Anchorpoint Counseling Ministry is a team of licensed and experienced professional counselors committed to serving community members and families of all faiths and backgrounds. Our approach integrates emotional, relational, and spiritual healing with a focus on building stronger families and healthier communities.We have licensed counselors who specialize in the following modalities:Acceptance and Commitment TherapyDialectical Behavior TherapyCognitive Behavioral TherapyEye Movement Desensitization and ReprocessingTrauma-Informed TherapyBrief Supportive TherapyPlay TherapySand Tray TherapyFamily TherapyPerson-Centered TherapyPastoral CounselingStrength-Based CounselingMotivational InterviewingPsychoeducation
Silvernest pairs homeowners who have extra space in their homes with long-term housemates, enabling them to stay in their homes they love, earn extra income (average of $10,000 a year) and provide affordable housing to those who need it. And to top it off, our service handles all aspects of the process matching based on compatibility, background checks, lease creation and more!
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