Heritage Avonlea of Gladstone

, Missouri, 00000

Assisted Living

General Property Features

Assisted Living

  • 60

Additional Levels of Care Offered

Clarence Dillon Public Library

Libraries , Somerset, New Jersey, 00000

Patricia M McClure Enterprises

Caregiver Education , Cook, Blue Island, Illinois, 60406

Losing a Hero to Alzheimers: The Story of Pearl is a story about Patricias mother going through the grueling stages of Alzheimers. It is Patricias hope that anyone who reads this book will be able to identify the stages of Alzheimers and develop a new perspective on how to respond to a loved one suffering from this illness. She is so grateful for the opportunity to be able to encourage someone who is on a journey of taking care of a loved one with Alzheimers.

NJ Board Of Public Util/Bus Energy Improvement Loans

Energy Resources & Weatherization

American House Oak Park

Memory Care 703 Madison Street, Cook, Oak Park, Illinois, 60302

One of our premiere senior living communities, American House Oak Park, is now open in Oak Park, Illinois! We offer Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care services. Located on the corner of the newly redeveloped Madison Street and South Oak Park Avenue, our beautiful community is walking distance from a wide range of shops and amenities. Contact us or fill out an inquiry form to learn more about our exciting new community!

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