The Fountains At Greenbriar

2100 South Swope Drive, Independence, Missouri, 64057

Independent Living

General Property Features

Independent Living

Additional Levels of Care Offered

SWFL Silver Solutions

Senior Resources , Florida, 00000

Knowing which financial, legal, tax, and medical documents to keep and which documents to discard can be confusing and overwhelming. Setting up an organized filing system can help reduce clutter and tension in your life. As a Professional Financial and Personal Organizer, my mission is to deliver compassionate, detailed, and comprehensive service to provide peacefulness and freedom from administrative chaos. For your added comfort, I am fully insured and bonded.Im very excited about meeting you and making a difference in YOUR life!

Foster Grandparent Program

Volunteer Opportunities , Montana, 00000

Bristol Home

Assisted Living

Wheel It Forward

Scooters , Connecticut, 00000

Wheel it Forward is a not-for-profit library for durable medical equipment (DME), assistive technology and related products.Wheel it Forward makes it easy to borrow and donate durable medical equipment.-Borrow rather than buy. Make a small suggested donation if you can to support our community volunteer run library.-Donating your no longer needed DME frees up your space while helping others who need it and the environment.-Borrowing and donating DME means less resources are mined, manufactured, packaged shipped, and landfilled.

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