The Fountain Valley Senior Center is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for older adults by providing County-wide leadership, direct services as needed, information and referral, networking, advocacy and collaboration for adult protection. Services include transportation for those over 60 who are not confined to a wheel chair, Arts and Crafts, Fitness Programs, Nutrition Programs, Educational Programs and Breakfast Corner. This is a great opportunity to get out of the house and visit with friends and take part in some of the daily programs. It also serves as a focal point where older adults receive valuable services and participate in activities which encourage involvement in the community keeping the quality of life at optimum level. Social, recreation and nutrition for active seniors
The Fountain Valley Senior Center is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for older adults by providing County-wide leadership, direct services as needed, information and referral, networking, advocacy and collaboration for adult protection. Services include transportation for those over 60 who are not confined to a wheel chair, Arts and Crafts, Fitness Programs, Nutrition Programs, Educational Programs and Breakfast Corner. This is a great opportunity to get out of the house and visit with friends and take part in some of the daily programs. It also serves as a focal point where older adults receive valuable services and participate in activities which encourage involvement in the community keeping the quality of life at optimum level. Social, recreation and nutrition for active seniors
The Fountain Valley Senior Center is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for older adults by providing County-wide leadership, direct services as needed, information and referral, networking, advocacy and collaboration for adult protection. Services include transportation for those over 60 who are not confined to a wheel chair, Arts and Crafts, Fitness Programs, Nutrition Programs, Educational Programs and Breakfast Corner. This is a great opportunity to get out of the house and visit with friends and take part in some of the daily programs. It also serves as a focal point where older adults receive valuable services and participate in activities which encourage involvement in the community keeping the quality of life at optimum level. Social, recreation and nutrition for active seniors
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