Prairie Green At Fay's Point

1546 West Water St, Blue Island, Illinois, 60406

Assisted Living

General Property Features

  • Fitness Center
  • Scheduled Transportation, Activities, Housekeeping, Meals/Meal Options
  • Assisted Living Community
  • All Pets Considered, Small Pets

Assisted Living

Additional Levels of Care Offered

Prairie Green At Fay's Point

Independent Living 1546 West Water St, Cook, Blue Island, Illinois, 60406

Located in the heart of Chicagos near south suburbs, the new Prairie Green at Fays Point offers resort-style living at an affordable rate. Our community is licensed for Supportive Living, an innovative model designed by the State of Illinois to provide affordable Supported Living services in Chicago to seniors 65 and over. Prairie Green at Fays Point allows residents to maintain an active lifestyle with the ease of maintenance-free living, security, wellness programs, medication assistance, and gourmet chef-prepared meals offered three times a day in a beautiful dining room overlooking the water. A fitness center and physical, occupational, and speech therapy are also available for residents.

Prairie Green At Fay's Point

Assisted Living 1546 West Water St, Cook, Blue Island, Illinois, 60406

Located in the heart of Chicagos near south suburbs, the new Prairie Green at Fays Point offers resort-style living at an affordable rate. Our community is licensed for Supportive Living, an innovative model designed by the State of Illinois to provide affordable Supported Living services in Chicago to seniors 65 and over. Prairie Green at Fays Point allows residents to maintain an active lifestyle with the ease of maintenance-free living, security, wellness programs, medication assistance, and gourmet chef-prepared meals offered three times a day in a beautiful dining room overlooking the water. A fitness center and physical, occupational, and speech therapy are also available for residents.

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