New Canaan House One of SeniorCares more independent care homes featuring one Care Specialist around the clock for extra assistance and personal attention. This house is a wonderful option for all stages of assisted living and serving early stages of memory care support with special ADA complimented senior living accommodations. Additional safety equipment and a custom motion monitoring system ensures we can meet the needs of those with impaired mobility and special needs.All meals are prepared fresh each day by our caregivers, and we take care of it all - laundry, activities, medication administration, transportation coordination and providing the most highly personalized care. To see a virtual tour, click to check out New Canaan House:
We are a fast growing non-medical home care agency made up of devoted hardworking and God fearing individuals impacting and making a difference in the lives of the elderly ones. Our aim, priority and main objective is to provide in-home services, solutions and safety and to improve the quality of lives of our elderly ones at the convenience of their homes.
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