Lady Lake Senior Living

930 County Road 466, Lady Lake, Florida, 32159

Assisted Living

General Property Features

Assisted Living

  • 11908

Additional Levels of Care Offered

Memorial Hospital’s Healthlink

Senior Organizations & Services , Colorado Springs, Colorado, 00000

Better Business Bureau - Main Office

Consumer Affairs , New Jersey, 00000


Senior Organizations & Services , Hawaii, 00000

McKenney Home Care


McKenney Home Care provides exceptional, private-duty senior home care services in South Florida, serving Collier, Lee, Sarasota, and Charlotte Counties. As a family-owned agency with a decade of experience, we are driven by our passion for enhancing the quality of life of our clients and their families.Our core values, including accountability, mutual respect, teamwork, service excellence, and integrity, guide us in providing compassionate and competent care. We offer a range of services, including in-home care, skilled nursing, care management, and specialized care for Alzheimer~s and dementia patients.With certified dementia practitioners on staff and caregivers trained to work with Alzheimer~s and dementia patients, we ensure that each client receives individualized and appropriate care. We also provide skilled nursing services for post-surgery recovery or critical care needs.At McKenney Home Care, we believe that a society that cares for its senior citizens is civilized and enlightened. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you and your loved ones live comfortably and independently.

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