Long Term Care Ombudsman

, Colorado, 00000

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The Bistal At Somerset

Assisted Living 1870 Easton Avenue, Somerset, Franklin Township, New Jersey, 08873

Team Foster

Veteran Services 900 Maple St, Office, Conshohocken, PA 19428, Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, 19428

TEAM FOSTER RAISES MONEY TO PROVIDE ACCREDITED, LIFE-SAVING SERVICE DOGS TO INJURED AND DISABLED VETERANS.Team Foster: Funds highly trained and accredited service dogs for injured and disabled Veterans at no cost to the Veteran and provides lifetime support to its Veteranservice dog teams. Team Foster brings civilians, Veterans and service dogs together to provide the resources that our government does not. Advocates for Veterans and their service dogs in the community, workplace, and the legislature. Team Foster works to achieve the best possible training for service dogs and fair treatment of Veterans. Educates and raises awareness across the nation about the challenges our Veterans face, the power of service dogs, and the life-saving resource that these properly trained and accredited animals can provide.SERVICE DOGS FOR VETERANSTeam Foster partners with accredited service dog trainers to obtain, uniquely train, and partner service dogs with injured and disabled Veterans. Each service dog takes two years and more than $25,000 to train. * If you are seeking a service dog, contact us, and we will connect you with an accredited dog trainer in your area.VETERAN SUPPORT SYSTEMOnce a Veteran is part of our team, Team Foster continues to support the Veteran and their service dog. Whether its financial, veterinary care, or other needs, we have got your six. If you are a Veteran in need, contact us.

HandyPro Of North Jersey

Mobility Equipment

NARFE National Active & Retired Federal Employees Assoc

Senior Organizations & Services , Colorado, 00000

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