Senior Living at Lake Minneola

163 Pitt Street, Clermont, Florida, 34711

Assisted Living

General Property Features

Assisted Living

  • 13632

Additional Levels of Care Offered

Lions Low Vision Centers Of Fairfield & New Haven Counties

Vision Resources , Connecticut, 00000

In 1925, Easton, Connecticut resident Helen Keller challenged the members of Lions International by asking, Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?...Let no little deaf-blind child go untaught, no blind man or woman go unaided.The Lions Clubs of Connecticut are meeting that challenge in many ways including the operation of Low Vision Centers in Bridgeport, Danbury, Derby, Greenwich, Naugatuck, New Haven, North Haven and Waterbury. Clients seen at the Lions Low Vision Center must be under the care of an eye professional and must have been seen by them within the last month

Harbour View Senior Living

Memory Care 3505 Bergen Turnpike, Hudson, North Bergen, New Jersey, 07047

Hillside Gulfport Manor

Independent Living 488 Tegarden Road, Harrison, Gulfport, Mississippi, 39507

Family Resource Home Care

Non-Medical 9196 West Emerald Street, Suite 140, Ada, Boise, Idaho, 83704

How can we help?The goal of everything we do is to provide people with reliable in-home care and companionship so that they can continue to live at home in safety and comfort.Every one of our clients is unique, so we develop a personalized in-home care plan tailored to each person. Understanding that needs often change, we offer a broad range of in-home health care services and flexible scheduling, which enable us to respond quickly and put an updated care plan into action for our elderly and seniors as needed.Family Resource Home Care services include:Personal CareMeal PreparationErrands & TransportationCompanionshipVeteran CareLight HousekeepingDementia / Alzheimers CareAfter Hospital CareCare ManagementOvernight 24/7 CareHome Health/Nurse Delegation *Transitional CareRespite CareEnd of Life CareLive-in CareSpecial Needs Child CareAfter Surgery CareCare in FacilitiesRecovery CareOne On One CareRegardless of what in-home care services you need, from a few hours a week to around the clock live-in home care, you can be confident that you or your loved one will receive friendly, one-on-one home care services from a trained and fully qualified caregiver who has passed a rigorous background check.Good communication is the key to good customer service. We are in regular contact with our clients as well as our caregivers, to make sure information is shared in an accurate and timely manner. Along with a caregiver who genuinely cares, you will have peace of mind knowing you can contact an on-call supervisor any time, any day. We also have highly trained nurses who provide nurse delegation and supervision of caregivers. We are committed to delivering a consistent, exceptional standard of in-home care to our seniors across Washington, Oregon and Idaho.Its easy to get started with a free in-home consultation. To get in touch, call the number above or contact a Family Resource Location closest to the area you require services.* Nurse Delegation and Home Health services not applicable in Idaho.We are proud to serve many communities throughout the Pacific Northwest, providing the day-to-day support our elderly need, where they feel most comfortable, at home.

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