Isenhour Senior Services

6835 Porto Fino Cir., Ste. 1, Fort Myers, Florida, 33912

Medicaid Planning

About Isenhour Senior Services

Our office helps nursing home patients and assisted living residents as well as people in their own homes apply for Medicaid benefits. We stand by our work by offering a money-back guarantee our fee returned to you if you are not approved for Medicaid due to an error on our part.

Our office focuses specifically on Medicaid representation with over 26 years of experience in this field. Our knowledge and ability and 100% approval rating on nearly 90 cases a year speaks for itself as well as a close working relationship with Florida government social service specialists. *

Our office prides itself on its integrity, approachability, and one on one personal service with references available at the highest level upon request.

* We also continue in the role of Authorized Representative for the Medicaid recipient's lifetime, performing yearly reviews in order to continue benefits, as well as processing notification of changes along the way. The Medicaid recipient or their family will never have to deal with the Department of Children and Families.

Our office specializes in helping nursing home patients and assisted living residents as well as people in their own homes apply for and get approved for Medicaid benefits.

  • Discovery 
  • Organize 
  • Application Submission 
  • Upload & Approval 
  • Commitment to you as long as needed
  • Yearly Review

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Isenhour Senior Services

Medicare & Medicaid Information 6835 Porto Fino Cir., Ste. 1, Fort Myers, Florida, 33912

Our office helps nursing home patients and assisted living residents as well as people in their own homes apply for Medicaid benefits. We stand by our work by offering a money-back guarantee our fee returned to you if you are not approved for Medicaid due to an error on our part.Our office focuses specifically on Medicaid representation with over 26 years of experience in this field. Our knowledge and ability and 100% approval rating on nearly 90 cases a year speaks for itself as well as a close working relationship with Florida government social service specialists. *Our office prides itself on its integrity, approachability, and one on one personal service with references available at the highest level upon request.* We also continue in the role of Authorized Representative for the Medicaid recipient~s lifetime, performing yearly reviews in order to continue benefits, as well as processing notification of changes along the way. The Medicaid recipient or their family will never have to deal with the Department of Children and Families.Our office specializes in helping nursing home patients and assisted living residents as well as people in their own homes apply for and get approved for Medicaid benefits.Discovery Organize Application Submission Upload & Approval Commitment to you as long as neededYearly Review

Isenhour Senior Services

Medicaid Processing 6835 Porto Fino Cir., Ste. 1, Fort Myers, Florida, 33912

Our office helps nursing home patients and assisted living residents as well as people in their own homes apply for Medicaid benefits. We stand by our work by offering a money-back guarantee our fee returned to you if you are not approved for Medicaid due to an error on our part.Our office focuses specifically on Medicaid representation with over 26 years of experience in this field. Our knowledge and ability and 100% approval rating on nearly 90 cases a year speaks for itself as well as a close working relationship with Florida government social service specialists. *Our office prides itself on its integrity, approachability, and one on one personal service with references available at the highest level upon request.* We also continue in the role of Authorized Representative for the Medicaid recipient~s lifetime, performing yearly reviews in order to continue benefits, as well as processing notification of changes along the way. The Medicaid recipient or their family will never have to deal with the Department of Children and Families.Our office specializes in helping nursing home patients and assisted living residents as well as people in their own homes apply for and get approved for Medicaid benefits.Discovery Organize Application Submission Upload & Approval Commitment to you as long as neededYearly Review


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