Raised by a single mom and started working when I was 15. My mom managed, but never had much and only by inheriting land was she able to have a retirement fund. If she hadnt had the land to sell, she would have been a senior living in poverty. Social security wasnt much of a safety net for her, it barely covered basic needs and certainly didnt stretch to cover any emergency need. Her life was one of the reasons she insisted that I had to go to college. Thank goodness for grants at the time! Yet, because we always just had enough to get by, I didnt learn much about managing money. After I got married, I really started paying attention to how money works. Not only can you earn a paycheck, but if you pay attention, you can make some of that money make more money. We got a few breaks family that could afford to lend money which we always paid back and both of us had good jobs. Ive focused on our net worth (how much we have vs. what we owe) and am satisfied today with our numbers. We may not live like the Rockefellers, but we havent had to panic when my husbands firm went through a rough patch and temporarily lowered salaries or now that a pandemic has hit the nation, we just arent worried at least about money!Weve been very fortunate and I want to help others learn how to be fortunate too!
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