The Brant at Oswego

101 Chapman Dr., Oswego, Illinois, 60543

Assisted Living

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Assisted Living

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Whole Care Network

Caregiver Support Services , Du Page, Illinois, 00000

At The Whole Care Network, we believe it is through story sharing where diversity meets the road which allows a community to impact a common cause. On The Whole Care Network, we believe the best information and referrals comes from the stories we share.

Clear Captions

, Connecticut, 00000

If you are experiencing hearing loss that inhibits your phone use, you may qualify to receive a ClearCaptions phone at no cost to you! ClearCaptions offers real-time phone captioning that allows you to see every word said on the call.ClearCaptions is a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) certified telephone captioning provider. Our captioning service is paid for through Title IV of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a fund which established the Telecommunications Relay Service. There is no cost to qualified individuals whose hearing loss inhibits their phone use.

Adult Protection

Emergency Departments for Seniors , Idaho, 00000

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