Canonsburg Senior Lofts

803 1st Street, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, 15317


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Pittsburgh Friendship Group For Visually Impaired Seniors

Volunteer Opportunities , Pennsylvania, 15203

Lifetime Vibe

Fitness & Wellness , Salt Lake, Salt Lake City, Utah, 00000

Whole Body Vibration can reduce pain and disability by improving local circulation to the painful area, and even reverse the effects naturally. For example, using a modified push up on a vibration platform has shown to help with hand neural efficiency for patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Routine whole body vibration therapy can provide stretching exercise of connective tissues for effective and sometimes immediate relief of arthritis and rheumatism. Whole-body vibration delivers mechanical loading to the skeletal muscles, thereby increasing strength and improving circulation and flexibility and muscle strength increased significantly. New treatment methods like Whole Body Vibration training also seek to improve muscle coordination and thereby optimize affected joint loading.

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