Arthritis Foundation

, 00000

Counties Served: Florida -

Senior Organizations & Services

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Parkinson's Association Of Southwest Florida

Support Groups & Services

The Parkinson~s Association of Southwest Florida is here to help our community members live well with PD. We enrich the quality of life and empower people touched by Parkinsons and related neurodegenerative diseases through exceptional programs and services.. We can help you live well with PD. The Parkinson~s Association of Southwest Florida is here to help our community members live well with PD. We enrich the quality of life and empower people touched by Parkinsons and related neurodegenerative diseases through exceptional programs and services.. We can help you live well with PD. 


Senior Organizations & Services

211 is a phone number that connects the public to a local agency that can provide information about services, as well as refer callers to appropriate programs to meet their needs.

Silver Sneakers By Tivity Health

Fitness & Wellness , Chicago, Illinois, 00000

The nations leading community fitness program specifically designed for older adults, SilverSneakers promotes greater health engagement and accountability by providing members with regular exercise (strength training, aerobics, flexibility) and social opportunities at more than 13,000 locations nationwideall at no cost to them.As America continues to age, senior-focused health and vitality programs will become more and more essential to ensuring aging adults can continue to be vital, active members of our communities and our world. Tivity HealthTM is at the forefront, continuing to expand our standard-setting programs reach with locations, features and benefits members wont find in any other program.For full program features and to check eligibility, visit our dedicated SilverSneakers website.

Salvation Army - St. Vincent DePaul (Cloth., Rent, Utilities)

Financial Assistance , Mississippi, 00000

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