step in and help you?While there is no simple answer, what I can tell you is this: If you will talk about this sensitive subject with your adult children prior to any need, your quality of life will be greatly increased for a very long time to come! This is a very important step to take when you are in your early to mid-60s. You should have ongoing discussions about the signs that point to a need for help (listed below) and how YOU want your adult children to approach and/or manage these needs and then write it down. Further down the line, you should retain the services of an attorney who specializes in Elder Law. I have seen the flip side of not talking about it or waiting to talk about it until it is upon you and the outcome is never, ever what you want or expect. Remember, where no expectations have been set, disappointment and dissention ensue. Rushed decisions are made, and the quality of your life begins to decline. However, if expectations and parameters are set ahead of time, everybody is on the same page and quality of life continues uninterrupted! Seamless transitions are made, and families remain undivided. In my 30+ years of working with the elderly population, I see clearly what works and what doesnt, what brings disaster and disharmony and what brings joy and fulfillment.TALKING ABOUT IT EARLYALWAYS WORKS BEST.Signs that you may need help in your later years: Forgetting to pay your bills for more than 2 months or grossly misappropriating money Forgetting where you are and how to get home while driving Marked change in your energy level coupled with a marked lack of interest in socializing or activity Neglecting yourself; marked decrease in your grooming & hygiene habits Prescription medication mishaps Marked difference in your once daily routine or habits including eating Difficulty walking or balance deficit Consistently exhibiting poor judgementThese are just a few basic signs that you can use as a guideline. Your local Area Agency on Aging can provide you with more resources and contacts that can give you direction and information. Just remember, talk about it early and talk about it often!Editors Note: This article was submitted by Sharon E Ritchey-Boschini, Owner/DirectorVisiting Angels of North Hills Pittsburgh, 8035 McKnight Rd., Suite 304, Pittsburgh, PA 15237. 412-366-4860 Office.