Cedarhurst Assisted Living and Memory Care

3333 75th St, Naperville, Illinois, 60517

Memory Care

General Property Features

  • Private Rooms, Semi-Private Rooms
  • Nurse on Staff, Respite/Short Term Stay
  • Small Pets

Memory Care

  • 24
  • $4,500.00
  • Price All Inclusive
  • Doctor Visits, Secured Courtyard

Additional Levels of Care Offered

Cedarhurst Assisted Living And Memory Care

Assisted Living 3333 75th St, DuPage, Naperville, Illinois, 60517

There is a world of potential within every individual at Cedarhurst. Each day is an opportunity for our residents to have an amazing experience with the community around them. The key for our Memory Care is uncovering each of our residents unique capabilities, and working with them daily to support their best life.Our highly-trained staff employs a technique called Person-Centered Care. It takes a personalized, scientific, and comprehensive approach to understanding our residents. We start by developing a full profile of each resident that includes his or her history, family background, dining preferences, sleeping, and activity periods throughout the day. By building relationships with each resident we are able to use our training to assess his or her abilities. Together, our residents and our staff come to recognize the way to enhance the value in an individuals daily-life. Were able to provide true person-centered care, where a resident is encouraged to use every ounce of his or her independence as long as possible.We also integrate on-site therapy into our residents lives. If our profile and personalized knowledge of a resident leads us to identify a need for speech, occupational, or physical therapy, well find a way to integrate those support systems into someones day. Therapy can be delivered as a part of other community activities or customized for one-on-one engagement and interaction. We also offer other forms of therapies including: Music & Memory, Ageless Grace and Pet Therapy.

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